Friday, June 29, 2012

Gucci Mane - Lemonade

Picture of the Day

You suck as a parent, just admit it

What does Michelle Obama think that you do well as a parent?  In the past 3 years she has pretty much told every mother and father out there that she knows what's best for your kids and that we are miserable failures that should be ashamed of ourselves.  
What kind of ego does someone have to have to run down the parenting of a whole nation and then assume that her way of doing things is the correct way?  It's not ego it's elitism.  With the ruling yesterday in the courts, this woman can now tax you if your kids watch too much tv, eat junk food and don't attend public schools.   

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Tony

Funny how your birthday falls on the day that our freedom came to an end in America......j/k

Picture of the Day

Megan Crafton Takes Cheerleading to a new level

We're Fucked, now what?

Enjoy Socialism you dumb ass leftists.  When you lose your jobs and current doctors please be sure to thank Obama, your king.  You have just put a dividing line between the country that will never be undone.  Do you really think that this is anything other than an expansion of government and reduction of personal freedom? 

Face it, the elitist left have money and will pay extra for the care that they want, the doctors that they like and the time frame that it is needed.  You and I on the other hand will have to sit and wait in line and hope that our illness, age, race and gender fit into the Obama algorithm of life instead of death.  This bill will in no way affect the people that passed it.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Support your Teachers Union

Because they do a great job of screening their employees.  

Where to Pee infographic - yes you read it right

Senator Claire thinks you are a dumb ass

Don't be fooled Missouri (as easy as it may be to fool you all).  This elitist is still a party hack that has been in Obama's back pocket for the past 3 years.  She wants you to think that she is an "independent" because Obama's numbers are so low.

Shouldn't she be held accountable for her whole term and not just a political ploy for election?

Truth About Claire has some great info about this elitist.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Picture of the day

Third World Success 

Almost Daily Link Blast

Because the internet sucks without a guide.

1.  Ten things you should of been taught in Sex-Ed
2.  People in Leawood have to google the meaning of BBQ....
3.  Rummy Bears and Vodka Skittles 
4.  Reporter mistakes sex toy for wild mushroom...
5.  5 of your favorite foods are probably killing you.
6.  70 great recipes for Shrimp
7.  10 crazy hiding spots that criminals have used.
8.  Europeans die for stupid reasons.
9.  Jenny McCarthy is on the cover of Playboy again.
10.  Shopping while in your underwear is the new "in thing".

Facebook Changed your email and didn't tell you

Just in case you didn't notice this yet, Facebook has gone ahead and made the only visible email address on your timeline one that ends with .  Since nobody in their right mind wants to use Facebook as an email client the people at Lifehack have put together a step by step guide to help you change it back (it's so easy that a KCMOSD grad can follow it).

This is just another reminder that nothing you have on Facebook, Twitter etc.. is your own property.