Thursday, September 01, 2022
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Price to Screw an Olathe Woman

Monday, August 22, 2022
OP Psychos or OP False Flag - Abortion yet again
today but something just doesn't feel right, like, why now? First off, if you are placing bombs as an American on an American target to kill other Americans, then you truly are a piece of shit. So if you did this, then you should be put in Leavenworth for the rest of your life.
With all of the false flags that we have seen over the past couple of years, how do we not know that it wasn't the pro-choice crowd doing that to paint those that are prolife as complete psychos (as I just did above)?
This clinic has been in operation in Joco for decades and NOW, all of the sudden there is a bomb threat. Kinda close to election season isn't it? The vote took place on the first of August, so maybe they are concerned that momentum for their cause might die down before the midterms?
Whole thing is weird.
UPDATE: No bomb, Hey at least they got their headlines for this morning right?
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
How many Olathe Teens does it take to commit murder
The number of kids in Olathe to commit murder is apparently 7. That is right, it takes 7 kids from Olathe to do the job of one KCMO kid. I would have figured it to be a closer to 3 to 1 ratio, let's face it, Olathe isn't Leawood or PV, where the ratios would be closer to 100 to 1.
Having said that, Olathe does seem to be making steps to improve that ratio, through their strong efforts in keeping neighborhoods blighted, poor zoning, lack of community knowledge, and keeping their chief role as revenue generating agents for the community.
Look for this number to drop in the future.
Thursday, August 04, 2022
JOCO transformation leads to Violence
alarm on the increase in crime in the JO, even more specifically, the Olathe area. Instead of sinking investment dollars into blighted areas of JOCO, the county has continued to expand South and West, which has seen these blighted areas turn into shit hole bastions of crime. Nobody will accept this as the reason, but it is true.
Combine this with a failing judicial branch with inept or corrupt DA's and Judges, a conspiracy theory chasing Sherriff and police departments more concerned about the planet than the cities they are supposed to protect and it spells disaster.
JOCO will be a case study of a once peaceful and thriving community that was conservative for generations that started going to shit once the left took over. You can thank the Violent Angry Leftist Women of Joco if you dare get next to one.
Wednesday, August 03, 2022
The Rise of Violent JOCO Leftist Women is Here
Now we have all seen these JOCO women, older, past their prime, replacing men with MSNBC and cats. They bitch about everything and anything and think that they are intellectuals, when in fact they have been brainwashed due to their lack of intelligence. Yes, you have probably rolled your eyes and bitten your tongue a few hundred times when around them because engaging with them is pointless.
They become political late in life because it fills a void and makes them feel important. Like they are part of something when they are in fact nothing more than lemmings. They feel like their whole life was wasted because they are women. If only the world were a better place they could have accomplished so much.......Oh, and there is always some man that "did them wrong".
SEE! I knew you had run into them.
Now, this breed of JOCO woman is going violent. Should they be added to the homegrown terrorism watch list? I mean these folks are now attacking young female students because of a simple political disagreement? What, When, and How will they attack next?
Do yourself a favor and avoid these women at all costs. And remember if you see something, say something.
Tuesday, August 02, 2022
Claim to Fame is lame in Olathe
World's largest Kombucha taproom???? Is that really a big deal? I guess it is a step up from Worlds largest concentration of Wife beater shirts and menthol cigs.
They also have an overpriced courthouse
Monday, August 01, 2022
Incred-A-Bowl eye sore is about to get worst.
more than it has, boom, here come the developers. In this proposal, not only will the vacant blight remain, but crappy townhomes will be built behind it.
In case you aren't familiar with the area, putting those types of homes in that area makes zero sense. Which seems to be the JOCO way now.
Is the JOCO vote Secure?
election a couple of weeks ago, but we haven't heard anything since he was exposed. Every news website is discussing just how big the election in Kansas is tomorrow and we can not get closure on 2022 yet?????
I seriously doubt there was any tampering etc.. The evidence was fictitious, the spokespeople lacked credibility and the charges were made by little girls and boys that got all in their feelings about politicians that couldn't give 2 shits about them after election day.
