Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Friday, September 09, 2022

Dustin L. Beechner - Future Death Row resident

 Another story with another POS.  This St. Joe's father decided to take a baseball bat to his 6-year-olds
dome, which of course resulted in her death.  

This is when painful executions should be allowed in the country.  Why allow these murders of children to skate with a painless death.  We do that to the animals that we love, these fucks, do not deserve the same consideration that we give to mans best friend.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Independence, MO Pedo Sting nabs a Perv

 Here is the good news for parents sending their kids off to school this week.  This
pedo was a bus driver in 2016 & 2017 for First Student.  Soooooo, if you have a kid that rode his bus during that time frame, you might need to check in with them.  

This Pedo did upgrade his attempted accommodations by choosing the Stoney Creek Hotel in Independence.  When I did a google image search of the place I was expecting a row of trap houses with mattresses on the floor but this place actually looks decent.  Surprising considering the story consists of pedo and Independence.  

Blair Marshall, the accused perv is free on Bail

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

How many Olathe Teens does it take to commit murder

 It appears that the kids in Olathe could benefit from a work-study with KCMO kids. 
The number of kids in Olathe to commit murder is apparently 7.  That is right, it takes 7 kids from Olathe to do the job of one KCMO kid.  I would have figured it to be a closer to 3 to 1 ratio, let's face it, Olathe isn't Leawood or PV, where the ratios would be closer to 100 to 1.  

Having said that, Olathe does seem to be making steps to improve that ratio, through their strong efforts in keeping neighborhoods blighted, poor zoning, lack of community knowledge, and keeping their chief role as revenue generating agents for the community. 

Look for this number to drop in the future.  

The Horrific Case Of The Kansas City Butcher | World’s Most Evil Killers | Real Crime

Monday, August 08, 2022

Metro Murder Rate on Pace to set New Record


I made the recommendation awhile back that instead of vaccination mandates, the
city should require residents to wear Bullet Proof Vests and people ignored my warning.  How many lives would have been saved if people would have taken bullets and knives as seriously as coughs and fevers?  

Here are the real secret folks, and do not let anyone tell you anything different, City leaders and the liberal elite do not care.  You see these are all happening in zip codes that do not matter to them.  

Face it, half of these people only know about these hoods from the news.  They cut a few checks every year for corrupt bloated charities to cleanse their conscious (certainly not for tax write-offs) and consider it a wash.  

Hell, they want to defund the police to make the neighborhoods that these slaughters are taking place in even worst.  Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?  I guess from a liberal ivory tower, defunding the police makes you pro-black.  Congrats on that.

Cue the candlelight vigils, the T-shirts with the names of the murdered, and the moronic response from the mayor(s) that will put all the blame on guns and not his own failures as a leader.  

Thursday, August 04, 2022

JOCO transformation leads to Violence

This blog has been the only voice in the region for almost a decade that sounded the
alarm on the increase in crime in the JO, even more specifically, the Olathe area.  Instead of sinking investment dollars into blighted areas of JOCO, the county has continued to expand  South and West, which has seen these blighted areas turn into shit hole bastions of crime.  Nobody will accept this as the reason, but it is true.  

Combine this with a failing judicial branch with inept or corrupt DA's and Judges, a conspiracy theory chasing Sherriff and police departments more concerned about the planet than the cities they are supposed to protect and it spells disaster.  

JOCO will be a case study of a once peaceful and thriving community that was conservative for generations that started going to shit once the left took over.  You can thank the Violent Angry Leftist Women of Joco if you dare get next to one.  

Friday, July 22, 2022

Mayor Lucas is an idiot

 He honestly believes that illegal guns are the fault of the people making guns
Yes, that is right.  This guy is looking to blame anyone/everyone but himself for the spike in KCMO violence and it makes us all look extremely bad.  Pretty soon, our idiot will be mentioned in the same breath as the moron running Chicago.  

Monday, July 18, 2022

"Stop the slaughter" didn't work, Sponsored by the numbers 1, 8, 7, & 9

 The mayor turned murder into a tagline and that tagline has done nothing to stop
the violence in KCMO
.  Who would of thunk that criminals wouldn't hear the words of a political puppet and comply?  It makes you wonder who/why that tagline was ever issued.  Political posturing?

His words have zero meaning, his actions are nonexistent and his culpability is high. He bent at the knee of special interest groups and ruined the police department just so he could get favorable headlines from The Star.  

