Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Brain Washing of KC hits prime time.

Tonight on KSHB they will be airing a special entitled "Living Green Kansas City". This has to be a joke, right? In a city with a crappy school district, mayor under investigation, gang murders, drug rings, stabbings, arson etc... this unproven religion of doom is what they focus their resources on? Wouldn't an hour long special on the above mentioned topics be more appropriate? The media in this town once again has let YOU down.

I can only hope that after watching this program that the mothers of children that can't read or are dead can create a home as energy efficient as AlGORES house.

They can thank the KC media for bringing light to the real problems facing them on a daily basis, recycling. Who cares if little Timmy can read or write or is gunned down in front of his house as long as he doesn't litter. It is more important for you to tell little Timmy to recycle because if he doesn't a polar bear thousands of miles away might have to alter HIS habits. You see Timmy in the eyes of the media and "green" people the life of a hooded cockroach is worth more than yours.

For those of you that don't believe that the "Green Movement" is a religion you are dead wrong. Hell the freely admit the fact on their website and held a seminar in which "human/spiritual fulfillment of living green" were covered. Spiritual fulfillment? Interesting...