Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Friday, August 16, 2013
Saturday, January 08, 2011
"With Malice Toward None, With Charity Toward All" By Dr. Ernest Evans
"A Tale of Two Cities: Crime in KCMO, 2007-2010"
In 2010 crime patterns in KCMO continued the trends that had been the norm in 2008 and 2009. Since 2007, there has been a slight but real decline in homicides in the white/asian/hispanic neighborhoods of the city--and a massive surge in homicides in the black neighborhoods of the city. Here are the statistics: In 2007 there were 94 homicides in KCMO--62 black and 32 other races. In the following years here are the homicide statistics: 2008: 95 black/31 other races. 2009: 81 black/29 other races. 2010: 81 black/25 other races. And, alarming as these homicide figures are for the black neighborhoods of the city, I feel that they tell only part of the story of the near collapse of order in these neighborhoods: Students of crime have often noted that there is a "counter-cyclical" movement of homicide rates to other crime stats: When homicides go up sharply in certain neighborhoods, other forms of violence "fall"--they do not actually decrease, but people are so afraid of the power of the gangs and criminal elements that they stop reporting crimes. This appears to have happened in the black neighborhoods of KCMO since 2007. The converse is also true: When homicides in certain neighborhoods fall significantly, other forms of crime "rise"--they rise because people feel safe enough to start reporting crimes to the police again. This past year in Detroit there was a 26% drop in homicides--not surprising, other forms of crime "increased" because people felt safer about reporting crimes. Another, quite alarming fact in crime in KCMO in 2010: A further decline in the clearance rate of homicides: These clearance rates had fallen in 2008 and 2009 to about 50%--in 2010 they further fell to about 40%. A massively disproportionate number of these unsolved homicides are black homicides--it is increasingly the case that in the black neighborhoods of KCMO one can get away with murder.
"Why This Crime Surge in the Black Neighborhoods of KCMO?"
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Guest Post - Ernest Evans
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fact One: All or the majority of Latino or Hispanics are democrats! WRONG! On the last Presidential elections 60% of the Cuban American supported McCain in all states where the Cuban and Caribbean immigrants is dominant. Locally in the states of Kansas and Missouri 70% of Latinos supported and voted for McCain including my self! Actually according with the Pew Hispanic Center’s Magazine on 12-09-07 after a long interpretation of the surveys’ data and interview with future adult Latino voters they (P. Taylor and R. Fry) found that 41% of the new adult Latino voters said ”there is no difference between or they do not understand the difference between the two parties”. The Problem with some Latinos is that they pick America as “life saver” destination to escape socialist or lefty government and they get confused between the words “democracy” and “democrat” you may said it is lost in translation challenge. They brought bad experience from their countries they don’t want and they are scare of dictators, communist or socialist officials, they lost family members and friends with their country’s civil wars, guerrillas movements etc, and the word “democrat:” for them is to close to democracy. (This is my own opinion).
Fact Two: Latinos and Hispanic leaders and citizens always support Immigrations reforms: WRONG:I will use a extract from the book Liberty and Tyranny (Mark R Levin) and other resources to review this fact: In 1960 Cesar Chavez a Hispanic Labor Leader, Union Icon and Founder of the UFW (United Farm Workers) Union, He did show a strong opposition of illegal immigration, he will argue that Illegal workers will undermine his efforts to unionize farm workers. The working conditions and wages for American Citizens and Legal workers will be in risk because the illegal worker takes whatever is there as He can have a job. Mr. Cesar Chavez requested to all members of the unions to turn illegal workers with the INS (Immigration) the UFW became the best resource of immigration to identify and catch illegal workers, the UFW was the best “organized” whistle blower system for the INS. The historical march of 1969 Cesar Chavez and other organizations such us: SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) and with the support of the Honorable Senator Mondale they marched along the border with Mexico to express their discontent with all farmers hiring illegal workers and even seasonal immigrant workers. (One day I will bring some facts about the “Bracero” program) This program is the root of the current H2B-H2A Temporary or Seasonal Visas Programs.
