Showing posts with label GUEST POSTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GUEST POSTER. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I was ready to submit my contribution to this blog, when an article was placed in my desk; it comes from the Walk the Talk website. As I was reading I started to thinking in Washington DC, our Senators and Representatives. Looks like they no longer remember that they are there to “SERVE” the American people; we did elect this group of “Honorable Sir and Madams” to be our SERVANT LEADERS. Every time that a Vice-president discuss and bring out to the public sensitive information, he is not serving our need of a safe place and he is going away to far away from our hopes of a safe and respected America. When the Speaker of the house has the courage to hide information or provide wrong information in front of cameras or in front of her colleagues from congress, she is not practicing Fair Play. She is going against our well respect CIA and the people that put their lives in risk by facing our enemies any time when our country request that sacrifice from them, attacking our federal agents and denying or changing the facts that she listen on the security briefings It is not right, it is not American, it is not part of the practices of civility, we no longer care to give to our heroes the “formed lines of respect”, we are treating our soldier and federal agents as criminals, we prefer to protect the enemy instead the our troops. Let’s bring back our values, let’s be again a principle driven country, and let’s bring the great “honor” or “Individual responsibility”. Let’s be Americans one more time, our Country need us today more then ever! Let’s remember the old order of civility Excerpted from “A Tender Warrior” (Lt General Hal Moore)
(The movie “ We Were Soldiers” is based on General Moore’s Military leadership) I pledged my life, my sacred honor, for America many years ago. Millions of men and women have made a similar pledge. Having lived with that pledge my entire adult life, after graduating from West Point, I can speak with great humility that it has been a privilege of the highest order to serve at the pleasure of The Commander-In-Chief.

An unequalled pledge of sacred honor took place on April 9, 1865. Before General Lee surrendered his whole Army to General Grant, all communications between the two leaders leading up to the surrender ended with, “Your obedient servant.” It was a closing used by many great American leaders and presidents. But somehow, it became less important to emphasize civility in communications as America became more sophisticated and technology rooted.

America used to be the proud home of civility. We can be again. Seldom does civility stand alone. It is seldom a one-time act. It invites compassion and sacred honor as sister pillars. It serves others and strengthens the bond in relationships.

As Lee rode “Traveller” to surrender to Grant at Appomattox, Grant formed his Union troops in two lines. They stood with their swords at attention as Lee, with great dignity, progressed the final yards to the farmhouse, riding between the “formed lines of respect.” With the slow, high-lifting discipline of each hoof, leader was preparing to meet leader at his and America’s best – in the worst of times.

During the surrender, a personal movement of appreciated civility occurred. “General Lee removed his sword and handed it to General Grant, and Grant handed it back.” After the surrender, as general Lee mounted his horse to depart, General Grant stepped down from the porch, and, moving toward Lee, saluted him by raising his hat. All officers present followed him in this act of civility, compassion and honor. Lee raised his hat respectfully, and rode off in great dignity…loving America still.

Although both were West Point graduates, they had met only briefly once before. During the surrender, from their letters in the beginning through the raising of hats at the end, the “good-by” was a leadership exhibition in civility for all. It took the two of them to teach the soldiers present why, and how, we should serve one another – even during military surrender.

The surrender had been elevated to a moment of grace. That is what civility, compassion and sacred honor produce when the servant heart leads the best of leaders. They paved the way for future leaders to emerge in history by leading through authentic practices of civility.

Such leadership moments are never lost in history. Whether signing the Declaration of Independence, leading a platoon into battle, or surrendering to one another, there are two duties of a leader at all times: He or she is in that role to serve others first and concurrently to lead them to an objective. A crucial and delicate balance is required. To achieve this, to serve well, he or she must serve with honor and lead with civility.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yet Another Reason to Avoid Vinyl Siding!

Ever hear of vinyl siding on a home MELTING??? Sure, if you have a fire or your grill too close you would expect it, right?

This phenomenon came to my attention through NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) discussion boards on LinkedIn. A homeowner was having problems with their siding “melting” on the home. It looked something like this:

We all know it gets hot in the summer, but is it really hot enough to melt vinyl siding? What if I told you it happened in the WINTER! It just doesn’t seem likely, does it? Maybe it was vandalism, improper installation or something else.

