Why is it that people must always state the obvious? "it's cold out there" Like we didn't just come in from the crap.
1. Obama disrespects Nobel Prize winner by making the award about him. Which is funny since almost everything else he talks about is about Bush.
2. How long will it be before lazy worthless leftist start rioting in our streets?
3. Liberals will screw anything, including family members .
4. War against Christmas hits Overland Park nativity scene.
5. I know it is sad that Elizabeth Edwards died but can we move on?
6. Religious leaders are great role models.
7. Only 50 people showed up for a dream act rally in North East KCMO.
8. Unions try to shut down one of Kansas City's largest employers proving once again that Unions destroy jobs.
Showing posts with label NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEWS. Show all posts
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Internet Fact: 145:34. When writing a blog there is no doubt that you will come across mentally unstable people. I say this now for everyone to see(just in case) due to the recent harassment that I have undergone for linking to another mans blog in my blogroll. The safety of myself and my family is now in question due to a link on the internet.

1. Our Muslim president hates Christmas.
2. Tiger Woods is set to quit golf. I guess working those 4 days a week in interfering with his adultery.
3. If you are too dumb to use Face Book............
4. Further proof that the Swine Flu isn't anywhere near as dangerous as the government would lead you to believe.
5. People that claim to be Animal Tamers get what they deserve in the end.
6. Cash is more important than serving the people of his state for Harry Reid.
7. Obama hires wealth police.
8. Crips and Bloods have clearer rules of engagement that our soldiers fighting terrorist.
9. The woman that has had her 19th kid needs to get spayed.
10. As most Americans suffer through this recession the bastards at the government are getting rich.

1. Our Muslim president hates Christmas.
2. Tiger Woods is set to quit golf. I guess working those 4 days a week in interfering with his adultery.
3. If you are too dumb to use Face Book............
4. Further proof that the Swine Flu isn't anywhere near as dangerous as the government would lead you to believe.
5. People that claim to be Animal Tamers get what they deserve in the end.
6. Cash is more important than serving the people of his state for Harry Reid.
7. Obama hires wealth police.
8. Crips and Bloods have clearer rules of engagement that our soldiers fighting terrorist.
9. The woman that has had her 19th kid needs to get spayed.
10. As most Americans suffer through this recession the bastards at the government are getting rich.
Monday, October 19, 2009

2. US Flag sticker too controversial.........
3. Not all stories have a great line like this "Workers later cleaned up a puddle of blood."
4. Somalis take underwear seriously.
5. Florida voting mistakes might see a drop once their death panels kick in.
6. 6 things that your body does that can't be explained.
7. If you like deep fried bacon and butter then Texas is the place for you.
8. 13 scariest haunted houses in America. I can't believe they left off the White House.
9. Smart People are dumb ass's.
10. Office Douche Bags.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here are 10 stories for you to read today. JOCO readers! Please be nice and read out loud for your KCK and KCMO frieends.
1. Fox is about to own NBC and I am not just talking about ratings. Keith Olbermann has to be crapping his pants right about now.
2. People are actually worried about the mindset of a child rapist. Remember, these are the same Hollywood douchebags that come out every 4 years and tell you to vote for the socialist candidate.
3. The Emperor doesn't want law enforcement officers to do their job if it conflicts with his agenda. So basically just throw out all laws.
4. The President makes it possible for his Aunt to stay in a comfy hotel on our dime instead of going to jail
5. This story about sexless marriages is freaking weird.
6. Are there no drugs in Oklahoma??????? Maybe I should move down there and slang some air.
7. Sitting on your ass will kill you and apparently running will too.
8. Awesome footage of bar fight and shoot out.
9. Parents are concerned over these costumes YET they let their daughters wear more revealing clothing every other day of the year?
10. Under the socialist health care plan DOCTORS WILL BE DRAFTED. Great, imagine having Carl Peterson drafting your doctor.

