Showing posts with label green update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green update. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2009


One has to ask what all of these worshipers of grass will do now that the green movement is dead? Will there be a mass suicide led by Al gore where the all drink poisoned wheat grass shots?

Or maybe they will tell us that the cheetah is endangered due to global cooling and that the deserts are shrinking due to carbon emissions?

Either way, these douche bags are finally on their way out.

1. You know that the end of a movement is near when the leftist BBC starts to question it.

2. How is this news? G. Bush was talking about this crap for the past 2 years.

3. Cold weather threatens crops.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


How about, KISS MY ASS!
Freaking liberal slogans. Do they really think that if the come up with the right slogan that everyone will follow?

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I want you to read this story and then add up the number of gadgets that you have in your house that will end up killing polar bears and apply that number to 1 polar bear death. Those of you in KCK and KCMO need not take this test because well, you are poor and don't have gadgets.
Gadgets mentioned.
  • Flat Screens
  • MP3 Players
  • Mobile Phones.
  • Laptops
  • Digital Cameras
  • Desktop Computers
I am pleased to announce that my family will be killing 17 polar bears

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Like most people south of 135th street I dont change my own oil. I figure if you break down my earnings to an hourly rate and then apply that rate to the time it takes to change the oil that I am actually saving myself money by paying someone else to do it.

So I go to Valvoline and it comes time for them to give the full press on the additional services that they recommend and it gets to the air filter. The guy doing the sales job to me told me that by changing my air filter I will be helping the environment...... I told him that I didn't give a crap about the environment and after he finished laughing he said that he didn't either but they get a lot of single women that actually believe that they are doing the environment a favor by changing this.

The reason I tell you this is to inspire you to be honest about your antigreen beliefs. Don't be afraid to tell people that you don't believe the global warming hype. The look on their face at first is freaking priceless.

Friday, April 24, 2009




Putting a housing project on a potential environmental hazard is an excellent use of land. I have to give you bastards some credit for this one.

By the way I think the residents of KCK's most dangerous projects have more to worry about than some chemicals on their carrots. The only ture environmental hazard at Juniper comes from empty shell casings.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Yesterday the leader of the church of Kook was punked in front of the Senate. The fact that this ass clown is the leader of this made up religion is further proof that there is a better chance of winning powerball than his claims of the world ending.

Wake up you dumb bastards and use your brains.

Monday, January 05, 2009


Are they seriously thinking about taxing cows for their odor?? You Global warming believers are the most psychotic bunch of ass clowns I have ever seen. IS THERE ANYTHING LEFT IN AMERICA THAT ISN'T TAXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


The balmy temperatures that we have had so far this winter makes me believe that there might be something to this Global Warming stuff. I would post more but I am headed to the pool......

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Those of you that continue to follow the religion of Green crack me up. Take this idiot out in LA for example... He thought that by storing his garbage in his house for over a year that he was reducing his carbon footprint.

If that were the case then there are a lot of Carbon Friendly houses in the East Side.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I recently received an email from a reader wanting me to post a piece about global warming that he put together. After some research the guy seemed legit and his facts all checked out. The below post is written by Don Hagen( a retired computer programmer living in California. I can't vouch for the grammar but the content seems pretty solid.

Two World Renown Scientists just have independently proven the REAL cause of Global Warming is the SUN--not CO2!!!

I have two pieces of scientific evidence the Sun is the cause of the recent bout of Global Warming we have been experiencing---not CO2 created by fossil burning fuels!

The first piece of evidence is you need to see the British Documentary--featuring a noted M.I.T Climatologist how was scientist who attended the U.N. Kyoto Protocols--, “The Great Global Warming Swindle," which proves scientifically that the current round of Global Warming we are experiencing is primarily due to increased Sun Spot Activity—and not an increase in CO2 emissions caused by burning fossil fuels like oil, gasoline and naturally gas!!! The documentary also shows scenes from Al Gore’s, documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and points out the flawed logic in his interpretation of the climate data.

The web address to see the documentary keeps getting deleted, but do not panic. I think I have deduced why the web link to see the documentary keeps getting deleted. Soon, it will be available as a DVD, and you can buy a copy for a $20.00. So, I think that’s why the producers removed the web link. However, I found a French Web Link that still works!!! Fortunately--the Audio is still in English---and it has French Subtitles!!! I will also provide the contact info web page of the producers of the documentary so you can contact them for how to get your own DVD.