Would you believe the damage was caused by the neighbor’s new energy efficient windows? Yep, the windows were causing the problem!

These new windows usually feature a LowE coating that reflect the sun’s light as well as the heat. This is what helps make these windows efficient and your energy bills manageable. On a bright, sunny day, the windows can act like a magnifying glass and focus the intense light on the siding. This focused light creates a lot of heat! Remember frying ant with a magnifying glass last week…I mean when we were young? It’s the same effect.

Check out the pictures below, the temperature readings were made in December!

The left picture shows the surface temperature of the siding where the neighbor’s window is reflecting the light. 185 DEGREES! The one on the right shows the actual ambient air temperature of 24 degrees. The date on the pictures is December 20th.

Ok, so we know what the problem is, now what’s the solution? Well, you can ask the neighbor to change his windows, good luck on that one! Your best bet is to plant a bush or tree on that location. Really! You may be able to use a higher quality thicker vinyl siding, but there is still no guarantee it won’t melt. Did you know that these problems are NOT covered under factory warranties? Nope, it’s not their fault!

If you are considering installing vinyl siding on your home, keep this problem in mind. Chances are it won’t happen to you, but you never know. One type of siding that will NOT ever melt is fiber cement siding. Coincidentally, my company just happens to install it! James Hardie siding is the leader in the Fiber Cement Siding Industry. It’s siding has a 50 year warranty. If you choose the pre-finished Color Plus product, it is also covered by a 15 year finish warranty. It will far outperform vinyl or steel when it comes to temperature extremes and hail damage. It will never rot, termites won’t touch it and neither will woodpeckers! If you think this siding is right for you, check out my website:
Have a great week!


Happy Birthday Old Glory! Happy Birthday to You!

Just for fun during the pass week, I decided to ask to several people about June 14th and what it means to them; from a total of 34 “born American friends” only 3 provided me with a correct answer and meaning for that date. June 14 is American Flag Day!

I am so glad and thankful that as part of my naturalization (citizenship) process I have to studied and pass a 100 questions test about American history, civics, government and more. It was great to understand all the hard times this country went trough to provided freedom to people like me.

If you will read again some parts of our country’s History I promise you, the love for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave will emerged again and again. I truly believe two books should always be part of our entire households; The Holy Bible and a good book of American History.

Just some facts about June 14:

1. - It was teacher that started the celebration of Flag Day, in 1885 Mr. BJ Cigrand in the little town of Fredonia, Wisconsin. He wanted his students to remember that June 14, 1885 was the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of the Stars and Stripes. Do you know that some School Districts in USA are planning to take the USA flag down from their classrooms because it is “offensive” for the Muslims children attending school in our Country? Do you know that some companies do not allow or do request to their employees to take the American Flag down from their cubicles or offices because it is offensive for some people? Do you know that the City of Lenexa did not allow Perkins to fly the Big Flag in the City because for the Lenexa Governing Body the USA Flag is at the same level of any Commercial Banner?

2. - Here it goes again (Thanks God for teachers). It was a Kindergarten teacher in June 14, 1889. Mr. George Balch (New York) whom planned “appropriate ceremonies” for the children attending his school to honor the Beautiful Old Glory. Great old days when Americans were so proud and respectful of our flag. Great old days when Americans will feel honored to serve and even gave their lives to stand under and to protect that flag. The New York Board of Education adopted June 14, as a Flag Day following the example from this amazing and patriotic teacher.

3.- June 14, 1891 at the small Betsy Ross’ house in Philadelphia a group of historian and patriots decided to formally paid tribute and honor our Flag by having a vibrant Flag Day celebration, the following year the NY Society of Sons of the Revolution did the same where pomp and circumstance was the theme of the day. Kids were assembled each of them carrying a small American Flag and singing patriotic songs, the Military bands will play marches and people were not afraid to have tears running on their faces. Tears of pride and joy!

