Showing posts with label kansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kansas. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2020


 Well, well, well... It appears that the power hungry mayor of Dodge City was afraid of losing her

job and not her "life".  An investigation just proved that this woman is just another elite (if that is possible in Dodge City) that lusted for power once she was given a little sample. This is pretty much the norm when dealing with Covid politicians

Join me in telling Dodge City Mayor Joyce Warshaw to go F*** Herself and her wolf crying.

The insight that we provide behind the headlines can not be matched.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dodge City Mayor is a Coward

 “There’s a multitude of things coming down the pipe, causing people to be disgruntled with life,” she said. “People just want to blame somebody, and I feel like it was easy to blame me."

So let me get this straight.  The home of the Wild West elected a coward as a mayor?  This mayor
decided to take it upon herself to make decisions that went against the wishes of the people that elected her and she was surprised that they weren't popular?  She has even gone as far as adopting the typical left wing bullshit excuse of being "afraid", "in danger" and "threatened".

When will we ever see these threats posted or published for all to see?, Never.  It is a con game that the left has implemented to make those that oppose their tyranny look unhinged.  They feed this bullshit up to the mainstream media and bam, it spreads.  It offers them cover for fleeing the next election without suffering the embarrassment of the landslide coming their way.

These politicians got a taste of a little power and once the chance came for them to grab some more, they did.  The fascist left may have won the presidential election but they got their asses handed to them across the board everywhere else due to these power grabs.  Chances are, this mayor was yet another hypocrite not following her own policies and got caught. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Teacher Crybaby

Every week thousands of people lose their jobs in this country and nothing is said except for a weekly freaking teacher loses her job that the news is all over it?  I feel bad for the kids losing their favorite teacher but seriously, this is ONE JOB, GET OVER IT.  The plight of the white female teacher is such a tragedy...  good thing that the unions are there to exploit it.
stat that lumps them all together.  So why is it that when a

Keep in mind that Tongi ranks 123rd in Kansas Schools.

Kansas Burlesque Festival

Have the state of Kansas and the city of Topeka sunk to such desperate times that they are promoting a stripper show full of Topeka skanks?  Nothing beats watching a bunch of 40 year old women with C-Section scars and hairy nipples gyrate for money.  

Videos and music may be submitted as links to online content OR on a disc. Videos will become property of VTI and the Jayhawk Theatre and may or may not be provided back to performer when music is returned. This is for promotional use ONLY.
Nudity is NOT allowed.  Pasties, g-strings or marking are required.
Fire acts are NOT allowed.
Routines should NOT exceed 5 minutes.
I went ahead and linked the application for those of you that want to be in show business.  

This is good but Uber is bad?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wicked Witch of the East is back

I HOPE TO GOD SHE RUNS!   Can you imagine how entertaining it would be to watch her squirm in a debate?  Ohhhhhhhhh please let this happen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Could the Dust Bowl Happen again in Kansas?

dvd-dustbowl-splshThis is the topic that everyone has been discussing since Algore left Kansas City last week.  The simple answer to this question is yes, but not because of “global warming/climate change/insert token phrase here”.  The real reason that this could happen is due to the drying up of the Ogallala Aquifer.  This water table is responsible for the irrigation of most of this countries farmland in the Great Plains and is currently running low. 

Now I am not one that believes in man made global warming or  man made climate change but I do believe in the depletion of a water table.  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Kansas Parents Read This!

KS Parent Want Sex Offender Law - KMBZ 

If you are like me then you just assumed that sex offenders couldn't live within a certain distance of
schools and parks in Kansas.  We have all heard it 100 times haven't we?  Well we/they were all wrong.

In the state of Kansas it is ok for previously convicted child rapist to live next to where your kids spend their days and walk in front of on their way to school.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Kyle Flack takes advantage of Franklin County incompetence

And due to their incompetence we will never know if 18 month Lana could of been saved from Kyle Flack.

1.  Can someone tell me how the law enforcement officers for Franklin County got their jobs?  I
don't think I have seen this much incompetence since Barney tried to arrest moonshiners without Andy.
2.  Doesn't attempting to issue an Amber Alert for a missing kid several days after she goes missing go against what the freaking Amber Alert is for?   You don't sound tornado sirens 3 weeks after they hit a city do you?
3.  When you get a call regarding a smell that is worst than garbage SHOULDN'T you investigate it a little further?
4.  That residence was a frequent location of the mother and child. DID YOU NOT THINK to check out that property a little bit earlier in the investigation?

As for the alleged murderer Kyle Flack.  I hope to god that you experience a slow and painful execution.  What type of sick and twisted fuck murders 3 people and a FREAKING TODDLER?  Rot in hell you piece of shit.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Congratulations Mission, Kansas

In what can only be seen as yet another example of the N. Joco financial collapse the JOCO health department has decided to remodel a WIC office in Mission, Kansas.   Why shouldn't our WIC peeps enjoy luxury accommodations while they utilize our tax dollars?

These remodeled WIC centers are sure to attract the best and brightest employees to our county.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Communist Kansas Fails........again

I first started talking about this a few weeks ago when I saw the scores for Shawnee Mission North & West.  This isn't just a blip on the radar people, this failure is a growing trend in this state and it will only continue to get worst as long as our school finance system remains the same as it is.

It is time to rid ourselves of the ridiculous formulas and rationalization behind this failed funding system and return to more local control of our money.  This communist redistribution of school financing is yet another black eye on a state full of backward thinking hillbilly's.  

Enjoy your most recent failures NEA, Politicians etc....

