Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kansas Republican Assembly President Mark Gietzen - Dipshit of the Day

 This dumbass out of Wichita just spent 120k on credit cards to recount an election
that wasn't even close
.  Someone tell Marky to get out of his feelings and join the real world.  What an absolute waste of 120k!  

Imagine how many school supplies he could purchase for existing kids with that money?  Or meal plans, or backpacks, internet service, etc...  

After looking up the pick of this dude, this has to be sour grapes over how women have treated him his whole life.  

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Missouri Republicans - DIPSH^$@

Missouri Republicans in their infinite wisdom have blocked the nomination of the next health director because he believes in vaccines
..  NOT MANDATES, but simply for believing in freaking vaccines.  I can't believe I am going to type this next phrase but he is PRO-CHOICE in both masks and vaccines, yet that isn't enough to placate the dipshit mob running through Missouri Republican politics right now.  UNFREAKING REAL.  

As I have stated dozens of times since Uncle Covid came to town, I am pro-choice on masks and vaccines.  If you want to die, feel free to do so, I will not stand in your way.  Hell, I got the shots and still got Covid, but guess what, I am still alive (I know that makes some people in OP mad) and I have a preexisting condition sooooooo yeah, give me 50 shots.  

It is disphits like this and those Qanon people, Jan 6th morons etc.. that have made the vast majority of normal Republicans remain silent or switch to Independent or Libertarian.  Maybe after Covid runs through all those groups, we can come back to a normal party.  

Are these the flat earthers I always hear about?  

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

KS GOP - We can do better than Roger Marshall M.D.

 Seriously, Kansas, THIS IS THE GUY??????????  If there isn't a primary against this guy when he is up
for election then I will be disappointed.  Do people ever read his statements, watch his questioning, listen to his remarks in Senate and think to themselves "GEE that guy is a great representative of Republican values in Kansas?

I literally cringe whenever his name comes across my newsreader because I just know he did some shit to embarrass us.  He literally isn't even worth making a lengthy post citing examples of his statements because I honestly believe he will not last beyond this term.  

Kansans can't sit back and let this guy's mouth and brain ruin a senate seat for conservatives.  Keeping him in office will most definitely turn that seat blue.  Just look at our history of electing dipshit governors that then lead to us putting some liberal governor into office, that nobody can stand policy-wise.  We do this because we have to correct for the idiot that we did elect that we did agree with policy-wise 75% of the time.  That was a lot of we's.  

If we can't get rid of him, can we please surround him with smart people?  

Monday, March 22, 2021

TRUMP Social Media Platform? WTF!

 This guy simply will not go away and clear a path for a new crop of Republican candidates that can deliver policy without making asses of themselves or their voters.  Because it doesn't matter how great the policies are if they come out of the mouth of this clown now does it?  If it did, then we wouldn't have an 80-year-old man that can't walk up a flight of steps as president.

Let us just hope that this goes the way of some of his other wonderful initiatives.  

  • Casinos
  • Airlines
  • Steaks
  • College
  • Marriage
  • TV Network
Please, don't let there be an app for Republicans built under a Trump flag.  If you are a donor, please stop giving to this man, he is out of office.  If you are a violent supporter of his, please leave and form a 3rd party.  I ask nicely because many of you are just as bat shit crazy as those on the left.  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gingrich Finally Wakes the F Up

There was a time in my life that I thought New Gingrich was an incredible politician but after his behavior in this years primary I'm done with him.  His pettiness and self centered attitude caused a great deal of damage to our cause and let's face it, there was no reason for it since he has been out of contention for almost 2 months.

Did I hear him say that Delaware was his final straw?  DELAWARE???????  That just goes to show you how out of touch he has become.  

I would feel bad for you Newt but you shared a sofa with Pelosi and well there is no way any of us could ever forget that.  Now take your ball and go home little boy.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


If you look through the recent history of the Republican Party it isn't hard to see what segment of our population has destroyed our party, the Baby Boomers. Now I am not saying that the whole group of them are to blame, just 90% of them. If you look through congress and state governments it seems that the most liberal of Republicans seem to of grown up during the Hippie Era.

As a party it is time that we kicked these people out of our party and out of our media outlets. I am sick and tired of watching the spineless wimps of our party make nice with the socialist and destroy our own. I am sick and tired of listening to members of our own party move our message to the left therefore making it harder to tell the difference in ideas. SEE JOHN MCCAIN

Next time you hear someone from the Baby Boomer era tearing down their own party ask them to leave it. We don't need or want them anymore.

And the next time any of you call into 980 and speak with Scott Parks please tell him to stop calling himself a Republican. This guy is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Remember when......

Phil Kline and Paul Morrison were the only people ever discussed in Kansas politics? In less than a year both men have managed to become more irrelevant than Mike Hedricks(if that is possible). The only problem I have is who the hell is this Steve Howe guy? I haven't heard anything good about him other than him NOT being Phil Kline.

Both men are perfect examples of what happens when power goes to your head. One used his power for sex and the other used his power to well, prevent sex.

Friday, August 01, 2008


I got an email about this around 11am and thought it was a joke but it looks like I was wrong. Despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi has ordered the lights, mics, cameras etc.. turned off, the Republicans are still discussing off shore drilling and their energy plan. Where are the elitist democrats you ask? On a 5 week vacation.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

David Wysong - Please leave the Republican Party

Today I stumbled upon a link to a story dealing with a state wide smoking ban in Kansas and couldn't believe who wrote it. I am use to reading stories dealing with people wanting to take away your personal freedoms but they are usually from liberal wackos, not this time. It was a Republican.

I had to do a google search in order to find out who in fact David Wysong was and it turns out that he is a a REPUBLICAN State senator for Kansas(mission hills district). Does our party need people like this representing us? How does the Republican party continue to let leftist socialist enter its ranks? If Wysong wants to be a state senator, fine but let him run as a democrat or an independent.

This guy is letting a personal loss in his family effect his legislating ability.