Showing posts with label JOCO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOCO. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Roeland Park - Illegal safe haven no mas

 Starting on July 1st the city of Roeland Park in JOCO will no
longer be a safe haven for illegals
looking for a taste of the JOCO life.  Liberal city council members of course cried and told people to get out and vote if they didn't like it.  What they do not understand is that the people did vote and elect people that passed the bill that undid the bullshit that Roeland Park put in place.  

Before you start crying, I am all for legal immigration to this country and believe that the laws do need to be changed but we can't simply decide what laws are enforced and which ones aren't because of Twitter hashtags, etc..

Warning for JOCO Girls

 If you see this man, run!!!!!!!  He was just released from jail today
despite facing 30 Sex Crime Charges.  The families of the victims did receive a courtesy email informing them that the predator was back on the loose so yeah, that should make them feel safe and secure.  

Imagine being one of the brave girls that came forward to rid the community of this deviant, waking up one morning only to read the man that scared their young innocent lives was running the streets free.  Yet another example of JOCO judges and DA failing the community.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Olathe Pools Suck at staffing

How crappy is it to be an Olathe resident?  Imagine it being 95 degrees, paying for a
pool membership, and not being able to use it.  Due to the city's inability to properly staff a freaking swimming pool, the city had to close down one of its pools because people were on vacation! Way to go Olathe!

Ohh the headline says illness but come on, read the article and it lists 101 other reasons why they are short on staff.  

Former Spring Hill Chief hates Rap Music so much..


He hated rap music so much that he decided to intimidate a city employee according to this lawsuit for 300k (which outside of TechN9ne is more than any local hip hop artist has ever netted).  This lawsuit falls under the almost too crazy to be true category of lawsuits.  

Tuesday, June 07, 2022


 Since we are now almost officially at the 6-month mark it is time to
remind all JOCO residents with a brain to unelect this man that not only didn't get the job based on merit(his daddy was a judge) but might actually be a scumbag and more than just a little creepy.  Not only was he caught interfering in cases that didn't pertain to him on the behalf of a direct report (and then covered it up) but he also let a school shooter loose on PROBATION! Not to mention the bad toupee 

His family court is full of insiders and kickbacks where your case is nothing more than a cash grab for his close-knit group of attorneys.  I mean how else does the head of the JOCO Bar association just happen to grab his employee's case on a PRO BONO basis???  I am sure that all of that is above board...  If only the KS Courts had some sort of impartial oversite committee to look into all of it. 

This ultrawoke Sebelius appointee should be Example #1 of people paying attention to the judges that they elect in JOCO.  Let them know that they are accountable for their actions and rulings.  

Will there be an October surprise on this blog... I mean why else would you sit on screenshots :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

DOES JOCO Take Shootings at Schools Seriously? NOT Neil Foth

 The answer is NO.  Well at least not from one judge, Neil Foth.  It wasn't even a
year ago that a man was convicted for firing rounds toward a Shawnee Mission school, causing parents to shield their kids off of Roe in Mission, KS.  Instead of taking this violent act seriously, the judge that oversaw the case granted the man 3 freaking years of probation.  THAT IS IT!  

Keep in mind that this judge is one of the biggest leftists in the state of Kansas.  So this isn't some ultraright wing gun nut simply diminishing the seriousness of the crime. It is a morally bankrupt human not taking the safety of children in the county that he is a judge in seriously.  

Does it take a bullet hitting a child to get the attention of this Judge?

Does the shooter have to actually step onto school property for the Judge to take child safety, school safety, and violence seriously?

We always sit back and wonder after a child is killed at a school and wonder how this happens? Was this person in the system before?  People like this should be locked away forever.  Where did the system fail us?

Ummm, well, we can all start in JOCO by ridding ourselves of Neil Foth in November.  It is too late to turn around his many years of failing the community BUT MAYBE we can prevent more shooters from being released on freaking probation.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

KC METRO fails to achieve Top 50 places to live (including OP)

 All of the changes that have occurred in the JOCO area have finally caught up
with it.  For decades you could routinely see Overland Park, Ks in the Top 50 places to live list, often in the top 10 but that is loooooooong gone.  Everything that once made JOCO and OP great places to live has been replaced by poor city planning, sprawl, lack of middle-class new homes, etc..  All that really remains, are schools in Blue Valley, but let us not forget that Shawnee Mission was once the cream of the crop before the flight south of 435 resulted in the closing of elementary schools.