Friday, September 14, 2012

I WANT MY 2$!!!!!!!!!! - State of Kansas

Not since Lane Myer was haunted by a switchblade comb packing menace on a bicycle have these words meant more to residents of Kansas.  You see, our politicians screwed up big time with their new modernized DMV computer system and literally want us to bail their asses out for the low low price of $2 per resident.  Oh, and we really don't get much of a say in the whole matter before it happens.

That's right, the state is basically going to increase property taxes on every resident of the state and disguise it as a "fee" to help them make up for their incompetence.

Here is an idea, how about you have 3M discount their price enough to make up for the overtime since it is after all their fault (according to you).  OR how about we hold back the pay of those that worked on the system, decided to purchase the system and WHO LIED to us about how big of a problem it really was.  Shouldn't they be responsible?  They do after all report to the tax payers not the other way around.

In the grand scheme of things $2 to an individual isn't much and they are counting on all of to say "ohh well, it is only $2".  What you need to do is find out what that exact total equals and how that money could of been better spent.

Could we of saved 1 more life with median restraints on our highways with that money?
How many police officers could the state, county and local governments employ with that money?
Could we provide firefighters with better equipment with that money?
Could we of kept open some of the schools that we closed down with that money?

All of these would be a better use of a $2 per vehicle TAX increase on every vehicle in the state.  Instead we are going to spend that TAX money on a cover up of an incompetent group of government employees and the padding of the pockets of DMV employees.

Shouldn't we get to know the names of the people responsible for this and what actions were taken against them before we even consider bailing out their incompetence?  These folks don't still have jobs do they?  Thank about it, cashiers at grocery stores get fired for having a $10 shortage in their drawer.  Surely a multi-million dollar F*** Up like this should lead to the same right?????

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gang Free Kansas???

So the state of Kansas FINALLY admits that there is a gang problem and their big answer is...................A BROCHURE. The best part of all this is that the brochure is for PARENTS.  

Do the mindless bureaucrats in Topeka honestly believe that the parents of gang members are going to read a brochure, care about their kids, not in a gang themselves and are around the kid?  If this is the best that the state can do then we are all screwed.

I would rather save the tax dollars spent on printing up this propaganda, its development and marketing and instead spend it on additional officers in the streets.  This lame attempt is nothing more than symbolic so that they can say that they tried to help.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, November 27, 2011

King Brownback vs. Emma Sullivan

When I first heard of this witch hunt against Emma Sullivan I couldn't believe that the governor of our state had nothing else to do then to cry over getting called a name.  Then I reminded myself that he is a politician and therefor an insecure child that thinks that he is better than everyone else. I am glad that she has decided against apologizing to his majesty.

Personally I think that the staff members that made a big deal out this Tweet should be fired.  Do we really want someone working this close to the governor influencing policy or even worst, collecting a check from Tax Payers?  Hell No.  

If anything Brownback should apologize to Emma Sullivan for dragging her good name through the mud.  She is a freaking kid, not someone that you are running against for office and should not be treated this way.  You are suppose to be looking out for her best interest and not blackballing her for your insensitivity.

Fellow conservatives in this state should no longer support him.  His actions do not represent our chief belief of smaller government.  If anything Brownback has demonstrated to us all that he believes being governor makes him better than us and that he should use his office to attack people.  

To him, governor of Kansas might as well be the same as King of England where people that speak out against the king better apologize or be "dealt with"

Saturday, December 11, 2010


For far too long JOCO residents have been held hostage by the state of Kansas and it's "formula".  This redistribution of wealth is borderline criminal.

Friday, August 13, 2010


It is wrong for a teacher to have sex with a student, I get that.  But this kid was of legal age, had a baby on the way and it was consensual.  How is it that this whore is facing prison time?

Sunday, January 31, 2010


No matter how much you might improve and no matter how much your local sports talk show host try to hype you up, you will never be as good as KU.  It’s a fact of life that schools with cats as their mascots should simply get use to.  Collins

At least you have Kevin Keitzman and Steven St. John right?

Google Kansas basketball on the image section and see if K State even shows up………

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have no idea why it has taken this long for this to happen. Finally we can kick the crackheads to the curb and use tax payer money for people that are actually productive.

Monday, February 18, 2008


by not going to the Black History Museum or so the Kansas City Star would like you to believe.

There are so many things wrong with this "story" I do not know where to begin. First off, this isn't a racial issue this is a fiscal issue. The Kansas City Star would like to make it one but we needn't look any further than our own Union Station to see poor spending on "museums".

1. The city of Wichita already gave the Museum(link to the museum site, which is the worst site I have ever seen) $1.5 Million dollars to purchase land. I am fine with that if there was support for the museum and it would be well attended.
2. The city coughs up 200k annually for the joint yet the people that run it can't balance a budget. They went over by 90k. Museum welfare.
3. The director says in the article that the museum has no mission. Then why does it exist? The article even claims that it was simply a ploy to keep a historic building from being tore down.
4. They have raised 12k when they need to raise 12 million. Then purge it with another museum. In business this happens all the time (see telco companies). Obviously the only people in the city that care that the museum exists are the people that work there.
5. The article states that the museum lost out on a display to the museum at Wichita State which leads me to believe that black history is being displayed (just not there).

I am all in favor of putting up museums if they are going to be well attended (public wants), but lets be honest if this was a thimble museum that was going out of business would it be news? If an Irish History museum had to bet a city for money I would be for closing it down as well.

I have never understood why there has to be a different museum for each and every different culture, event, etc... Why not ONE museum with different sections and displays? Wouldn't this be the more efficient way to gather funds and expose people to different cultures, times, places and events? If we have learned anything from Wal Mart it is that people like to go to one place to get everything. People don't want to stop at 15 freaking buildings (and shouldn't) to be educated on historical events, times & cultures.

This article was simply a dig to try and create controversy by the Kansas City Red Star.