2. People are actually worried about the mindset of a child rapist. Remember, these are the same Hollywood douchebags that come out every 4 years and tell you to vote for the socialist candidate.
3. The Emperor doesn't want law enforcement officers to do their job if it conflicts with his agenda. So basically just throw out all laws.
4. The President makes it possible for his Aunt to stay in a comfy hotel on our dime instead of going to jail
5. This story about sexless marriages is freaking weird.
6. Are there no drugs in Oklahoma??????? Maybe I should move down there and slang some air.
7. Sitting on your ass will kill you and apparently running will too.
8. Awesome footage of bar fight and shoot out.
9. Parents are concerned over these costumes YET they let their daughters wear more revealing clothing every other day of the year?
10. Under the socialist health care plan DOCTORS WILL BE DRAFTED. Great, imagine having Carl Peterson drafting your doctor.
Friday, October 09, 2009
This weather absolutely sucks. Cold, Rain, Clouds and now freezing temperatures and it isn't even November? I am not sure how the coffee shop burnouts in the Pacific Northwest can face this crap each and every morning. I can't believe Kurt Cobain lasted as long as he did.
1. Further proof that USA Today only read by people when it is free and laying outside of their hotel room.
2. 1.57 billion Muslims? How is this possible? What the hell would the population be if they didn't suicide bomb and get their skulls pierced with M16 rounds?
3. Could this slaughter of been prevented if we had more troops manning that outpost? While Obama waffles and tries to appease the UN and his liberal chums our soldiers are getting slaughtered.
4. Global Warming cult members MIGHT want to reconsider their choice in religion.
5. If you ever needed any proof that Obama and crew were a bunch of classless a holes well here you go.
6. Our lord and savior Obama has found yet another way to "protect" us.
7. Face Book incest?
8. How long will it be before Habitat for Humanity becomes Obama for Humanity?
9. Obama voters swap government assistance for Booze and Drugs........They are just getting some of that Obama crack and Obama mad dog.
10. Self inflected sauna deaths in Arizona.

2. 1.57 billion Muslims? How is this possible? What the hell would the population be if they didn't suicide bomb and get their skulls pierced with M16 rounds?
3. Could this slaughter of been prevented if we had more troops manning that outpost? While Obama waffles and tries to appease the UN and his liberal chums our soldiers are getting slaughtered.
4. Global Warming cult members MIGHT want to reconsider their choice in religion.
5. If you ever needed any proof that Obama and crew were a bunch of classless a holes well here you go.
6. Our lord and savior Obama has found yet another way to "protect" us.
7. Face Book incest?
8. How long will it be before Habitat for Humanity becomes Obama for Humanity?
9. Obama voters swap government assistance for Booze and Drugs........They are just getting some of that Obama crack and Obama mad dog.
10. Self inflected sauna deaths in Arizona.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Isn't it bad enough that we have to hear people bitch about Mondays, call Wednesdays "Hump Day" and then wrap up the week with "TGIF"? WHY is it that Tuesdays are now officially Taco Tuesdays everywhere you go? Are we not suppose to eat tacos on any other day? Personally I could eat tacos any day of the week as long as they are from either In-A-Tub, Taco Via or Jack in the Box. Sure these might not be considered authentic but Mi Ranchito showed us what authentic can do to you.
Thursday is our only hope for normalcy during the week but that isn't exactly safe either. Thursday is the official beginning to the dreaded question "what are you doing this weekend"...........
1. If you want federal dollars for art you must first paint a mural or make a statue of our emperor.
2. Obama has been helping pimps and whores for over 20 years.
3. You mean that Beer bellies aren't good for you..........
4. The racist bus attack on a white kid in Saint Louis was done by gang bangers. Nice.
5. Gay Vultures. Yes I said Gay Vultures.
6. Haitian police capture the jack ass that murdered his family.
7. Could Bill Clinton be the only voice of reason in the socialist party?
8. CNN could of come up with the 10 worst things to do on a lazy day. READ THIS DAMN list.
9. After all the crap that this chick has gone through THIS is what causes her to melt down???????
10. How can someone claim that a Gotti is a professional criminal?

1. If you want federal dollars for art you must first paint a mural or make a statue of our emperor.
2. Obama has been helping pimps and whores for over 20 years.
3. You mean that Beer bellies aren't good for you..........
4. The racist bus attack on a white kid in Saint Louis was done by gang bangers. Nice.
5. Gay Vultures. Yes I said Gay Vultures.
6. Haitian police capture the jack ass that murdered his family.
7. Could Bill Clinton be the only voice of reason in the socialist party?
8. CNN could of come up with the 10 worst things to do on a lazy day. READ THIS DAMN list.
9. After all the crap that this chick has gone through THIS is what causes her to melt down???????
10. How can someone claim that a Gotti is a professional criminal?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Everywhere you look nowadays there is someone out to rob your ass. The most ruthless of the bunch are politicians and media members. This week a member of the local media decided to increase his super criminal powers and run for office. We are all suppose to forget about the countess endorsements that this ass clown has given to the man he is running against.

