Thursday, November 15, 2007

WAFFLE ALERT - Hillary has made up her mind

Billary has finally taken a stand (for today) and made up her mind on DL's for illegal aliens. She is against them(maybe). If she is truly against them then why didn't she just say that in the last debate? Simple, she actually thinks that it is a good idea but is afraid to voice her true opinions on this matter. Osama Obama is taking her to the shed on this issue, here is a quote from her fellow dem.
"When it takes two weeks and six different positions to answer one question on immigration, it's easier to understand why the Clinton campaign would rather plant their questions than answer them,"
Another dem quote from Dodds camp
"flip-flopping cubed. She was for it before she was against it, before she was for it, before she was against it."

She has no shot in a general election.