happen in one blog day? The number is 3. 3 Stories, 4 officers, and 1 at-risk community.
Friday, September 09, 2022
Wyco Law Enforcement Might just suck, a little bit
happen in one blog day? The number is 3. 3 Stories, 4 officers, and 1 at-risk community.
KCK Cop gets off on beating women.
There is nothing good to say about a man that beats
women and if this story holds up then this guy is a straight-up POS. Not only is he incapable of protecting the public, but he also can't protect the women he is with, FROM HIMSELF.
There should be tougher penalties for domestic abusers because it seems to be a problem that is only getting worst, not better.
Deotis Brown, enjoy getting your cop ass abused by domestic partners in Prison.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
JOCO Sherriff's Office issues Bullshit Response
The Spin from our officials (from Facebook)
There have been many questions and false assumptions regarding an active fraud
investigation by the Sheriff's Office. To address these concerns, please read this statement from the Office of the Sheriff:
Since the fall of 2021, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office has received more than 200 tips alleging fraud in our local elections. These allegations range from citizens who claim to be witnesses of fraudulent activity to those who claim to be victims.
The Sheriff’s Office is committed to upholding the integrity of all local elections to ensure they are open and fair. Any organization that has turned this investigation into a divisive issue or tried to make their own conclusions is working against the public’s best interest. Nobody really knew about it until the Sherriff opened his mouth in Vegas, so is he to blame?
It is the Sheriff’s Office’s statutory obligation to investigate any criminal claim that comes to our office and submit our findings to the District Attorney’s Office. To not follow through with an investigation would be a dereliction of duty. Trust me, they do not investigate all criminal claims.
Releasing copies of these allegations prematurely, or specific details of any investigation while it’s active, would immediately compromise the integrity of the investigation and lose the trust of the citizens who bring allegations of criminal misconduct to our office. How about discussing them at a conference?
Anyone who suggests Sheriff Calvin Hayden initiated this investigation or wants to interfere with elections is woefully misinformed. This investigation began like any other investigation: with a tip of criminal wrongdoing. I believe that this is a self-inflicted wound, stop trying to blame the reaction of the people to the actions taken by the Sherriff for getting caught running his mouth when he shouldn't have.
This is a non-partisan issue. Our citizens want to have, and deserve to have, confidence in their local elections. Our citizens want to have confidence in our current government officials as well as in elections. Discussing this investigation with a partisan special interest group is what made it suddenly a partisan issue FOR BOTH SIDES
For the public's information: As with *any active investigation*, the Sheriff's Office cannot conduct any interviews, or it risks compromising the investigation. No, they can only lecture on it in Vegas to special interest groups and then cry about being questioned about the investigation by citizens. The actions of the Sherriff compromised the investigation
Wow! Have you ever read such a bullshit statement in your life? They are actually lecturing us on how wrong it is to discuss an open investigation and to basically keep our mouths closed DESPITE the fact that this was a non-story, NOBODY was discussing it until the Sherriff himself spoke about it to a special interest group in Vegas!
Not only is the Sherriff terrible at PR but so is the freaking PR department.
Then again, when you have an office that will not take any accountability for its actions, what choice do the PR people have? Did we actually believe a Judicial leader in JOCO to say, "my bad, sorry"? In the past 20 years have we ever heard a Judge, court employee, officer, sheriff, deputy or anyone apologize for any wrongdoing? Yeah, no.
It is time that we have an audit to investigate the people that spend every minute of their lives investigating us, scheming against us, wasting our tax dollars, padding their cushy pensions, and doing a favor for "friends" by leaking information about pending cases or investigations, judges pulling strings for employees in personal cases, etc..
Corruption has come to light and they do not know what to do. They seem to be making the headlines for all the wrong reasons lately don't they? For people that are supposed to be ethical.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Former Spring Hill Chief hates Rap Music so much..
He hated rap music so much that he decided to intimidate a city employee according to this lawsuit for 300k (which outside of TechN9ne is more than any local hip hop artist has ever netted). This lawsuit falls under the almost too crazy to be true category of lawsuits.
Monday, April 12, 2021
It is Deja Vu all over again in Mn.
George Floyd, the guy that was shot as his girlfriend sat next to him in the car and now this guy.
One might see that training is the problem and increase funds for training but no, the idiots in Mn are the leaders in the defund the police movement. With even worse training slated for the future, this will not be the last. Will defunding the police in other cities cause an increase in this for other locations? Yes
Monday, March 22, 2021
Proud Boys vs. BLM vs. OPPD KILLAS
BLM(Rioters), Proud Boys(Rioters), and Overland Park Police Department(Killers) and if you reside inside the Overland Park area, none of them are to be trusted. Each faction can't be trusted, resort to violence and operate by their own separate rules.