Why so silent??????? You just know that this is going to come up from the losing side tomorrow. I could write the headlines now from the left or right point of view. This shit is telegraphed.
Friday, July 29, 2022
JOCO n DA News
transform into something that you do not recognize, leaders are failing you 24/7. Accountability in JOCO and KS is long gone.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Them/They Gardner Schools
locker room and if girls can hang out in the guy's locker room.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Joco Power Grid Can't Take The Heat
At least the power outage happened in a place where little if any actual work happens in the county.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
JOCO Sherriff's Office issues Bullshit Response
The Spin from our officials (from Facebook)
There have been many questions and false assumptions regarding an active fraud
investigation by the Sheriff's Office. To address these concerns, please read this statement from the Office of the Sheriff:
Since the fall of 2021, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office has received more than 200 tips alleging fraud in our local elections. These allegations range from citizens who claim to be witnesses of fraudulent activity to those who claim to be victims.
The Sheriff’s Office is committed to upholding the integrity of all local elections to ensure they are open and fair. Any organization that has turned this investigation into a divisive issue or tried to make their own conclusions is working against the public’s best interest. Nobody really knew about it until the Sherriff opened his mouth in Vegas, so is he to blame?
It is the Sheriff’s Office’s statutory obligation to investigate any criminal claim that comes to our office and submit our findings to the District Attorney’s Office. To not follow through with an investigation would be a dereliction of duty. Trust me, they do not investigate all criminal claims.
Releasing copies of these allegations prematurely, or specific details of any investigation while it’s active, would immediately compromise the integrity of the investigation and lose the trust of the citizens who bring allegations of criminal misconduct to our office. How about discussing them at a conference?
Anyone who suggests Sheriff Calvin Hayden initiated this investigation or wants to interfere with elections is woefully misinformed. This investigation began like any other investigation: with a tip of criminal wrongdoing. I believe that this is a self-inflicted wound, stop trying to blame the reaction of the people to the actions taken by the Sherriff for getting caught running his mouth when he shouldn't have.
This is a non-partisan issue. Our citizens want to have, and deserve to have, confidence in their local elections. Our citizens want to have confidence in our current government officials as well as in elections. Discussing this investigation with a partisan special interest group is what made it suddenly a partisan issue FOR BOTH SIDES
For the public's information: As with *any active investigation*, the Sheriff's Office cannot conduct any interviews, or it risks compromising the investigation. No, they can only lecture on it in Vegas to special interest groups and then cry about being questioned about the investigation by citizens. The actions of the Sherriff compromised the investigation
Wow! Have you ever read such a bullshit statement in your life? They are actually lecturing us on how wrong it is to discuss an open investigation and to basically keep our mouths closed DESPITE the fact that this was a non-story, NOBODY was discussing it until the Sherriff himself spoke about it to a special interest group in Vegas!
Not only is the Sherriff terrible at PR but so is the freaking PR department.
Then again, when you have an office that will not take any accountability for its actions, what choice do the PR people have? Did we actually believe a Judicial leader in JOCO to say, "my bad, sorry"? In the past 20 years have we ever heard a Judge, court employee, officer, sheriff, deputy or anyone apologize for any wrongdoing? Yeah, no.
It is time that we have an audit to investigate the people that spend every minute of their lives investigating us, scheming against us, wasting our tax dollars, padding their cushy pensions, and doing a favor for "friends" by leaking information about pending cases or investigations, judges pulling strings for employees in personal cases, etc..
Corruption has come to light and they do not know what to do. They seem to be making the headlines for all the wrong reasons lately don't they? For people that are supposed to be ethical.
Monday, July 18, 2022
JOCO Election investigation? JOCO Corruption in Judicial has no limits.
How about the Constitutional Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association which paid for him to fly out to a conference?
And what about this quote from the man investigating a freaking election
HOLY SHIT! So an elected official that doesn't know how elections works is putting together a team of people that do not know how elections work in order to find out if there MIGHT have been something wrong? An election that was certified.