4.-This one I like the Most! : April 25, 1893 The Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames adopted a resolution and asked the Mayor, area authorities and to ALL PRIVATE CITIZENS to display the American Flag on June 14, it was simple as: “Show me your pride, Show me the Starts and Stripes”

Now at this point would you allow to this Guy Born in Ecuador But Made in America to challenge you?: Are you brave enough to display the American Flag this weekend at your home? Are you brave enough to knock your neighbor’s doors and ask them to do the same? If you do, please send pictures of your display to this blog , and jocosob will be glad to put them on.

5.- May 30th 1916 President Woodrow Wilson officially established by Proclamation the Celebration of Flag Day as a way to honor all the little towns, teachers, children and all private citizens that for the past decades were celebrating the birth of our Old Glory , each year at the same day of the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777.

6. - Finally President Harry S. Truman a soldier, statesman, Freemason but more important a Proud American Leader signed the Act of Congress designating June 14th NATIONAL FLAG DAY.

Let me close this article by repeating what Frank K. Lane Secretary of the Interior said on his speech in 1914, as he was drinking a cup of coffee early in the morning and preparing his notes, he swears that the flag spoke on his heart : “I am what you make me; nothing more. I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol of yourself”. My dear American brothers and sisters you are the Flag! You are America! Do not be afraid to show who you are, lets’ display with love and respect our Old Glory, do not be afraid, please do not be afraid! Let’s do it!

Angelo H. Mino

Born in Ecuador Made in America!

Thursday, June 04, 2009


I am an American History Lover (yes with capitals letters), I even teach American history “USA History by Angelo’s way” I do by impersonating normal, daily, regular and common people from our history. I can be Willie the Bullwhacker the guy driven the oxen in the Santa Fe Trail, I can be Indian Jim (James Garfield Brown) the Champion bricklayer and builder of the Old “Highway” from Kansas City to Olathe. These guys will never be part of a history book, no streets or parks will be named after them, they are like us daily warrior bringing the best of us to impact and make our country stronger and wiser, We are our children’s heroes, our neighbors role model and even our wife’s Knight is a shiny armor. (My is getting kind a rusty)

Willie does not talk only about the painful journeys of the trails; he also talks about leadership and personal development. Please enjoy a talk and an encounter with Willie

Willie the Bullwhacker:
Leadership Lessons from the Trail

Everyone knows how important the opening of the free exploration to the West was to
people. The opening of new routes and the discovery of new unsettled territories was
amazing. America was growing to the west, to the “Big Deserts.” Trails like the Oregon,
Santa Fe, Leavenworth or military trails became highways for immigrants. Some 350,000 used the Oregon Trail alone for a 2,000-mile trip. The “great early migration” is the best example of goal-setting, accountability, commitment, and teamwork. It was an experience where training, preparation, achievement, and leadership were daily duties. What can we learn about leadership from prairie schooners, from the oxen and mules, or from a bullwhacker, the rudest man on the trail?

The Bullwhacker was the wiser man, the right hand of the Wagon Master (CEO) he will pick only the best oxen to do the job each with specific “responsibilities”. The Wheelers were the one closer to the wheel (front line worker). The Swingers got their due to the way they will move and swing their heavy bodies as helping the wheeler to pull the load of the wagon. The Pointers will be kind in the middle of the “labor force” sharing the job with the wheelers and swinger, and the leaders where no the stronger but the best training oxen and their position was in front of the pack, and of course Willie the master mind of the journey.

This is what a learned from Willie: (a Servant Leader)

The SERVER Leader

See and focus on the future. (Goal-setting)
Engage everyone in the mission. (Inspire,
motivate and lead)
Re-engineer your projects. (Look for change
and improvement)
Value and respect your team player. (Share
and delegate)
Energize people one more time.
(Commitment and accountability)
Responsibility, the first and last goal for a
leader (Setting examples and passing the torch) an extra R: respect people of all levels
“TRUE leadership has nothing to do with
one’s level in the organization.”
How Can I use the oxen experience in today’s daily business journey? Here it goes

Fit, Do Not Fix

Wheelers: Frontline workers
Swinger: Cross-trained workers
Pointers: Supervisor and supporters
Leaders: Opening the path for the pack
Willie: The “real” leader


Let’s change the way we hire people. From now on, we will select people of character
and we will develop their skills and teach them the company’s culture. Hire them by
their behavior, character, and attitude. “Great leaders” don’t become leaders in a
moment (or in a month or a year). They become great leaders one day at a time,
throughout their lifetimes. In other words, fit your people into your company’s needs.
Understand that values are the beliefs that drive our behavior, passion, and love. They
drive our attitude and commitment, and our character. Let the candidate know you very
well. They need to be sure about you and your company.


