Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Price to Screw an Olathe Woman

Friday, August 26, 2022
Bidenomics Hits Metro - Thank a liberal
let people keep their money instead of it going to the gov, the gov then deciding how much you should get, then handing out the rest of your money to other people that they deem worthy? Say, for example, this 10k student loan forgiveness bullshit.
Monday, August 22, 2022
Mark Gietzen - Is not a political power in Kansas, don't believe the hype
guess what? The vote chaged by 93 votes..... I am pretty sure that number is not enough to undo the margin of victory, but I am sure Mark has math to prove that it just might.
Kansas, we need leaders that are not as dumb as Mark. Mark should be under constant supervision by mental health authorities because he is clearly a deranged human that is lacking basic cognitive abilities. If you see Mark, panhandling in Topeka to cover his recount bill, ignore him, the money will be used to recount ProBowl votes.
Some more interesting things about Mark
This guy couldn't even win a Mayor's race in Wichita in 2019 He got a whole 1300 votes, in the primary. His number one campaign promise Make Wichita a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, giving all humans in Wichita, 'legal Personhood' under the law. WTF is legal personhood?????
He is a director of a Christian dating site called "Christian Singles Info-exchange" which I am sure is a happening spot.
He has memorized 71 songs, all of which I am sure suck
His favorite book is the bible. Way to pick an unknown there buddy
He doesn't smoke or drink. Big surprise, probably doesn't have any tats.
He spent 14 years in college and only received one associate's degree according to Linkedin
His Facebook page is nothing more than an anti-abortion manifesto. Get a life homeboy.
He has a total of 95 Twitter followers. LMAO
He claims to be the head of something called The Kansas Republican Assembly, but when you research that organization the freaking domain name isn't even owned by anyone. The Facebook page has been dormant for years and barely has 200 followers. If you are one of the 200 people that follow that page and read this blog, then please leave.
He lost some strange ass case in court against a state senator.
He also had a case thrown out that he filed against Benfefical Mortgage company.
This is all from one simple google search. Does this man seem stable? Does this man need to be out there claiming he is a Republican leader in Kansas? Where is the real party leadership in Kansas when you need them? They need to be silencing, distancing, and denying any relationship past or present with this BTK look alike. I mean seriously, the dude looks just like BTK and you know that is on purpose, he lives in freaking Wichita.
OP Psychos or OP False Flag - Abortion yet again
today but something just doesn't feel right, like, why now? First off, if you are placing bombs as an American on an American target to kill other Americans, then you truly are a piece of shit. So if you did this, then you should be put in Leavenworth for the rest of your life.
With all of the false flags that we have seen over the past couple of years, how do we not know that it wasn't the pro-choice crowd doing that to paint those that are prolife as complete psychos (as I just did above)?
This clinic has been in operation in Joco for decades and NOW, all of the sudden there is a bomb threat. Kinda close to election season isn't it? The vote took place on the first of August, so maybe they are concerned that momentum for their cause might die down before the midterms?
Whole thing is weird.
UPDATE: No bomb, Hey at least they got their headlines for this morning right?
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Kansas Republican Assembly President Mark Gietzen - Dipshit of the Day
that wasn't even close. Someone tell Marky to get out of his feelings and join the real world. What an absolute waste of 120k!
Imagine how many school supplies he could purchase for existing kids with that money? Or meal plans, or backpacks, internet service, etc...
After looking up the pick of this dude, this has to be sour grapes over how women have treated him his whole life.
Monday, August 15, 2022
Ignorant Kansas Recount?
not worth more than this.
Wednesday, August 03, 2022
Wow, Kansas moved forward
actually decide an outcome instead of courts, addendums to bills etc...
Friday, July 29, 2022
JOCO n DA News
transform into something that you do not recognize, leaders are failing you 24/7. Accountability in JOCO and KS is long gone.
Friday, July 22, 2022
All these Kansas election stories right before Aug 2
There sure seem to be an awful lot of stories regarding the integrity of Kansas votes ahead of the "big vote" on Aug 2. I do not believe in coincidences, and neither should you. Is there now enough doubt in the minds of both parties that neither side will be satisfied with the results?
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
The Picture of Racism in Kansas - You can smell the hate just from the pic
In case you didn't know, Colton was informing a black man that Paola was a "white town" and that he wasn't welcome. Ohh, he brought along a knife to try and get the point across. Sadly, Colton only received 2 years in the Federal Pen today.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
KS GOP - We can do better than Roger Marshall M.D.
for election then I will be disappointed. Do people ever read his statements, watch his questioning, listen to his remarks in Senate and think to themselves "GEE that guy is a great representative of Republican values in Kansas?
I literally cringe whenever his name comes across my newsreader because I just know he did some shit to embarrass us. He literally isn't even worth making a lengthy post citing examples of his statements because I honestly believe he will not last beyond this term.
Kansans can't sit back and let this guy's mouth and brain ruin a senate seat for conservatives. Keeping him in office will most definitely turn that seat blue. Just look at our history of electing dipshit governors that then lead to us putting some liberal governor into office, that nobody can stand policy-wise. We do this because we have to correct for the idiot that we did elect that we did agree with policy-wise 75% of the time. That was a lot of we's.
If we can't get rid of him, can we please surround him with smart people?
Thursday, October 07, 2021
Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire - Rep. Sharice Davids(who hates white people)
DEMOCRATS stalled the infrastructure bill to push their Green New deal infrastructure bill, which is dead because DEMS are blocking it. Not Republicans you lying idiot.
There are 2 bills.