Shouldn't this have taken place before certification? What evidence of tampering is there? Why are we being kept in the dark? Is this some conspiracy theory crap?
Is a JOCO official getting a free trip to Vegas and decided to talk out of his ass to justify his expenses? And creating a shit storm back home that extremist groups will latch on to.
Also, shouldn't the public be made aware of the free trips our Judiciary arm of the government is taking?
I have been saying for over 3 years now that a complete and independent audit needs to take place in the Sheriff's office and Court House. The place is full of kickbacks, secret handshakes, financial malpractice, employee corruption, and best of all (for them) there is nooooo oversite taking place. No checks or balances.
They circle their wagons extremely quickly the minute any wrongdoing is brought up and follow up with threats that only they can make... So tread lightly when investigating.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Monday, July 11, 2022
Tolerance is spreading in JOCO
freedom of expression more than vandalizing the property of someone you disagree with. All the liberal Karens in the area got together and decided to take their scrapbooking skills to the walls of a Catholic church. One day, people will see that these actions actually make them look pathetic (see Jan 6) and will distance people from not only you but the cause you are supporting.
Then again, this is just another example of the left acting like dipshits. Riots, looting, violence, graffiti, etc... are all ways that the entitled elites act when they do not get their way. I am sure that there is more to come.
Friday, July 08, 2022
JOCO Liberals are now crying to the Star (this ain't JOCO NO more)
Holy crap! Back to back days of crying from progressives to a
progressive media outlet about people not backing their political beliefs. The piece is called JOCO moderation, but seriously, I mean come on, read the last paragraph and tell me that those are the words of a moderate.
JOCO didn't get to where it is by listening to liberals, and we probably shouldn't start now. Show me an example of an area in the country in which liberalism helped a community? Each and every time it ruined once-great schools, increased crime, promoted gentrification, and ruined what made the community great, to begin with. So take that into consideration when listening to the newly formed liberal elite in JOCO on how to vote and make up your own mind.
Or take a look at the increased crime rate, shutting down of schools, and lack of new middle-class housing being built (if you are not ultra-wealthy then you can not own a home in JOCO going forward, instead you get sent to the servant quarters in an apartment complex). Take a look at all of the kickbacks that developers are getting to build more of the same exact thing that can be found a few blocks away. Follow the money...
Look at how our court system wastes cash, passes light sentencing for criminals like school shooters, look at how they built a brand new court house yet they are all working remotely.
Look at how neighborhood pools can't stay open, roads are being fixed with chip seal, the lack of green space, the traffic congestion, and the proposed toll highway for the elites to get around faster.
Notice your property taxes increasing? Look at what that does to the demographics to the community over the next several years. Look at how JOCO has missed "best places to live" lists recently.
Look a the douche that is your new neighbor. Look at the police departments that are more focussed on generating revenue than protecting and serving (know someone that has had their car or home broken into in JOCO?? yeah we all do).
Fucking unreal. Open your eyes people
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Is Robert Brogden the worst dealership in JOCO?
Here are just some highlights from 3 lawsuits filed within the past 30 days
- An employee being called the N-Word by the manager and other employees. Keep in mind that Robert Brogden is black and let this happen.
- Contracts being altered in the finance department
- Down payment money stolen
- Employees breaking into private offices
- Telling employees that they are going to have life made so miserable that they will want to quit, instead of being fired.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Yet another JOCO Court Decision Pisses off community
time they let this drag-racing asshole off with a plea deal that greatly reduces his prison sentence. NONE of the victim's families wanted this to happen, yet it once again did.
Do yourself a favor and unelect all of these judges this November and let them know that you are paying attention to their negligence and corruption. You just know that Judge Neil Foth probably golfs with this spineless douche. They have all the same character traits.
JOCO Best Drinking Water in Nation
Even the drinking water in JOCO is superior to the slop the rest of the nation is drinking. And to think JOCO residents bathe in this stuff every day (weekly if they are dirty leftist).
Sadly, JOCO residents probably also lead the nation in bottled water consumption...