Cross-training is important. Employees need to understand what everyone does and value
the support that they provide to the “chain of success.” It may sometimes be difficult to
determine where the enterprise is heading, but heading somewhere is a MUST. Devote
your time to seeing the big picture, also. Sometimes heads up; sometimes heads down.


Never take your eyes away from the future. You must have the right people in the right
roles fully engaged under the let’s-see-the-future doctrine. Everything that you as a
leader accomplish hinges on the people you have around you. The pointers will help to
make your job easier by “taking time today to ensure that there is a tomorrow.” Here is
where you will find that if you do not select the right people for the right job, you have
made a SERIOUS leadership mistake. And never underestimate the time, energy and
money necessary to fix it. Selection is too expensive. We cannot afford
it. The worst thing is that MORALE will suffer. The cost of declining performance
and missed business opportunities, the need to hire somebody again for the same
position, and selecting trainers and new workers will impact and hurt the morale of
your team.


My former boss used to tell me that “with every pair of hands you hire, you get a free
brain. Use them! Collect them!” It was easy for me to complete the sentence with: the
brain is connected to the heart. These guys will help you so that you don’t waste human
potential. Leaders are the role models. They will generate all levels of engagement. They have clear goals and understand you. They are raving fans of your company’s culture.


This guy is flexible with his people, but he is strong with his principles and values.
He develops opportunities for his people. He invests a lot of time in the development of
his team. He knows that this is the only way to create expectations for learning and growing. Educational resources are his everyday gift to his people.

He does not care about his people’s ID, he cares about his workers’ IDP (Individual Development Programs). He does not care about people’s DL, he cares about his team members’ CDL (Complete Direct Leadership). He does all this because he understands that strengths will FIT; weaknesses we have to FIX. He concentrates only on the positive
side of team members, and does not expend too much time talking about weaknesses. He
makes everyone on his team understand that training is not a disciplinary or corrective
action, it is a retention tool!

When was the last time you pick your oxen correctly?

Angelo H. Mino

AKA Willie the Bullwhacker

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Coke or Pepsi?
Ok, so I’m really NOT going to talk about soft drinks! We all know Pepsi is better anyway, right? What I am going to talk about today is brands of paint, is one really better than the others?
For the most part, the answer is yes! But only when comparing apples to apples. Just like the soft drink battles, one may prefer Coke over Pepsi or vice versa, but we can all agree that the quality and taste are pretty consistent from batch to batch. Throw in a generic brand of soft drink and the situation may change. It may be “ok”, but not up to the standards of the big brands.
Most paint formulations are basically the same. For many paints, water makes up the largest percentage of the ingredient list. For exterior paints, the next larges ingredient is the Acrylic, which is basically the “plastic” that give a paint its body. The more Acrylic content, the better the paint. The most expensive ingredient in paint is Titanium Dioxide. This naturally occurring compound give paint its UV inhibiting properties and makes the paint “whiter,” among other things. Generally the more TiO2 in your paint, the better it will perform and the longer it will last. This is especially true when it comes to dark colors!
All that technical stuff being said, most paint performs pretty well these days. As long as you are using comparable products, you should get comparable performance. For example, Sherwin Williams’ SuperPaint will perform about the same as Kwal’s Ambassador or Porter’s Acri-Shield. They are all 100% Acrylic exterior paints. The same would go for the “lifetime” paints I’ve discussed in the past. Sherwin Williams’ Duration should perform about the same as Kwal’s Legacy and Porter’s Permanizer.
Just like I’ve also discussed before, ignore the warranty! Performance is what you are looking for. Regardless of the brand of paint you purchase, plan on repainting every 5-7 years here in the Midwest. As long as your painter is doing a good job of preparing your home, this is the proper interval for painting. The more your home is shaded, the longer your paint will last.
I guess the moral of the story here is when picking a paint, make sure you are using a name brand, quality paint. All paint stores will match their paint to another manufacturer’s color. DO NOT let the colors you choose dictate the brand of paint you use! Again, it all comes down to the painter you choose. Even the best paint in the world won’t last if the painter doesn’t do his job properly! Be sure to check their references, check them out with the Better Business Bureau. If he’s an independent contractor out on his own, check him out to make sure he isn’t a felon or sex offender. Most of the time reputable companies won’t hire them so they go to work for themselves. Cover all your bases!
Check out my blog for other articles or if you have any questions:

Thursday, May 28, 2009


For your freedom and mine freedom!
Loyal until the end!

