2. 1.57 billion Muslims? How is this possible? What the hell would the population be if they didn't suicide bomb and get their skulls pierced with M16 rounds?
3. Could this slaughter of been prevented if we had more troops manning that outpost? While Obama waffles and tries to appease the UN and his liberal chums our soldiers are getting slaughtered.
4. Global Warming cult members MIGHT want to reconsider their choice in religion.
5. If you ever needed any proof that Obama and crew were a bunch of classless a holes well here you go.
6. Our lord and savior Obama has found yet another way to "protect" us.
7. Face Book incest?
8. How long will it be before Habitat for Humanity becomes Obama for Humanity?
9. Obama voters swap government assistance for Booze and Drugs........They are just getting some of that Obama crack and Obama mad dog.
10. Self inflected sauna deaths in Arizona.