Thursday, June 19, 2008


The push to drill for our own oil is increasing. A new poll that came out yesterday said that nearly 70% of Americans are in favor of drilling for oil in ANWR & OCS. You DO NOT cut prices at the pump and home heating by penalizing those that produce the oil. You cut prices buy increasing the supply. The simplicity of this seems to baffle this countries socialist party. You see to a dem/socialist increasing taxes and government take over are always the answer. Socialist believe that YOU are to ignorant to think and provide for yourself (elitist mentality) and that THEY are better suited to take care of you than you are.

Some links to chew on.

1. The Pope of all things green continues to live a lie. Even after the "changes" he made to his house and his DEMANDS that Americans cut back his power usage INCREASED. Also this professor says that Al Gore's weight is bad for the environment. Hilarious stuff.

2. DEMOCRATS WANT TO FOLLOW IN THE FOOT STEPS OF DICTATORS AROUND THE WORLD! "We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."

3. The president finally gets off his ass and calls for drilling. Even if he is a little late to the party it is good to see him attending.

4. MORE SHOCK! Global Warming is now going to kill off whales.....GIVE ME A BREAK!

5. EVEN MORE SHOCK! Global Warming is responsible for earthquakes. Too freaking funny! I like this guys rebuttal.


7. WAIT! The frogs are safe. Scientist pushing their agenda failed to include data that would not push their agenda. See whales and earthquakes above...

8. Pine Beetle is causing global warming. KILL IT!

9. Carbon trading has failed in Europe and is full of corruption.