For freedom we fight!

The above three lines or statements are the inspirational chanting mottos for the West Point Military Academy classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011. Looks like the plebe have not yet their own chant”.

Believe it or not that sole idea gives me a lot to be concern about. I am so concern because with the new Commander in Chief, the Vice-president and the Speaker of House the chanting for the Class of 2012 may change to things like “It is Ok to give up” “Always ready for an apology” “Sorry enemy if I hurt you”! “Castro, Chavez, Morales and Correa our loyalty with you all”

On the last weekend when the Honorable Secretary of Defense Gates delivered the Commencement Address to our new and future military leaders of our country, He did realized that we was talking to the next generation of generals, public servants, but more important he was talking to the future military leadership of our great nation.

I loved the part when Secretary Gates said “Today I want to talk about you and your families-because when you signed up, you also signed up all those who love you most”
I was ready to collapse when I realized that I have done something wrong, well WE have done something wrong! We elected their Commander in Chief, and their Vice-president the VP is the one that can take over if something wrong and fatal will happen with the President of USA. God won’t allow this, but we need to have the right succession plan ready to keep our country moving, He (Bidden) is the second in command. We also allowed Pelosi to continue and to move up to become 2nd ranked individual to take the presidency in case of some type of emergency situation.

I want to apologize to all the future military leaders for giving you all that you have right now as leaders (I didn’t work the hardest to put McCain in the White House), I am very sorry for giving you a Commander in Chief that bows to kings, hugs socialist presidents from other countries, and wants to easy sanctions to Cuba Communist and for sure he will run to hug the Castro brothers “as soon the conversation and negotiation will permit”.

Sorry for the VP that opens his mouth and releases to the public and to our enemies the location of our “High Level Security” facilities created to protect the top leadership of our nation.
Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen of the West Point M.A. Class of 2009 and to all military academies to allow the re-election of the Speaker of the House the same one that does not respect organizations or agencies such us the CIA, FBI or any Government agency that protects us for terrorist attacks.
And of course to the families is this brave Americans for giving you the leadership that will put your kids in a harm way! Your kids won’t have any rights to protect themselves; they will not be able to learn or practices interrogations techniques that will allow us to have information to stop future attack to our nation. Their bravery in the battlefield will be a reason for punishment! They are on their own….

Secretary Gates closed his remarks by saying: “I believe that for so long as we seek to be free men and women, for so long as the bright light of liberty shines, there will be those whose sole ambition, whose sole obsession, will be to extinguish that light” (I do believe the sad part is: sometimes we do elect them, they are around us!)

“I believe that only strength, eternal vigilance, and continuing courage and commitment of warrior like you, and your willingness to serve at all costs, will keep the sacred light of American liberty burning: A beacon to the entire world.” (All honors and respect to you our futures leaders) but once again….

I am very sorry! I didn’t mean it! May your love for our country will allow you to deal with such a great undertaking.

Angelo H Mino

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Bill once again shows us why he is the best paint guy in JOCO.

Paint Warranties; The Real Scoop

We’ve all heard the claims of “lifetime” warranted paint or 25 year guarantees, etc. What does that really mean? Keep reading and find out!

So you think you need Lifetime paint, maybe your painter says you need it. Well, in my opinion most of the time, you don’t. Let me first say that the lifetime offerings from any manufacturer are of better quality than their other paints. You DO get a better paint out of the deal! The problem lies in the warranty. If you ever get the chance to actually READ the warranty, you’ll see that it only covers peeling and blistering caused by the failure of the product.

