I have a strict rule that I follow when it comes to new technology, wait a year after the product comes out and then purchase it. Thank god I didn't shell out the money for Windows 7 when it is all ready obsolete. $200 for an upgrade ain't cheap.
1. 5 Great Features of Windows 8.
2. Can your PC handle Windows 8 ?
3. 8 million people downloaded the preview in one day.
4. Download the preview here
Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gadgets. Show all posts
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Daily Link Blast
Because covering politics all the time sucks.
1. For those of us that love Netflix Instant Que this Twitter app is now a must.
2. 12 Fastest Cars in the World - The Sixth Wall
3. From Brass Monkey to Wine Critic. Mike D?
4. Great post regarding the best toys of the 90's
5. If you are thinking about buying a Tablet then you should read this first.
6. After fleecing Americans of millions of dollars Justin Bieber calls us evil. Douche Bag
7. Here is an in depth article about Strip Club Recruiters. Yes, Strip Club Recruiters.
8. Students dragged to protest by school teachers. All of this of course is payed for by tax dollars.
9. Here is a good one from Texas. Elected official tells white people to go to hell. Personally, I think that Obama has done wonders for race relations.
10. The top ugliest houses in America
1. For those of us that love Netflix Instant Que this Twitter app is now a must.
2. 12 Fastest Cars in the World - The Sixth Wall
3. From Brass Monkey to Wine Critic. Mike D?
4. Great post regarding the best toys of the 90's
5. If you are thinking about buying a Tablet then you should read this first.
6. After fleecing Americans of millions of dollars Justin Bieber calls us evil. Douche Bag
7. Here is an in depth article about Strip Club Recruiters. Yes, Strip Club Recruiters.
8. Students dragged to protest by school teachers. All of this of course is payed for by tax dollars.
9. Here is a good one from Texas. Elected official tells white people to go to hell. Personally, I think that Obama has done wonders for race relations.
10. The top ugliest houses in America
Thursday, May 14, 2009

I want you to read this story and then add up the number of gadgets that you have in your house that will end up killing polar bears and apply that number to 1 polar bear death. Those of you in KCK and KCMO need not take this test because well, you are poor and don't have gadgets.
Gadgets mentioned.
- Flat Screens
- MP3 Players
- Mobile Phones.
- Laptops
- Digital Cameras
- Desktop Computers
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am typing this from my backup laptop due to the recent failure of the Sony Vaio. I am not sure how it happened or why a laptop that is seldom used and only a year old died on me. Is this a plot by the left to keep me down? Are KCMO residents trying to silence me? Did Omega Man use a gamma ray to wipe out my system start up? Probably not. This conspiracy is bigger than that. It involves a billionaire and a company that can't produce a single decent piece of software.
Mr. Gates,
I would like to thank you for designing software (Vista) that is so ineffective that it can render a $1000 worth of hardware useless. I know that a $1000 isn't much to a billionaire but for a middle class jocoian with a family of 4 it is a huge amount. Could you please send me a refund for the laptop that your company destroyed? I am not asking for anything above what I had, just a machine that works.
Thank you,
P.S. Take your Vista operating system and shove it up your white pasty ass. You my friend might be the biggest douche bag to walk the face of the earth. Who the hell else would release an operating system that crashes more than a blind person driving a stick shift? Thank you for ruining my holiday season you POS.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008

1. My daughters are now proud rodent owners. Friday night we went out and got the girls some new pets. We ended up getting the youngest 2 gerbils & the oldest a Guinea pig.
2. Winter will never end. This is the most depressing weather I have ever seen in the metro. Nothing sucks the life out of you more than knowing that everyday that you wake up there is going to be crappy weather. I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.
3. Road Construction is on its way back. The weather isn't going to slow down the closing of lanes and bridges in the metro. I still don't know why they just don't build it right the first time.
4. Why isn't Metro Sports in HD? You would think that the channel owned by the cable company would be. I guess they can't even get that right.
5. Stillwell Station is the best unknown BBQ Joint in the Metro. If you haven't been to the gas station for BBQ then you are missing out. 199th and Metcalf & yes there are tables inside to eat at. Try the rib tips & Pork.
6. What is pathetic? Pathetic is when you don't have a team in the race (and never have) and you talk trash about another team. MU & K State fans who haven't seen a good basketball season in decades this applies to you. Stay on the sidelines where you belong.
7. The tax deadline is approaching. I refuse to pay my taxes before the deadline. Why should I? I don't get a refund. Over the years I have found myself despising those that do get money back from the government. If anything those that get refunds should be the ones cutting the check at the end of the year. They are the ones that didn't put in their fair share.
8. The fact that the Royals are opening up in Detroit has taken away from my opening day excitement. I did hear rumors that 88 of the Royals televised games will be in HD. Watching baseball in HD is better than being there.
9. Most blogs suck. Have you ever hit the next blog button at the top of blogger? Holy crap there are some turds out there.
10. Malcom X. I dig this movie. It was on MOJOHD all weekend and I watched it twice. Weird for a conservative Republican to watch, I know but the man was very interesting.
11. Have you read _____ book? I don't think I have read a book from cover to cover in over 15 years(besides what I read to my kids). I think people read just to say that they did. Don't you think that if the book was any good that a movie would be made about it? The only exceptions to that rule are books that contain information to improve my earning power.
12. Backyard living area. I have decided to shelve the patio idea until next year and start from scratch. This means new deck & patio. I have been researching these outdoor living areas and have decided that if I am going to spend the money, that is the way to go.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