1. Bipartisan bill that actually addresses concerns like the bridge that you are standing in front of.
2. The reconciliation bill that handles all the PORK social spending crap that only you socialists want. AND THAT BILL doesn't include any of the crap that you are grandstanding about.
The truth since this moron is trying to trick you is this. The DEMS are holding up the infrastructure bill because they are currently fighting amongst themselves over the #2 bill. Republicans are ready to spend on airports, bridges, roads, water, you know, infrastructure. YOUR PARTY is holding this bill up because they can't agree on the 3.5 trillion socialist bill that you said must be passed first before the #1 bill is voted on.
So please, take your lies back to whatever state you came from before you decided to call Kansas home for political reasons.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Only 43% of Kansans have shots???????????
2 doses of the Pfizer vaccination then you sure the fuck can. There is no longer a waiting period, line, rationing, etc. NO, they are throwing them away because they are not being used!
Stop your crying and get a shot! Now having said that...
Notice that all of a sudden liberals are trying to say this is a Republican issue? Was it not the party of idiots that said that they wouldn't trust any "Trump vaccine" that is now saying that Republicans don't get shots? How many of these people pushing Covid shots are the same people that refused to get their kids shots for school? Trust me, I know these recent converts to woke liberalism that raise their kids on supplements, whole foods, and few vaccinations that are suddenly all pro-science because some idiot on MSNBC or celeb on Twitter said it was cool Weak-minded lost souls.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Parks & Rec Gov Kelly admits she is part of clown show
How else can you describe her husband dressing up as a clown for their anniversary. This shit is bad for Kansas where there are serious problems, needing serious people to solve them.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Keep Your Eye on the Ball Kansans - Gov Kelly
So here we go again. Parks and Rec leader Kelly is now trying to claim credit for helping out residents that have been wrecked financially due to covid. Read this
shit and tell me what is wrong with it.
She is taking credit for a FEDERAL program. Keep this in mind when you read hear her excuses to Kansas sucking at Covid vaccines. THAT issue is always due to the availability of vaccines, this cash grab is all her. DESPITE ALL THE MONEY COMING FROM THE FEDS.
Have you ever seen such a liar? Dipshit residents of the state voted her in and are now watching this political novice get caught almost daily in lie, fabrication, coverup and incompetence. YET THEY STILL THINK SHE IS GREAT! Because she is nice.... Reminds them of Grandma...
You wimps need to realize that you don't need to LOVE your elected leaders, you need to elect effective/qualified people. This woman is a train wreck.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Gov Kelly Screwed Kansans
governor of Kansas and her cronies it appears that despite the vaccine being out for a couple of months now, only 19.5% of the population have received at least one shot.
This number would be shocking if it said that 19.5% had received both vaccines, but nooooooo The Gov has royally screwed this up. So what are the chances of a recall taking place on this incompetent woman? It has to be high right? Kansas hasn't bought into the sweet old as fuck grandma routine have they?
If Kansas voters had actually driven through the district she represented they would see what a total failure she is. When was the last time a JOCO resident visited NORTH TOPEKA? It was probably me when clients of mine would tell me that if I wanted to do some people watching, go to North Topeka. It is literally where white folks that have given up on life, go to die. There is no hope in that area at all.
When was the last time you heard a JOCO resident say "lets go the lake" and they meant someplace in Kansas? Or a park outside of JOCO? Nope. Been to the Topeka zoo? Scary freaking place. She has no accomplishments but you elected her???????????
Lucky me, I was living outside of Kansas when the election took place, I am blame-free. You other dipshits, enjoy Kansas turning into NORTH FREAKING TOPEKA! Where nobody even gets tetanus shots.
The Morons that Surround You
Kansas regarding Covid, it is hilarious. The left is so clueless that they are blaming a US Senator instead of the moron that is in charge, the leftist dumbass Governor. What role does the US Senator have in vaccine distribution, closings of businesses, schools, etc?? NONE.
Monday, March 08, 2021
GOV KELLY CRIES EMERGENCY AGAIN disaster declaration for fire hazard
high winds and dry conditions. PLEASE TELL ME WHEN THIS BECAME THE JOB OF THE GOV! I can't wait for high pollen emergency declarations, UV RAY declarations etc..
What disaster has taken place???????????????? PLEASE SHOW ME! This is the best and brightest Kansas? I got the fuck out just in time.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Kansas Unemployment Coming out of Stoneage?????
several issues. Liquor laws, marijuana use, gambling and of course, technology. As someone that has taken part on the bids on IT projects within the state I can tell you that quality and efficiency are never considered. The state of Kansas does tech on the cheap. The salaries are typically 30% lower than market which attracts the low rung of the food chain. There are no dynamic thinkers, current technology or methodologies. What you do get when you work with the Kansas IT department is a guaranteed payday with little expectations, supervision and repercussions if the project fails.
So instead of Kansas being proactive and updating their systems to say, 2005 levels, they let them fail and then scramble to fix them. Don't expect anything more than a Band Aid though. They will claim financial hardships brought on by Covid etc. but when isn't the state undergoing a financial hardship? What programs actually work in Kansas besides the only money making scheme they have, the courts. You see, in the land of Ahhhs, they run the most crooked court system in the country so that they can nickel and dime every interaction you have with law enforcement.
If Kansas would legalize oh say, gambling, weed etc.. Maybe they would be able to not only have money to fix their shotty infrastructure but they might see a quality of life increase in the state. But Granny Kelly ain't the one to lead that charge..
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
KS Gov Now Does Weather
that this woman doesn't believe that she is in charge of? We get it, Covid is bad, Weather is bad. How about fewer press conferences and more actual problem-solving! Is the state of Kansas really out of issues that the governor is supposed to be handling?
One term and she is toast.