This failure doesn't really amount to much, but for a city and region that often put these rankings front and center, it would be hypocritical for the area to not point out their slight. 

Have you seen how your increased property tax has made your house payment increase every year? Car Tags?  Imagine making under 50k and trying to keep your house in Overland Park, then having to sell it, and then trying to find a new house that you can afford with your "windfall".  These middle-income earners will all soon be residents of Gardner, Edgerton, and Eudora before too long.  

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Crooked Ass JOCO Courts Facing a Shit Storm

 So while I was away I had this story emailed to me and I couldn't help but smile.  Do you mean to tell

me that the most corrupt organization in all of JOCO is now under investigation for missing funds?  Imagine if they audited the following

  • PTO Usage $$$
  • Travel Expenses $$$
  • Employee Revues $$$$
  • Hiring policies/promotions $$$
  • Personal information security $$$
  • Case assignment $$$
  • Conflicts of interest between employees and attorneys $$$$
  • Information Security
  • Amount of work being done while people are working remotely during Covid $$$
  • Information Systems and Public Records tampering (changelogs)
Keep in mind, it was only a few years ago that THIS BLOG mentioned financial issues inside the courts among many other things and the COURT threatened to throw me in jail for 72 hours by tying it to my divorce case unless I removed all previous posts regarding the court.  The posts that this blog made at that time reached the Chief Justice of Ks courts, Senators, and County commissioners.  I had several of these people/offices reach out to me about some of these allegations and they did what they could to finally get my case moved away from conflicts of interest inside the courthouse.  

Maybe now, this corrupt place will be fully audited and investigated and those that are at fault will face the consequences of their actions.  Records, emails, screenshots, on the record statements, files.......  

Thursday, November 04, 2021

KC STAR LIES for SMSD regarding Thanksgiving & Holiday meals

 SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES????????????????????????????????????????????????

Wow!  So one of the wealthiest school districts in the metro area isn't capable of acquiring the ingredients for what they consider turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin freaking pie!  This meal is not made up of the freshest of ingredients and the prep techniques aren't exactly those that one would find on the Food Network so this coverup is complete BS and the Star is once again laying down political cover for elitist Marxist hacks wanting to do away with anything/everything that is American.  

Why else would they be canceling the meal and at the same time state that they are looking for better ways to include all cultures into their holiday meals?????????????  

I am not here to argue whether or not the pilgrims killed native Americans.  Yes, they did.  500 years ago!  Guess what! Everyone was killing everyone 500 years ago!  Humans aren't exactly peaceful.  Wars, conquering, etc.. are part of EVERY CULTURE on the planet.   Being woke, you must say that you are sorry for winning wars and make amends for shit that took place in a time period LONG before most people can even trace their family trees back to.  

How about this!  If you can trace your family trees back to the freaking Mayflower, then you should be forced to skip Thanksgiving.  The government can send in the FBI to your homes and make sure that you order Pizza that Thursday. 

Most of us look at the day as nothing more than a day to be thankful that we are alive and somewhat free Americans.  I seriously doubt that there is anyone that looks at it as some great victory feast!  Maybe some Qannon wackos, but that is it.  Are we next going to apologize to the British for defeating them and becoming a country?  The French?  The Spanish?  Even though all of them conquered other countries etc...  Do you honestly believe that native American tribes didn't conquer each other?  If you do then you know absolutely nothing about history.  

So way to go, and take a stand by taking Turkey away from kids and then lying to parents about it being a supply chain issue.  Such bravery!  Such heroic actions!  Something I am sure that they will celebrate as they sit at home on Thanksgiving and celebrate with a Turkey dinner because you know, they are all kinda hypocrites.  