Fact Three: Immigration can not affect the results of general and Presidential Elections. WRONG, very wrong! The Unions are having a big problem with their membership, they see a big decline of the numbers and income for new membership, that is why they are focusing on helping and support the passing of immigration amnesty or reforms, after gaining legal status the immigrant workforce can join the Unions, immigration is the newest resource for political powers to the unions, once again from Levin’s books whom quote Samuel Lubell when he said This new voting machine ended the traditional Republican and Conservative thought process of our nation. The last election’s results (national percentage) show that 67% of the Latino voters voted for the New President. ” The voting age children of the first great migration constituted the big city masses furnishing the votes which RE-ELECT F.D. Roosevelt again and again”.What it means is that this election’s output is one more time the result of immigration reform the 1986 IRCA Act that granted one-time amnesty to 3 million of illegal workers. The democrats will support the new Immigration Reform to secure the re-lection and who knows the continuity in the power of President Obama and/or their Party, just like the socialists Chavez-Venezuela, Correa-Ecuador , Lula–Brazil, Morales-Bolivia, the new socialist leaders do not want and they do not allow the power to away. Did you listening carefully what President Obama said about Russia “Our soon to be Partner”? Are you scare, concern and confuse? My advice: follow this new Reform very close.
On my next contribution to this BLOG we will review some names: Who are Cecilia Munoz and Juan Hernandez? And who said “US English is to Hispanics as the KKK is to blacks” (quote)?, and Who and How is planning the “reconquista of the southwest United States? (Re—conquest = reconquista)
Angelo H Mino
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Where Do These Guys Come From?
We also know that these “tough times” have been especially hard on the construction sector of the economy. People can’t afford to buy new homes; builders can’t sell them and can’t build more, subcontractors and suppliers also take a hit as well. What do these subcontractors do? They start their own company!
I have seen more new “painting companies” trucks, signs advertisements this year than I ever have before. Where do they come from? Who knows?!? The important question should be: “Where will they be next year?” Unfortunately there is no licensing requirement to be a painting contractor. There are no hard and fast rules on how to do the work and how long you should stand behind your work. There are companies out there who weren’t in business last year, at least under their current name, that are offering 5-year warranties on their work. That’s all good and fine if you can find them when there is a problem.
Here’s what happens when you don’t do your prep work:
How can you protect yourself from these fly by night companies?
1: Do a little research! Check them out with the Better Business Bureau. They keep track of many companies, whether they are members or not. Google them! Not only the company name, but the owner’s name as well. Did you know there is a local painting contractor that is a registered sex offender right here in JOCO? Do they have a website? How about a physical address?
2: Read their warranty. I’m not talking about the paint warranty, but the warranty on their workmanship. What will they do for you in the event of a claim? Will there be any additional charges involved?
3: Get a comprehensive proposal from them. A number written on a photocopied piece of paper doesn’t tell you squat! A good proposal should be tailored to your specific project. What process do they go through to paint your home? Power washing, scraping, caulking, priming? Make sure they specify what materials they are using including caulk, primer and paint. You can never get too much information!
4: Demand references! They should offer them with every bid, but sometimes you need to ask for them. No only should you call some of them, drive by and check out the work. Sometimes a customer is happy with the work while the work is substandard. Of course they won’t put people on their reference list that aren’t happy! Just check for yourself.
5: Make sure they are INSURED!!!! Demand a copy of their insurance proof. Not only should they carry liability insurance, but they should also carry worker’s compensation insurance. If they don’t have work comp, a person can sue you or your insurance company if they are injured on your property. Make sure their liability insurance limits are high enough to replace your home and your contents. If you have a $300,000 home and they accidentally burn it to the ground, their measly $100,000 policy is not going to help you.
6: Make sure they are using EMPLOYEES and not subcontractors. Employees are covered under the contractor’s work comp insurance, subs are not. If they insist on using subcontractors, make sure the subcontractor has work comp insurance. Do not hesitate to call their agent to verify the information. It is your responsibility to cover yourself here.