We didn't like you 3 years ago so don't count on us liking you now.
Here are 10 stories that should get you through your news void over the weekend. Sorry KCMO residents, there are no popups.
1. Obamas quest for acceptance by the rest of the world is on its way.
2. Groups like "Values Voters" piss me off. Whose values?
3. This kid might have a hard time finding an equal trade at lunch at his Neward daycare.

5. 12 year old sex change?
6. The UN can only do one thing right. Lie.
7. More and more evidence is being found on psychotic couples property.
8. Man rapes his daughter for THIRTY YEARS and knocks her up 4 times.
9. Chicken SH** Cop to turn evidence on Gotti to save his own ass.
10. Brooklyn gets 2 more housing projects and they are excited about it..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
10 stories that need to be read today and tonight.
1. Childrens Health Magazine has lost its freaking mind. Who did the research for this projcet? Dan Rather?
2. Did we really need a study to tell us that rural areas don't have dentist? Have you ever seen a hillbilly with all of his/her teeth?
3. Only KCMO thieves would rob a store with Dollar in its title.
4. Only a bunch of elitist dumb ass's would put together a rule book for insults. Out of touch?
5. Drive by shootings from wheel chairs don't happen enough if you ask me.
6. Acorn leaders think that you are as dumb as the people that work there.
7. Talk about your sick fetishes. Who in their right mind will go see dead bodies posed in sexual positions?
8. Scientist suck. Only these egg heads would come up with a way to generate energy from a tree that takes longer than simply burning the damn thing.
9. Brooklyn is full of snitches.
10. 9-11 workers continue to struggle but you no longer care.
1. Childrens Health Magazine has lost its freaking mind. Who did the research for this projcet? Dan Rather?

3. Only KCMO thieves would rob a store with Dollar in its title.
4. Only a bunch of elitist dumb ass's would put together a rule book for insults. Out of touch?
5. Drive by shootings from wheel chairs don't happen enough if you ask me.
6. Acorn leaders think that you are as dumb as the people that work there.
7. Talk about your sick fetishes. Who in their right mind will go see dead bodies posed in sexual positions?
8. Scientist suck. Only these egg heads would come up with a way to generate energy from a tree that takes longer than simply burning the damn thing.
9. Brooklyn is full of snitches.
10. 9-11 workers continue to struggle but you no longer care.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
QUICK HITS -I'm not suppose to be here today
Since I am not suppose to be blogging tonight I am going to mail my little summary in. Read the below stories and yada yada yada.

1. There is something just wrong eating "Hubby, Hubby" cream............
2. The British government is playing god with the terminally ill.
3. Do college chicks with Swine Flu that are quarantined in their dorm room still have pillow fights in their panties?
4. Having a high temp could lead to a government invasion of your home..........
6. What is the deal with Obama and all of these damn Resets when he doesn't get his way or he F's something up? This isn't Kick Ball you freaking moron. You don't get to call for do overs..........
7. The UK will get rid of their douche bag before we get rid of ours! Damn Brits!
8. When hunting for people who like hookers and booze we send in our expert. Finally a job that Hillary is qualified for.
9. The more I read about these sick bastards the more I want them to die a slow painful death while listening to Michael Bolton.
10. TKC brings brainwashed pancake eaters to the blog world.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
While other bloggers fall to the wayside and give up the fight this blog continues to grow and pick up more readers. Thank you to all of you that recently subscribed to the feed and to those that link me. 10 stories worth talking about today at work or with the family.
1. 18 isn't enough? Does this woman think her womb is a school bus?
2. The douche bags at the World Wildlife Fund use 9-11 to pimp their organization in a totally classless way. Moving forward it is important that we remember this ad.
3. The State of New Hampshire tells parents how to educate their kids.
4. 21 year old dog dies which is 147 to you and me. Liberals say that the dog could of lived longer if the dog went to Cuban Vets........
5. DJ AM's final hours sucked. Poor bastard.
6. Queens rappers RUN DMC get street named after them.
7. Satan finds a job in advertising.
8. Would you sell a kidney for 20k? Sign me up!
9. Having just recently shifted all of my email accounts to GMAIL, today sucked!
10. By the end of the year you MIGHT be able to use the IPHONE with any service provider.