The OPPD is a draw first, ask questions later type of crowd (unless you are a white woman). If you are a male of any race, they would much rather shoot first and ask questions later, write a ticket for 6 mph over to justify the reason they pulled you over, solve more fireworks related calls than actual thefts and serve as nothing more than a revenue-generating, adultery committing arm of the JOCO courthouse.
What purpose does it serve to bring up the interactions that some mouthy OP residents (that probably do not know of any actual Proud Boy members) had with the police department "in passing"? THAT is the real question! Why is it that nearly 9 months after the riots of OP in 2020 that this was openly brought up by the Chief of Police for Overland Park? Isn't it the job of law enforcement to keep the peace? Not stoke hatred and lump every white homeowner in with the idiots that said "proud boys"?
MAYBE it has to do with the fact that they are being exposed all over the media for the killing of a kid inside his parent's house. MAYBE it has to do with the fact that they cut him a 70K check and said move on shortly after the killing. MAYBE, the OPPD Chief is using the racial tension in this country as a rock to hide behind.
MAYBE this clown should leave office right away. It appears to me that he doesn't have the moral compass or macro understanding of how his words can do more harm than good. He is from Davenport, Iowa where you know....
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Joco family wants law enforcement to unseal search warrants
JoCo couple tells legislators story of police raid | CJOnline.com
"Robert Harte opened the door before it was forced with a battering ram and found
After officers secured the children, ages 5 and 13, the Hartes sat on their couch under armed guard while their house was searched for two to three hours."
himself face to face with Johnson County Sheriffs' officials. When his wife got downstairs he was on the ground, shirtless, with his hands behind his head and an officer with an assault rifle standing over him.
Joco investigators are lost when it comes to any crime outside of traffic violations.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
JOCO PD's are not ready

For the past 10 years the north side apartment complexes have been transformed into housing projects with little mention made to the general public. Residents that have lived in these areas have seen their property values ruined, schools decay and violence increase, again with little to no mention of it by community leaders.
Instead of controlling the high crime areas in our county our "leaders" feel that it is better for law enforcement to write as many tickets as possible so that they can pad their pockets and repave the same roads 100 times over and over. Instead of training our police departments on crime fighting they have turned them into armed meter maids.
So should we be surprised when people end up murdered in one of our special apartment complexes? Hell, the cops probably gave the corpse a ticket for loitering.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Suspect in standoff is dead after fatal shooting of two Topeka officers - KansasCity.com
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Overland Park Police Chief wastes money
Results of Thanksgiving Enforcement Campaign
If you look at those stats you can clearly see that the police department is being used as a revenue generator instead of a public safety organization. How else could you justify those stats? Out of almost 400 stops only 11 of them were worth a damn. The Royals don't even strike out that much.
Is there no better way to allocate our resources?
Monday, September 24, 2012
A message to the Overland Park Police Chief
First off let me clarify this email by stating that this is not directed to the officers that risk their lives everyday for us. This is a question of leadership not a question of the quality of officers that you have working for you.
I know that you might have one of the easiest jobs in the country and that the most vital duty you have to the city is to generate revenue BUT do you think you might be able to start patrolling neighborhoods a little more?
This past weekend our subdivision was full of prowlers cutting through backyards, roaming the streets at late hours of the night etc... It is almost like they knew that there wouldn't be a single patrol car in the area and they had free reign of the area.
What this led to was a bunch of residents running would be criminals out of their neighborhoods and tracking down fence jumpers in their vehicles. Is this really what we have come to in South Overland Park? Do we need to form "neighborhood watches" (cus we all know how well that worked out in Florida)?
Sure traffic tickets, pathetic DUI checkpoints, massage parlor "stakeouts" and the crackdown of weed generate a lot more revenue and headlines for you and make it more likely that you will remain chief but could you throw us just this bone and let us sleep in piece?
Monday, July 30, 2012
Overland Park Police Chief hates Motorcycles
Monday, June 25, 2012
Dallas Deputy Sheriff James Westbrook
Friday, April 13, 2012
"Police Officer Caught Masturbating" - Headline of the month
Did you think you would read about that when you woke up this morning? If you answer yes then you are a sick and twisted bastard
Link to Video
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
OP Hurting for Cash
The Overland Park Police Department's Traffic Safety Unit will conduct High Visibility Traffic Enforcement on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and will focus on US69 Highway from 119th Street to 87th Street.It would be nice if this was something other than a way to get quick cash at the end of a short month.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday, June 13, 2008

1. When a gun goes off at the HEALTH DEPARTMENT you begin to wonder if there is anyplace safe in KCMO....
2. Low class criminals use low end weapons.
3. What does it say about someone that is willing to lose a million dollars in order to get a job? Claire McCaskill did.
4. If it takes art on a billboard to get you off your ass to vote then do us all a favor and stay home.
5. Any dog owner that feels that they can't go to the movies without their dog needs to be put on meds ASAP.
6. The Nerfication of the world continues with Cell Phone addiction counseling.