7: Ask your friends and family who they used. Ask someone you trust and whose opinion you respect. If your friends are picky and they are happy with their painter, you have a much better chance of getting the right contractor for the job.
8: Do NOT give them any money up front! A reputable painter had accounts at their suppliers and keeps money around for payroll. When I paint most homes, I don’t receive a dime until the job is done. I won’t even get the paint bill until after the job is done. If you feel compelled to pay a deposit, only do so on the day they start the job. Taking a deposit to “guarantee a spot on the schedule” is a total crock of excrement!
SPREAD THE WORD! If you have a company that you are happy with, don’t hesitate to tell your friends. Save them from hiring one of these fly by night companies! If you are looking for a reliable painter who does top notch work for a fair price, please visit my website at: http://www.paintproinc.net/
Saturday, June 27, 2009
In 1930, during the Great depression, the liberal democrats and soon to be new socialists with big success launched a “new system” that changed the nature of American society. Here is when the disaster started : Franklin D. Roosevelt at the white house and supported by a massive Democrat Congress sent out a new set of federal projects, entitlements, creation of more taxes and all the regulations that people refer now as the “New Deal”. This moment is the started point and roots for democrats to claim one more “identity point” for their political landscape, The Ideology of Socialism.
The limits of federal constitutional authority were violated and worse never even observed, the States no longer were able to have local sovereignty, and private properties and businesses were on a big and risky situation when American society stared listening a new vocabulary containing words such us: Liberalism, Socialism, “statistm”, relocation of property, redistribution of wealth , etc. . The American society witnessed the creation of more federal agencies to allow the democrat party and his government to control every single movement of the Nation, a cascade of taxes stared hurting our nation, even our Supreme Court was a victim of an unfair replacement of old judges by judges with the same mentality of Roosevelt, The Supreme Court became the “President’s own legal department”, and the puppets of the White House and Democrat Congress.
Be ready! Please open your eyes! Be alert! Do not give up! Just remember that it was FDR the one that BROKE the “tradition” of only two presidential terms, Do you remember how many times he run for? He was there for 4 terms. Yes Four Terms! It will happen again if you do not listen to me. IT will happen again! He didn’t care that it was President George Washington our own FIRST President whom initiated the tradition.
Now: Let’s see what is happening right now: The President is taking over the Automobile industry, the cigar industry, communication (phone) industry, the health care system is his new farm by planning to eliminate free market!, and He is creating new agencies by appointing the “ZARS” for almost every sector of the government.
You can see what happening when you put in the White House a “Community Organizer”, a person without experience in the business area, without opportunity to make executives decisions, without knowing how run a business.
He wants to do everything at the same time, and that is when business will collapse when the top guys wants to run the show by himself, when “The Supreme” starts projects or programs without finishing first the one that are in the making, without having the rights facts together.
There is a book call “Winning in Fast Times” by Colonel John Warden III where he talks about the so famous “Center of gravities” and his well know and recognized “Prometheus Process”, looks like President Obama never had access to this book, If we wants to run several projects at the same time, He or somebody in the White House or Democrat Congress should stop everything, go find the book and read the book. By the way Colonel Warden was the mastermind behind the overwhelming victory and the well planned air campaign during the Desert Storm conflict, He (Warden) changed strategic thinking around executive and business people in USA and industrialized countries.
Now Our President is talking about Immigration amnesty or at least he is talking about new comprehensive immigration reforms, where he plans to help illegal immigrants to get the USA Citizenship. I am OK with an immigration plan, I will even support if the plan is right, but with some limitations, They (un-documented) should be allow to gain their employment authorizations and/or a Permanente Resident Cards but they should be denied the Citizenship unless they will volunteer to serve in the military if accepted.
We can not give away our citizenship so freely! He, President Obama is looking for a new political base and support; He might think that between the immigrant workforces are the votes for his continuity in power.
Be aware! Be vigilant of this next political strategy from the White House. Continuity in power like Chavez, the Castros, Correa, Morales and others………
Angelo H Mino