Speaking of The Star, how many of their reporters actually reside in a murder zip code?  They preach about policies that affect the people that live there but do not have to live with the impact of those crappy policies.  Maybe in a few years when the area is gentrified they will venture into the communities that they have helped ruin. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

"Stop the Slaughter" Empty Taglines from weak Mayor

 For years now we have heard the following tagline "stop the slaughter" from the
Mayor of KCMO and surprisingly, the slaughter continues.  I mean blaming guns and producing tough-sounding taglines should be all that an elected official needs to do to stop the actual slaughter, right?

Think of how easy it is for an elected official to deflect the rise in violent crime in the area that they are supposed to be in charge of.  100+ homicides and no accountability, just blame.  Blame on guns,  The easiest copout for politicians that are completely clueless on how to run a city and decrease crime is to blame the firearm that somebody used.  Keep in mind that most of these weapons are either illegally purchased or in the hands of felons, that shouldn't possess them, to begin with.  

So what is the plan besides taking weapons away from normal citizens and creating catchy taglines?  Has anyone heard it yet?  No, no, no, instead of fixing the issue, he is off in D.C. for the signing of a bill that will have zero impact on the violent crime explosion in KCMO.  

Does anyone honestly believe that this new bill that the mayor went to celebrate will make KC any safer?  There are millions upon millions of weapons on the streets right now that will forever remain so it might be time to focus the blame on where it really belongs, the ruling class of KCMO.  

We all know the names, their occupations, and the party that they belong to.  Yet NOBODY covers this in the local media.  Cowards, all of them, and in the pockets of the liberal elite of the city.  

So until policing actions and investigations are launched be prepared for more headlines of murders, shootings, stabbings, car jackings, rapes etc.. in KCMO and sit back and "Watch the slaughter" and hope it doesn't affect you.  

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Kaitlin Armstrong Caught


Yet another hot chick today caught for being a criminal.  This Texas psycho murdered her boyfriends possible girlfriend and ran for over a month.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Picture of Racism in Kansas - You can smell the hate just from the pic

 We finally have a great default photo to use when describing a racist in Kansas.  I mean come on....... LOOK... Tell me that doesn't put a checkmark in every stereotype EVER for racist.   And this genius was just convicted of a hate crime in Paola so it is recent!

 In case you didn't know, Colton was informing a black man that Paola was a "white town" and that he wasn't welcome.  Ohh, he brought along a knife to try and get the point across.  Sadly, Colton only received 2 years in the Federal Pen today.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Former Spring Hill Chief hates Rap Music so much..


He hated rap music so much that he decided to intimidate a city employee according to this lawsuit for 300k (which outside of TechN9ne is more than any local hip hop artist has ever netted).  This lawsuit falls under the almost too crazy to be true category of lawsuits.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Did Metro overreact to snapchat messaging?

 Now before I start this, let me state that overreacting is better than underreacting when it comes to protecting our kids and that every credible threat should be handled swiftly.....BUT

Does the whole metro need to close down its schools because a former Blue Springs student, that resides in Blue Springs made a message on Snapchat about turning psycho?  

There has to be a middle ground between the cowardly responses in Texas and Florida for active shooter responses to the Metro lockdown over a credible threat.  Doesn't there?  

I remember the weeks after September 11th the constant evacuation of buildings because a purse was left on the ground or a briefcase looked suspicious. In every one of those cases, they were wrong.  Police and intelligence officials always miss the real threats but go overboard for everything.  The color-coding of alerts meant nothing because we were always under some threat, which we were but the constant false alarms made people stop paying attention when they were supposed to.  

Law enforcement could have scooped up this alleged psycho in a matter of minutes after the report and neutralized the threat and prevented widespread panic throughout the school districts in the metro.  Or is this exactly what they wanted?

Do the politicians and educators have an alternative motive for overreacting?  

Look at the political leanings of people in these jobs and you try and tell me that there isn't 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Does KCMO have a potential Serial Killer in the area?


We have all seen the specials on Netflix about the history of serial
killers and how they got their start.  So when an innocent little dog is found hanging from a tree in KCMO one has to assume that we have an up-and-coming serial killer in the area. 

Any psycho that could do this to a dog or any other type of pet has to be considered a serious threat to the area.    

