1. If you want federal dollars for art you must first paint a mural or make a statue of our emperor.
2. Obama has been helping pimps and whores for over 20 years.
3. You mean that Beer bellies aren't good for you..........
4. The racist bus attack on a white kid in Saint Louis was done by gang bangers. Nice.
5. Gay Vultures. Yes I said Gay Vultures.
6. Haitian police capture the jack ass that murdered his family.
7. Could Bill Clinton be the only voice of reason in the socialist party?
8. CNN could of come up with the 10 worst things to do on a lazy day. READ THIS DAMN list.
9. After all the crap that this chick has gone through THIS is what causes her to melt down???????
10. How can someone claim that a Gotti is a professional criminal?