Today's stories are brought to you by the Letter X and the Number 7.
1. Further proof that conservatism is on the rise. Now take a hike moderates.
2. Obamas hate for Jews is starting to come to light.
3. Barbara Boxers elitist ass may have to find a new job, but you know it wont be a "real job".
4. According to this study 40% of Twitter users are liberals.
5. FOX sex experts new column says that sweat is a turn on............
6. Obama's ass needs a teleprompter.
7. NYC is using stimulus money to upgrade the homes of those that don't work, pay taxes and are nothing more than drains on society. It's no wonder that your city is as poor as your residents.
8. Queens sports book is wrecked by authorities. 13 million dollar operation.
9. Somethings never change in NYC. It wasnt long ago that my relatives were coming to America and having to fight a war to get citizenship.
10. The top Back to School Gadgets this year are.............