1. Hillary makes a move to capture the "black vote" and gives up on latino vote.
2. Idiot in Venezuela makes another empty threat. How this guy is still alive is beyond me.
3. Pelosi can't put down the crack pipe. The surge was a bust? Remember liberals this is YOUR leader.
4. Bush catches contact buzz from Pelosis pipe. It doesn't matter how much or who tries to polish a turd, in the end it is still a turd.
5. Bill Clinton understands black people. Well at least he is trying to claim to once again. Hasn't the grand wizard done enough damage to his wifes campaign?
6. Peg leg representing herself in court. Apparently she couldn't find a female lawyer with one leg.
7. Congress continues to waste tax payer money by going after MLB. This might be one of the biggest jokes ever in American politics. Don't these idiots have other problems to worry about? God forbid they take on Social Security, Medicare, immigration or the 3 TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET! I give up. You would think that Roger Clemens was Bin Laden.
8. When all else fails, blame video games. You wouldn't want to blame the VA for not having the proper programs/funding to ensure our soldiers can adjust properly when they come home.
Thursday, November 15, 2007

1. The xbox360 might be the greatest gaming system ever made. It is easy to use, games are affordable and plentiful and the online play is fast.
2. The cold air is crippling me. It seems that any progress that I made health wise over the summer has been pushed back. I am back to taking pain medicine and using biofreeze. Is there nothing that can be done to help me?
3. When is this road construction going to end? It is suppose to start wrapping up once it hits November yet it seems that the keep starting more and more projects. Here is an idea, FINISH SOMETHING, ANYTHING before starting more projects.
4. I ate at "In a Tub" yesterday for the first time and I couldn't believe that this little gem had slipped my radar for so long. If you are up North and looking for cheap Mexican fast food I suggest you give it a shot.
5. I put a disclaimer up on the blog today. It was something that I felt had to be done in order to maintain some sorta order in here. It isn't as if I have had a lot of negative comments (4 total). Most people that read this spot "get it". Others seem to have a hard time dealing with the fact that someone might have different views of the world than them and they look past the humor in which most of these posts are made. So that is the reason for the disclaimer. This place is suppose to be fun, not a ground for an open debate on social issues(start your own blog). If you would like to leave a comment or shoot me an email that is fine but know that if it is a negative comment it will not be published or responded to, same with emails. This is mostly in regards to anything political. If you have differing opinions on food, music, motorcycles, my rants they will be published.
6. Does anyone else think that a light rail system shooting down Metcalf from 151st street to Johnson Drive (North - South) and from State line to Woodland road on 119th street make sense?. If the other metro counties want to link up great but why are we waiting until KCMO come up with a plan that will stick?
7. The Girl Scout cookie shakedown has begun. I am already on the hook for 10 boxes from my bosses kid and god only knows how many my wife will order from her friends. I think that I will resell them on E Bay in June when people have run out of thin mints and need their fix.
8. On Veterans day I had one person say Happy Veterans day to me. Gee thanks. On a good note this blog is read by many troops serving overseas from this area and I have received some great emails from them.
9. My buddy just spent $700 on a pair of tickets for the MU/KU game. $700! If MU were to lose on Saturday to K State the game becomes a nonfactor. I couldn't imagine spending that much on two tickets to one event. I remember being able to get in for free at half time to KU football games. Thank you to all of you Bandwagon fans for driving up the price of the tickets.
10. LED - Zeppelin if finally available on I Tunes for purchase.
11. I have not watched one KU Basketball game yet this year. I find it hard to start watching college basketball in November unless it is a major preseason tournament. Watching KU destroy the likes of UMKC means nothing.
12. What do Indians do for Thanksgiving?
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