1. 18 isn't enough? Does this woman think her womb is a school bus?
2. The douche bags at the World Wildlife Fund use 9-11 to pimp their organization in a totally classless way. Moving forward it is important that we remember this ad.
3. The State of New Hampshire tells parents how to educate their kids.
4. 21 year old dog dies which is 147 to you and me. Liberals say that the dog could of lived longer if the dog went to Cuban Vets........
5. DJ AM's final hours sucked. Poor bastard.
6. Queens rappers RUN DMC get street named after them.
7. Satan finds a job in advertising.
8. Would you sell a kidney for 20k? Sign me up!
9. Having just recently shifted all of my email accounts to GMAIL, today sucked!
10. By the end of the year you MIGHT be able to use the IPHONE with any service provider.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I don't understand the excuse "it's Monday". Lazy incompetent people seem to use that excuse to rationalize their inability fo function in society. These same douche bags can be heard saying "it's late", "I am not a morning person" and "It's Friday". Have you ever wondered when these people are productive?

1. Pakistanis keep it Real. This has to be awesome for ratings.
2. The hatred that I have for this kidnapping rapist makes me shake.
3. You know times are tough when people are hoping to land that awesome carni job.
4. As if living in a trailer park wasnt bad enough.
5. Women and Sex.
6. Environmentalist are pissed that this murderer didn't use reusable bags in place of plastic to stash his cut up bodies.
7. Cabbies in NYC are being gunned down at an alarming rate.
8. Thanks to the generosity of others, Newark kids will now have a place to stash their guns at school.
9. 2010 has gone from Space to Camaro Odyssey.
10. Be sure to follow me on Twitter for more updates @jocosob

1. Pakistanis keep it Real. This has to be awesome for ratings.
2. The hatred that I have for this kidnapping rapist makes me shake.
3. You know times are tough when people are hoping to land that awesome carni job.
4. As if living in a trailer park wasnt bad enough.
5. Women and Sex.
6. Environmentalist are pissed that this murderer didn't use reusable bags in place of plastic to stash his cut up bodies.
7. Cabbies in NYC are being gunned down at an alarming rate.
8. Thanks to the generosity of others, Newark kids will now have a place to stash their guns at school.
9. 2010 has gone from Space to Camaro Odyssey.
10. Be sure to follow me on Twitter for more updates @jocosob
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Make sure you punch the first person that says "thank god it's Friday"
1. Have Global Warming freaks changed religions?
2. One of the worlds biggest terrorist gets freed and then gets a heroes welcome!
3. Yes it IS POSSIBLE to be a douche bag on facebook. CNN has a story about the 12 most annoying types of FBers.
4. Their country is full of murders, corruption and pollution and plastic bags are to blame.
5. This chick has done some serious studying on umm well.....
6. Bronx kid bounces after 7 story fall.
7. I don't understand why this type of gambling is illegal.
8. If you are looking to arrest a Mexican drug lord you typically think of looking in Brooklyn right?
9. With 20,000 crminals hitting the streets you jus tknow that LA is going to be crazy.
10. 17 year old girl went KCMO on 3o people over the past 2 years.
1. Have Global Warming freaks changed religions?
2. One of the worlds biggest terrorist gets freed and then gets a heroes welcome!

3. Yes it IS POSSIBLE to be a douche bag on facebook. CNN has a story about the 12 most annoying types of FBers.
4. Their country is full of murders, corruption and pollution and plastic bags are to blame.
5. This chick has done some serious studying on umm well.....
6. Bronx kid bounces after 7 story fall.
7. I don't understand why this type of gambling is illegal.
8. If you are looking to arrest a Mexican drug lord you typically think of looking in Brooklyn right?
9. With 20,000 crminals hitting the streets you jus tknow that LA is going to be crazy.
10. 17 year old girl went KCMO on 3o people over the past 2 years.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
QUICK HITS - Did you stay dry?
Why do people insist on saying this on rainy days? Do you really care if I got a little wet today or do you lack the ability to carry on an interesting conversation? If I did get wet today what the hell are you going to do about it? Next time it rains and you are "that guy" call in sick so that you don't annoy the living hell out of others.

