Violence is everywhere nowadays. You have people getting dropped in the neighborhoods, people getting attacked at political meetings and people getting attacked for just minding their business. So get fired up and be prepared for anything this weekend.
1. Roslyn Heights house get shot up killing 3.

2. Do the Russians have nothing better to do than jack with our Twitter (@jocosob).
3. Those of us that watch Seinfeld are well aware of the criminal activities of the elderly.
4. Madonna has officially become a has been.
5. If you see this dudes picture you just know it wasn't his cat doing the child porn downloading.
6. Which cars are Americans buying with their government handouts.
7. Kennedy sister in hospital, near death.
8. Those of us that are Iphone - Itouch junkies might want to read this story.
9. There is at least one person willing to help out the kids of New Orleans.
10. HOLY CRAP! NEWARK HAS A 14.3% unemployment rate.