Here’s a little secret: The product almost NEVER FAILS! With modern manufacturing techniques and quality control, there is almost no chance of defective paint coming from the factory. They are doing a great job! When paint peels, blisters or fails in general, its usually a preparation problem or maybe even a water infiltration issue. These conditions are not covered by any paint warranty whatsoever and who can blame them? There are all sorts of painters out there installing their product. There are no training requirements or licensing needed to be a painter.

If you think you have a warranty claim, you will need to contact the store where the paint was purchased. You may also need to keep the original receipts or get in touch with your painter (if you can still find them!). The paint store will then send out a representative to look over the problem. The will give you their honest opinion of what went wrong. Don’t be surprised if he blames the painter! If you do qualify for a warranty claim, the warranty only covers the replacement of the product, NOT the labor! They will give you some paint, but you are on your own after that.

Also note that paint warranties generally do not cover fading of their product. We all know that paint fades, no matter who puts it on or what they use, it will fade. Fading isn’t considered a “failure” under the warranty. No matter what, you should plan to paint your home every 5-7 years in the Midwest. There’s just no other way around it. If that is the typical paint life, why spend the extra money on the lifetime product? They are banking on people moving every 5 years. The warranty is not transferable!

Lifetime paint generally costs the painter around $42 per gallon. The next step down is usually around $24 per gallon. That’s a difference of $18 per gallon. Take that times the average house needing 32 gallons of paint and you’re looking at a difference of $576! That doesn’t include sales tax or markup for the painter!

The bottom line here is this: do not hesitate to use the next step down from lifetime when it comes to exterior paint. Just make sure you or your painter uses 100% Acrylic Latex. Make sure your painter knows what he is doing when it comes to preparation and product application. Don’t be afraid to pay a higher price to use a reputable painter.

Contact me with questions at:

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Please enjoy the latest from Angelo

To the Only One: The GOP “The Grand Old Party”

For all those that love American history, this year we are celebrating the 155 years that the GOP was founded. Our party was created by anti-slavery activists, two years later we took control of all northern states and by 1860 we elected Abraham Lincoln as the new President.
During the Civil War the new Republican Party supported President Lincoln and start making the greater sacrifice and honor that an American can do, we started given our lives to save the Unity of our Country. I do have to admit that several “War Democrats” took part of this endeavor. I will title this as the first time that our republicans crossed the aisle and welcome the heroes of the Democrat’ side.

Our Party knows what it means to lead and succeed trough all the Six Party Systems that our country and government went through, especially after the infamous Fifth Party System (1932-1966) when we were able to elect only one President another American hero General Eisenhower. I like to call this era as the “Ignored Wake Up Call” that Republican we never understood (Do you remember the Liberal New Deal Coalition created by democrats under FDR? ). I will take risk to call this time as the grass roots of the Democrat Socialism in America.

American daily patriots and followers of the basic principle and values of our founders were able to elect 18 of the 27 US Presidents since 1861; I can not be humble when I said that also we won 23 of the last 37 elections. The “Palin Effect” took away our victory on the last elections, because we did have with McCain a Hero, a Patriot and an American that will never concede the safety, pride and security of our Country. (Just out of the topic: It is curious but I start seeing a lot of McCain campaign sign back on several yards. Why? Stop by to those houses and ask the people living there, they will tell you a special message to all Americans).

Even before arriving to this my New Country, I became a Ronald Reagan Fan 100%. The Reagan Era I do believe is one of the more glorious and proudest time for all Americans especially for Republicans, Reagan became the best communicator ever.
I started reading his books especially his letters, if you allow me to give you an advice, read his letters, this President took the entire time to answer letters even to elementary school students and to general public. To me he is also the Father of the Modern Volunteerism Movement: People given time and money to support our country.

His “Peace Through Strength” platform designed to combat communist and socialist threat no only to USA, but to all the small countries in South America, including my home town Ecuador, Chile, Peru and others. And of course I have to talk about the Reagan Revolution. Here is when I understood the importance of the Conservative Approach of the Republicans, when I saw the entire conservative wing taken over the GOP, the massive tax cuts to help the revitalization of poor areas and the country in general, and the call for individual responsibility, etc. There was no more choice to me but to keep doing all the possible research about this Great Communicator and his Grand Old Party. I do believe He was the greatest inspirational source for conservatives to get closer to the Republican Party. Here again our Party tough another great lesson by allowing to the “Reagan Democrats” to assimilate our ideas and support RR for the great victories in 1980 and 1984 and to George Bush’s (Father) on 1988 as a catholic I will like to mention that in 1988 our members were an important factor for the G.H.W. Bush victory and the stronger support came from Catholics form the Northeast..