1. Bronx teen goes Freddy Kruger on his brothers and sisters.
2. Ugly Chick must prove that she/he is female to Olympic committee. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS IS A CHICK!
3. How screwed are parts of Jersey? Well this town wants to put a curfew on teens and ADULTS. lmao.
4. Sweet! You can now Tweet god. I doubt he will answer though, he still hasn't accepted my Face Book invite.
5. Weren't these guys just making fun of US health care? Nice showing Brits!
6. Italian Americans will now have a great place to visit in Bensonhurst.
7. Obama's redistribution of wealth is screwing over Auto Dealers.
8. I have no problem with a first lady wearing shorts. Having said that, Michelle Obama in shorts is nasty. Her thighs look like tree stumps.
9. Did god change his mind? And if so who did he tell?
10. You probably have cocaine in your wallet.

1. Bronx teen goes Freddy Kruger on his brothers and sisters.
2. Ugly Chick must prove that she/he is female to Olympic committee. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS IS A CHICK!
3. How screwed are parts of Jersey? Well this town wants to put a curfew on teens and ADULTS. lmao.
4. Sweet! You can now Tweet god. I doubt he will answer though, he still hasn't accepted my Face Book invite.
5. Weren't these guys just making fun of US health care? Nice showing Brits!
6. Italian Americans will now have a great place to visit in Bensonhurst.
7. Obama's redistribution of wealth is screwing over Auto Dealers.
8. I have no problem with a first lady wearing shorts. Having said that, Michelle Obama in shorts is nasty. Her thighs look like tree stumps.
9. Did god change his mind? And if so who did he tell?
10. You probably have cocaine in your wallet.
Monday, August 17, 2009

Today's stories are brought to you by the Letter X and the Number 7.
1. Further proof that conservatism is on the rise. Now take a hike moderates.
2. Obamas hate for Jews is starting to come to light.
3. Barbara Boxers elitist ass may have to find a new job, but you know it wont be a "real job".
4. According to this study 40% of Twitter users are liberals.
5. FOX sex experts new column says that sweat is a turn on............
6. Obama's ass needs a teleprompter.
7. NYC is using stimulus money to upgrade the homes of those that don't work, pay taxes and are nothing more than drains on society. It's no wonder that your city is as poor as your residents.
8. Queens sports book is wrecked by authorities. 13 million dollar operation.
9. Somethings never change in NYC. It wasnt long ago that my relatives were coming to America and having to fight a war to get citizenship.
10. The top Back to School Gadgets this year are.............
Friday, August 14, 2009
There are so many people in the world that say one thing and yet do the other. These people, politicians, leaders etc... never like it when the truth comes out. Lets take for instance the posturing of our socialist friends. For the past several months they have been lying to the American public about health care. Along come some people that actually read the bill and start to tell other the truth about it. What do the socialist do? They attack, smear, blame and get angry at the people that are delivering the truth instead of dealing with the lies they were telling head on.

1. Prayer in this country can get you prison time. Well only if it is christian.....
2. Suicide by fire is a new one.
3. This clown actually expects us to believe that he is suddenly NOT in favor of the fairness doctrine.
4. It is always good when family gets released from prison. Well unless it is the Manson family.
5. This black guy takes a Chappelle skit a little to far and actually threatens other black students.
6. Is creating a Joker poster of the emperor a Crime? Why the hell are the cops "interviewing" people.......
7. Don't liberals know that it isn't a good idea to piss in your cheerios, or in this case Granola. This guy should double his prices overnight and watch them squirm.
8. White House list of enemies sees its first action.
9. Tough love = Total bitch towards all. This is one translation that isn't messed up.
10. Haven't we all had it "Just Pop Out"?
1. Prayer in this country can get you prison time. Well only if it is christian.....
2. Suicide by fire is a new one.
3. This clown actually expects us to believe that he is suddenly NOT in favor of the fairness doctrine.
4. It is always good when family gets released from prison. Well unless it is the Manson family.
5. This black guy takes a Chappelle skit a little to far and actually threatens other black students.
6. Is creating a Joker poster of the emperor a Crime? Why the hell are the cops "interviewing" people.......
7. Don't liberals know that it isn't a good idea to piss in your cheerios, or in this case Granola. This guy should double his prices overnight and watch them squirm.
8. White House list of enemies sees its first action.
9. Tough love = Total bitch towards all. This is one translation that isn't messed up.
10. Haven't we all had it "Just Pop Out"?
Monday, August 10, 2009

