Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2008


This week will be the last week for the dog I have had for the past 13 years. Due to some cancer in her mouth she is in pain when she eats, drinks etc.. and I have to look past the good moments that she has and do the right thing. The morbid thing about this is that I know it is going to happen but the dog has no clue. She doesn't know that today is her last Monday but I do.

I had thought about getting her stuffed but she is kinda ugly now and could only be displayed on Halloween. That wouldn't be exactly a bad thing but I don't want to explain to the neighbors why I have a stuffed dog in the garage with all of the holiday decorations. What do others in SOJOCO do with their dead animals? I have heard tales of people with pet urns over their fire place, burial plots at the cemetery next to the family and my personal favorite is saving the pet DNA to have it cloned.

Don't feel bad for me, my dog has lived longer and had a better quality of life than those of you that read this blog in KCK & East KCMO. She was not subject to a failing educational system, she was never shot at and her garbage was always picked up. Then again I think most dogs in JOCO have better lives than East Siders.

Friday, June 13, 2008


1. When a gun goes off at the HEALTH DEPARTMENT you begin to wonder if there is anyplace safe in KCMO....

2. Low class criminals use low end weapons.

3. What does it say about someone that is willing to lose a million dollars in order to get a job? Claire McCaskill did.

4. If it takes art on a billboard to get you off your ass to vote then do us all a favor and stay home.

5. Any dog owner that feels that they can't go to the movies without their dog needs to be put on meds ASAP.

6. The Nerfication of the world continues with Cell Phone addiction counseling.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Earlier this week I posted a link to a story about a man that ate his landlords dog. BUT After reading this story I am not sure which dog is worst off.

"He also can be found on an Internet Web site where people show photos and tell stories about sex with animals, Capt. Darrell Haynes said."