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

The Streets of Kansas City are Bleeding and STAR IGNORES IT

 When you open your browser to the KC Star today to catch up on
the headlines of the day there will be a GIANT-sized header about a story that NOBODY cares about, White collar crime.  That is right, the Star is taking a break from attacking law enforcement, skipping soaring violent crime in the metro, and taking on a bunch of embezzlers.  Amazing right?  Such bravery!

Is the Star afraid to take on violent crime in KC? yes.  They have been afraid to go after the "root causes" of crime in the city ever since this blog started over 10 years ago.  The real question here is why?  Either the Star (which has admitted to being racist) doesn't care about black folks killing other black folks or they are the subject matter would force them to admit that their political leanings and beliefs have helped turned Kansas City into one of the most violent places in America.  

So just how complicit is The Star for the dead bodies piling up in the metro at record rates, year after year? Very.  

They have spent decades pushing false narratives, supporting crooked civic leaders, attacking law enforcement, and ignoring zip codes that they never visit.  When will we see any of the below stories covered?

  • The effects of discredited schools have on the future of children attending these schools? We always hear about the teachers but never the kids they fucked up
  • Gangs, yes, there have been gangs in KC since the late 80s, even though the media continuously ignores this.
  • KC as a narcotics hub for America
  • Lack of fathers at home
  • Religious leaders exploiting tragedies for $$$$ and power
  • How Democrats have failed the city for decades through inaction, symbolism over substance, and corruption. 
  • City Hall's failure to clean up blighted neighborhoods and dump sites. 
  • How candlelight and prayer vigils do NOTHING to lower crime or bring back the dead.
  • The effect media coverage has on Law Enforcement's ability to both do their job and to be trusted in high murder zipcodes. 
  • Each time a firearm is used in a crime, how about we are informed if the weapon was legally or illegally purchased.  I guess that would go against the narrative of needing more laws against firearms.
So where are these stories??????  Instead, we get a bunch of liberal woke cause stories about social justice issues that society has moved past.  It is 2022, Stop pretending that it is 1959.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

KCMO CITY HALL - $6.6 million revenue from ticketed drivers

 City Hall is bitching about a drop in cops writing tickets and we should not be surprised, but should
we join their calls for more tickets or applaud the PD for exposing the scheme?  Tickets are still being written and laws are still being enforced, maybe they just aren't being OVERLY enforced to generate revenue for city hall, maybe they are actually being handed out correctly for once.  Let us not forget that this is the same city that hung illegal traffic cameras, put in janky parking meters to squeeze motorists out of as many dimes and dollars as possible. 

We should applaud the police for their stance and hope for even more moves that put them back into law enforcement and not tax collection.  

Monday, August 09, 2021

Bulletproof Vest Mandate Update

 How many lives were lost or put into danger this weekend due to city leaders' failure to mandate
Bulletproof vests for high-risk areas where the spread of bloodshed is out of control?  It is clear that there is no cure in sight, so why is the government failing to protect its citizens?  The city will not be safe until mandatory vest-wearing takes place in all entertainment/retail areas of the metro and might need to be implemented at home/school to protect the children who seem to be getting shot more over the past 2 years than at any time in recent history.  

1, 10-year-old shot 27th Street

2.  Did the super spreader event begin at QT on SW Parkway.  3 dead, 2 shot.  

3.  2 More dropped Friday night.  

KC Media Sweep Murders Under the Rug

 I think it is safe to say that the KC media is pretty shitty.  The newspaper morphed into a shitty version of

"The Pitch" and the local news stations for the most part simply pimp weather (nothing really to report for a few years now) and try to out woke each other.  So is it any surprise that when it comes to issues that can be directly traced back to piss poor local liberal leadership, they abandon ship, misdirect and try to create further divide?  

We had yet another bloody weekend in the city and the lead stories on The Star are all Covid related...  Seriously, vaccinations, mask mandates, etc.. are a higher priority than little kids getting slaughtered in the metro.  When was the last time ANY local media outlet went after the city council and mayor for the complete shithole of violence the city has become?  Why do these leaders continue to get shelter from the media?  Hell, the KC Star has blamed everything and everyone EXCEPT for the leadership of the city!  Today there is even a story about VACANT LOTS being the cause!!!!!!!!  WRONG!  Vacant lots are a symptom of the crime, not the freaking cause!

This is another example of how KC LIBERALS HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!