1. The worlds bithchiest wife (besides hillary) doesn't understand how it happened. LOL!
2. Members of the AARP now realize that Obama plans to put them to sleep when they get to expensive to keep alive. Could Obama set up old age death camps?
3. Obama is using the Pentagon to track you on Facebook and Twitter.
4. Long Island Hooker supply takes a hit.
5. Now that we have found 353 new species can we kill off 353 species that suck?
6. Jessie Jackson is on his way to China to see about dropping the "black" from the black plague.
7. Jailbait in Dallas
8. From Bristol Palin to the ugliest woman in Hollywood?
9. Any Deli that gets you 30 years in prison if robbed has to have good corned beef!
10. There is noting stealth about this,
Friday, August 07, 2009
Violence is everywhere nowadays. You have people getting dropped in the neighborhoods, people getting attacked at political meetings and people getting attacked for just minding their business. So get fired up and be prepared for anything this weekend.
1. Roslyn Heights house get shot up killing 3.

2. Do the Russians have nothing better to do than jack with our Twitter (@jocosob).
3. Those of us that watch Seinfeld are well aware of the criminal activities of the elderly.
4. Madonna has officially become a has been.
5. If you see this dudes picture you just know it wasn't his cat doing the child porn downloading.
6. Which cars are Americans buying with their government handouts.
7. Kennedy sister in hospital, near death.
8. Those of us that are Iphone - Itouch junkies might want to read this story.
9. There is at least one person willing to help out the kids of New Orleans.
10. HOLY CRAP! NEWARK HAS A 14.3% unemployment rate.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Milk and Cookies blogging is for rookies. You bastards that do nothing more than recite talking points (both parties) bore me to death. Seriously, look to the right, examine the blog rolls, I don't link to many political blogs, they are too ordinary and boring. Where is the passion and originality? Where is the risk? AND if you do post something worth a damn its buried in a 7,000 word post.
Anyways, here are 10 stories worth reading but NOT worth writing a page about.

1. While you sit in the corner and pee your pants about the future of this country these good folks in Arkansas are demanding that they are listened to.
2. Nancy Pelosi says that people opposed to Obamacare are carrying swastikas with them at town hall meetings. AND YOU KNOW THAT SHE WILL GET ANOTHER PASS FROM THE MEDIA!
3. Russian subs take advantage of our wimpy leader.
4. What is the price one would pay to name an inbreed hillbilly kid?
5. The Chinese control our treasury department.
6. Mafia lawyer on trial for plan to silence witness. AWESOME!
7. See what happens when you go with the lowest bid! This is a disgrace to the memory of those that died in those buildings.
8. Irish don't fare so well in Copa Cup in NYC.
9. I am not sure why little kids need to learn how to breast feed. Is that part of Obamacare?
10. How big of a threat is a 76 year old man driving a tractor? wow.
Anyways, here are 10 stories worth reading but NOT worth writing a page about.

1. While you sit in the corner and pee your pants about the future of this country these good folks in Arkansas are demanding that they are listened to.
2. Nancy Pelosi says that people opposed to Obamacare are carrying swastikas with them at town hall meetings. AND YOU KNOW THAT SHE WILL GET ANOTHER PASS FROM THE MEDIA!
3. Russian subs take advantage of our wimpy leader.
4. What is the price one would pay to name an inbreed hillbilly kid?
5. The Chinese control our treasury department.
6. Mafia lawyer on trial for plan to silence witness. AWESOME!
7. See what happens when you go with the lowest bid! This is a disgrace to the memory of those that died in those buildings.
8. Irish don't fare so well in Copa Cup in NYC.
9. I am not sure why little kids need to learn how to breast feed. Is that part of Obamacare?
10. How big of a threat is a 76 year old man driving a tractor? wow.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
That is unless you are a follower of Obama.

1. Congressman swats Obamas attack yorkie with a newspaper.
2. Withholding data must be Latin for transparency in the Obama administration.
3. The meltdown inside the Obama administration continues.
4. And another example of the meltdown.
5. The persecution of Italian Americans with the last name Gotti continues in NYC.
6. Bill Clinton one ups the emperor by kissing some il ass.
7. Is Tiger Woods a chick? Are we really suppose to believe that he didnt fart?
8. NY POST "YOU'RE A NEW YORKER"...........
9. I can't imagine that riding horse back is exactly safe for B-More police.....
10. Brooklyn is going old school in their mass transit.
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