Since I am not suppose to be blogging tonight I am going to mail my little summary in. Read the below stories and yada yada yada.

1. There is something just wrong eating "Hubby, Hubby" cream............
2. The British government is playing god with the terminally ill.
3. Do college chicks with Swine Flu that are quarantined in their dorm room still have pillow fights in their panties?
4. Having a high temp could lead to a government invasion of your home..........
6. What is the deal with Obama and all of these damn Resets when he doesn't get his way or he F's something up? This isn't Kick Ball you freaking moron. You don't get to call for do overs..........
7. The UK will get rid of their douche bag before we get rid of ours! Damn Brits!
8. When hunting for people who like hookers and booze we send in our expert. Finally a job that Hillary is qualified for.
9. The more I read about these sick bastards the more I want them to die a slow painful death while listening to Michael Bolton.
10. TKC brings brainwashed pancake eaters to the blog world.