When I arrived to USA in 1992, I was welcome by the “New American Revolution” led by Newt Gingrich when he produced the “Contract with America” in 1994. I have to give one credit to President Bill Clinton, His actions helped me with my decision to join the Republic Party and I did 10 minutes after my swearing ceremony as a new USA citizen. Thanks Bill! And thanks to the sweet old lady member of the DAR for helping to register as such.

Some of you my dear friends may be against with what I am going to said, this is a personal statement GW Bush started the Golden Era of the American Patriotism with his “ War on Terrorism” (Liberation of Afghanistan) , the Operation Iraqi Freedom”, the USA PATRIOT act and later on He will present to us another patriotic initiative with his “ A Safer World and a More Hopeful America”

Please join me to wish our GOP a happy 155 anniversary! And to wish the best of the best to our GOP Chairman Mr. Michael Steele, and YES! The honeymoon is over! Be aware democrats! Be aware! The groundwork for a Republican comeback is stronger this time…by the way Mr. Dennis Moore and the other democrats you should start looking for a job, outside of Johnson County! Things will change in 2010! Read my lips…things will change in 2010
God Bless America!

Angelo Mino

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Bill is back again this week with some more great info for homeowners in the Metro. I always look forward to these because frankly I am clueless when it comes to home repairs etc..

Energy Tax Credits for Windows

The Energy Star Rating: Is It Good Enough?

The short answer: Yes….and no!

Back in 2007, you could install any Energy Star rated window to qualify for the government energy tax credit. Millions of people had replacement windows installed and took advantage of the pr
ogram. The tax credits expired at the end of 2007 and were not renewed for 2008. Thankfully, they were reinstated for 2009 and 2010.


For 2009, the government changed the rules! No longer is the Energy Star label enough to guarantee you windows qualify for the energy tax credits. A little explanation of the factors involved is warranted. Below is an example of the performance rating label found on all new windows:

The two important ratings here are the U-factor and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient. These are just technical terms for the energy efficiency of the window. This windows IS Energy Star rated! If they were installed in 2007 you would qualify for the tax credit. The new parameters are .30 for each measurement. This window would NOT qualify for the 2009 tax credit!

What do those measurements mean?

U-Factor measures the rate of heat transfer and tells you how well the window insulates. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. U-Factor values generally range from 0.25 to 1.25

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures the fraction of solar energy admitted and tells you how well the product blocks heat caused by sunlight. The lower the SHGC, the less solar heat the window transmits. SHGC is measured on a scale of 0 to 1; values typically range from 0.25 to 0.80.

This change in parameters left many window manufacturers scrambling to meet these new requirements. This resulted in additional testing time as well as increased costs. Basically, since the windows cost more, you have to spend more money to get your tax credit!

Ok, so you replaced your windows this year and your windows DON’T meet the 30/30 standards…are you out of luck? Thankfully, no! We all know how efficient the government can be! They realized, after the fact, that many windows didn’t meet the new standards and gave the industry (and homeowners) are reprieve until June 1, 2009. If you had windows installed before June 1st and they have the Energy Star label, they DO qualify for the tax credits! After June 1st your windows must meet the 30/30 standards….unless they change their minds again!

So how much of a tax credit do I qualify for? Basically for windows, you get 30% of the window price with a maximum tax credit of $1,500.00. So in order to get the full credit, you will spend at least $5,000 on your windows. Many times this isn’t a problem since vinyl replacement windows average around $400-500 installed. With windows, you generally get what you pay for. More money = more features. Be sure to check out your installer to make sure they are qualified to install windows properly. This is one area where you do NOT want to skimp!

Check out my website, we install all kinds of windows, whether full frame new construction style windows or replacement windows. Our in-house installers know how to do the job right, the first time! No surprises! Check me out at: