It is amazing what one week will do to a campaign. Two weeks ago the dishonorable senator from NY was on top of the world and almost guaranteed the socialist party nomination, this week not so much. If you think this is a one week thing, think again. People are beginning to bring up the "trust" issue with her and she has no defense.
A few things to look for1. Kathryn Willey has a book coming out in which she blames the Clintons for murdering her husband.
2. She will not give access to
documents regarding her time as first lady. Time that she states makes her the most qualified person for the job.
3. Her lack of answers to direct questions and bumbling of an
immigration issue in her own state.
4. The Clinton war parties path of destruction the minute anyway questions her. One of them even said that
Tim Russert should be shot.
5. Her recent tantrum about being
ganged up on by a bunch of men.
6. Her need for Bill to start campaigning in Iowa
7. Nobody wants to
become her VP.
8. Campaign Financing issues follow her at every stop.
9. How long before Vince Fosters name comes up?
10. What about
Sandy Berger?
These are just a few issues that she is going to have to start facing in the primary (from her party). If she does get the nomination just imagine the field day that the Republican party will have destroying her credibility.