Missouri Republicans in their infinite wisdom have blocked the nomination of the next health director because he believes in vaccines.. NOT MANDATES, but simply for believing in freaking vaccines. I can't believe I am going to type this next phrase but he is PRO-CHOICE in both masks and vaccines, yet that isn't enough to placate the dipshit mob running through Missouri Republican politics right now. UNFREAKING REAL.
As I have stated dozens of times since Uncle Covid came to town, I am pro-choice on masks and vaccines. If you want to die, feel free to do so, I will not stand in your way. Hell, I got the shots and still got Covid, but guess what, I am still alive (I know that makes some people in OP mad) and I have a preexisting condition sooooooo yeah, give me 50 shots.
It is disphits like this and those Qanon people, Jan 6th morons etc.. that have made the vast majority of normal Republicans remain silent or switch to Independent or Libertarian. Maybe after Covid runs through all those groups, we can come back to a normal party.
Are these the flat earthers I always hear about?