To see the video, click your mouse on the web link below. On my computer sometimes the video player pauses. Just be patient. It will start again shortly. Also, the title of the documentary is displayed 4 times before the end of the documentary, its not over till you see the credits!!!

The Great Global Warming Swindle,” French Version
“The Great Global Warming Swindle,” producer’s web page:
“The Great Global Warming Swindle,” Producer’s Contact Web Page:

Web Contact
Tel: +44(0)20 7688 1711
Fax: +44(0)20 7680 1702

Web: www.wagtv.com0

The second piece of scientific evidence you need read is a web newspaper article titled, “Theory Says Climate Change Depends on Solar Wind/Comic Rays,” by Alexandra Witze, the Science Writer for the Dallas Morning News, that discusses, and includes an entire exert from a scientific article titled, “Influence of Comic Rays on Earth’s Climate.”, by Dr, Henrik Svensmark, who works for the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej 30. DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark-that discusses a new theory links climate change to cosmic rays, high-energy particles from space that wash over the planet. If the idea can be proved, it might imply that much of Earth's rising temperature could be caused by extraterrestrial factors, some physicists say. The web link to the newspaper article ( )

I’ve also included a second web article about Dr. Henrik Svensmark’s work a Discover Magazine ( ) interview with Dr. Henrik Svensmark which ask two questions which I copied I below:

In 1996, when you reported that changes in the sun’s activity could explain most or all of the recent rise in Earth’s temperature, the chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel called your announcement “extremely naive and irresponsible.” How did you react?

I was just stunned. I remember being shocked by how many thought what I was doing was terrible. I couldn’t understand it because when you are a physicist, you are trained that when you find something that cannot be explained, something that doesn’t fit, that is what you are excited about. If there is a possibility that you might have an explanation, that is something that everybody thinks is what you should pursue. Here was exactly the opposite reaction. It was as though people were saying to me, “This is something that you should not have done.” That was very strange for me, and it has been more or less like that ever since.

So it’s difficult to do climate research without being suspected of having a hidden agenda?

Yes, it is frustrating. People can use this however they want, and I can’t stop them. Some are accusing me of doing it for political reasons; some are saying I’m doing it for the oil companies. This is just ridiculous. I think there’s a huge interest in discrediting what I’m doing, but I’ve sort of gotten used to this. I’ve convinced myself the only thing I can do is just to continue doing good science. And I think time will show that we are on the right track.

As a final note the scientist who did who did the, , “The Great Global Warming Swindle," documentary was a had the same lie spread about his research—that it could not be trusted, because was he had financial ties to oil companies!!!

Friday, September 05, 2008



1. Oprah hates white women. I KNEW IT!

2. The ice cream in Chihuahua City might be tainted. Unless of course you like eating human skulls.

3. This guy MIGHT be going to hell.

4. When did Lohan become a lesbian? Kudos to her, I look forward to the video.

5. Plot to kill Bush halted.

6. Just as I predicted, Palin is more popular than Barry.

7. EU hancho thinks that you environmental wackos are well wacko.

8. McCain speech attracts more viewers than Barry Christ Superstars.

9. The only smart homes in KCK are the ones never built.

10. KCMO loses more jobs. At least your kids are getting a quality education and your streets are safe...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


1. The only thing worst than the "art" in the crossroads district is the pizza.

2. KCK isn't even safe for dogs...

3. This poor bastards last minutes of freedom were spent driving through KCK & KCMO. The prison scenery should be an upgrade.

4. People get killed in KCMO for just about anything including video game systems.

5. Gangbangers are now driving fuel efficient cars to perform their shootings. 54th & Highland.

6. EPA gives rednecks a price break in gas prices.

7. KCMO school teachers get paid what they are worth, finally. I still think that $0 is too much for the results.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


1. Homeless in KCMO take murder to a new level. So far this year we have had shootings, stabbings, drownings and burnings but this could be the first "Chain Battle" of the year. While 18th & Vine is getting a new parking lot & Ollie Gates is getting his new tax free zone, these two guys were fighting over where to set up their box on Trolley Trail.

2. I can't believe that the local news even covered this story. The guy is still alive and nobody got hurt....must of been a slow day. Showdown on Troost.

3. This is straight out of the movie Deliverance. I always wondered why they were called the Packers.

4. The battle of two evils. The KCMO School Board vs. The teachers union. Regardless of who wins this battle the kids will still are the ones that get the loss.

5. Anytime cyclist get injured they make the blog. This time a power line fell(prob a trap set by angry motorist) on this hobbyist. There are no power lines on trails...

6. What does Jesse want to do with Obamas nuts once he cuts them off?

7. Apparently using the term "black hole" is now racist. If you use this term in the future you are at risk of being black listed.....

8. He died for the Polar bear.

9. Which wife is his emergency contact?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


As we approach Independence day it is a good time to remember that the greatest threat to your personal freedoms is the religion of earth and its cause needing followers. These extremist will stop at nothing until you do as they say, live how they want and earn what they think is fair. So enjoy the freedoms you currently have because who knows how independent you will actually be next year.

1. Flooding is now due to global warming....

2. Will the wackos disregard the volcanoes erupting under the ice? Of course they will...

3. Liberal policies are now forcing women to utilize the "ass for gas" tactic.

4. The high price of gas is causing a liberal strong hold to close 600 stores. Where will the skim milk drinking hippies go to discuss how crappy America is?

5. Liberals in congress love the fact that gas prices are going up so why would they attempt to do something?

6. It didn't take long for Insurance companies to start using the "global warming" hoax to jack up your rates.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Brain Washing of KC hits prime time.

Tonight on KSHB they will be airing a special entitled "Living Green Kansas City". This has to be a joke, right? In a city with a crappy school district, mayor under investigation, gang murders, drug rings, stabbings, arson etc... this unproven religion of doom is what they focus their resources on? Wouldn't an hour long special on the above mentioned topics be more appropriate? The media in this town once again has let YOU down.

I can only hope that after watching this program that the mothers of children that can't read or are dead can create a home as energy efficient as AlGORES house.

They can thank the KC media for bringing light to the real problems facing them on a daily basis, recycling. Who cares if little Timmy can read or write or is gunned down in front of his house as long as he doesn't litter. It is more important for you to tell little Timmy to recycle because if he doesn't a polar bear thousands of miles away might have to alter HIS habits. You see Timmy in the eyes of the media and "green" people the life of a hooded cockroach is worth more than yours.

For those of you that don't believe that the "Green Movement" is a religion you are dead wrong. Hell the freely admit the fact on their website and held a seminar in which "human/spiritual fulfillment of living green" were covered. Spiritual fulfillment? Interesting...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


The push to drill for our own oil is increasing. A new poll that came out yesterday said that nearly 70% of Americans are in favor of drilling for oil in ANWR & OCS. You DO NOT cut prices at the pump and home heating by penalizing those that produce the oil. You cut prices buy increasing the supply. The simplicity of this seems to baffle this countries socialist party. You see to a dem/socialist increasing taxes and government take over are always the answer. Socialist believe that YOU are to ignorant to think and provide for yourself (elitist mentality) and that THEY are better suited to take care of you than you are.

Some links to chew on.

1. The Pope of all things green continues to live a lie. Even after the "changes" he made to his house and his DEMANDS that Americans cut back his power usage INCREASED. Also this professor says that Al Gore's weight is bad for the environment. Hilarious stuff.

2. DEMOCRATS WANT TO FOLLOW IN THE FOOT STEPS OF DICTATORS AROUND THE WORLD! "We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."

3. The president finally gets off his ass and calls for drilling. Even if he is a little late to the party it is good to see him attending.

4. MORE SHOCK! Global Warming is now going to kill off whales.....GIVE ME A BREAK!

5. EVEN MORE SHOCK! Global Warming is responsible for earthquakes. Too freaking funny! I like this guys rebuttal.


7. WAIT! The frogs are safe. Scientist pushing their agenda failed to include data that would not push their agenda. See whales and earthquakes above...

8. Pine Beetle is causing global warming. KILL IT!

9. Carbon trading has failed in Europe and is full of corruption.