1. Have Global Warming freaks changed religions?
2. One of the worlds biggest terrorist gets freed and then gets a heroes welcome!

3. Yes it IS POSSIBLE to be a douche bag on facebook. CNN has a story about the 12 most annoying types of FBers.
4. Their country is full of murders, corruption and pollution and plastic bags are to blame.
5. This chick has done some serious studying on umm well.....
6. Bronx kid bounces after 7 story fall.
7. I don't understand why this type of gambling is illegal.
8. If you are looking to arrest a Mexican drug lord you typically think of looking in Brooklyn right?
9. With 20,000 crminals hitting the streets you jus tknow that LA is going to be crazy.
10. 17 year old girl went KCMO on 3o people over the past 2 years.