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

JOCO voter turnout was a joke

Over the past 2 years in JOCO everyone seemed to suddenly become a political activist.  People that

barely understood how government worked, how elections were held, and even what district they lived in were suddenly extras from the West Wing.  Like I said, it was simply trendy at the time and those people would crawl back into their lame TV shows and scour dating apps for hope and empty liquor stores of any/all wine.  



It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you are on, you should vote.  Especially with all of the rapid changes occurring in the area concerning zoning, taxes, schools, and policing!  76% of JOCO has forfeited the right to bitch or gloat about anything that the elected officials decide in the coming year.  

Were "I voted" stickers not trendy this year?  
Was it not cool to vote if you couldn't say the name Trump?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Olathe Translated - Native American term used for racism.

I mean come on Olathe, the kid even has a mullet.  I would love to hear one person try and defend this

one.  I mean the kid even uses great-grandpa racism about picking cotton.  So this has to come from a long line of racist inbreeding that only the Olathe area can provide.  I am starting to believe that Olathe is Native American for racist.  

Let us review briefly some of the recent highlights to come out of Olathe in the past few years.
  • A group of Indian gentlemen was unloaded on at a sports bar because the idiot thought they were Taliban.
  • You had a head coach dropping N bombs
  • You have a district court staffed full of people that hate Asians (all countries).  
  • Ever been to traffic court there?  You do not have to be a census taker to see the number of minorities pulled over versus Caucasians.  

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Democrats in Kansas face rude awakening come midterms

   What will the suddenly woke 3rd district due in Kansas now that they do not have Trump to run
against?  Economy, Crime, Immigration, Education, and mandates are all issues that liberals can not run on, especially after having a reminder of what their policies actually do. Smart people believe in the following items

Low Taxes and Low Government spending = More money in their pockets and less inflation.  Inflation for you morons out there is basically a hidden tax.  If you pay more for food, electricity, gas, shelter etc.. than you did say 2 years ago, you are in fact worst off.  

Defunding the police = Law enforcement that is unable/unwilling to protect its citizens.  If you do not think that crime can come to JOCO the way it has in other parts of the metro then you haven't been paying attention.  These same newly woke warriors are the first people to call the police if a black teenager is selling candy bars in their neighborhood.

Immigration - While everyone is for legal immigration, there is really nobody that thinks that 2 million people crossing the border (33% with covid) is a good idea.  See these woke people may say one thing in public BUT they will move their kids out of a school that is "English as a second language".  Why do you think that Blue Valley increases in numbers while SMSD shrinks?

Education - Where to begin.  CRT and overstepping school boards and teacher's unions take control away from parents.  We all know the pain in the ass parent that now appears to be woke, but fought teachers, school boards, bus companies, etc.. because they didn't like a certain policy.  Now multiply that 100x and you end up with the current situation.

Mandates = Ever notice that the suddenly woke people in JOCO pushing for vaccinations and mask mandates are the same people that hated vaccinations and western medicine before they got their fresh talking points.  Holistic doctors, Whole Foods, Supplements, Crazy wacked out home remedies, were all the rage before Covid/Trump amongst the new woke JOCO.  NOW they say to get the vaccine, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.  It is hilarious to see the hypocrisy that these idiots display on a daily basis.  PICK A SIDE.  

The suddenly woke JOCO is a scam.  Those that bark the loudest about issues are typically those that were the biggest violators of that issue before Trump came into power and it became trendy to be against anything/everything that the idiot said. When you remove the idiot, nobody really wants the bullshit being pushed by the left unless you are wealthy enough to not have the policies really affect you or you depend on the government for all sense of security and self-worth.  

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

OP Leaders are freaking idiots, Political Hipsters

 A toll road?  Really?  This is the magic band-aid that they came up with their failures to address traffic problems in the South?  And it doesn't go beyond 151st
street where development is booming?  This might be the worst idea to come out of city government since the redevelopment of downtown OP by placing towering apartment complexes in a historic old town area.  Towering apartments that almost nobody can afford.  

Shit, I would rather the city take the big leap of putting in a light rail system, at least that makes some sort of sense.  Not building a road that hardly anybody will drive on because they are charging approx $50 per month for its usage and of course spite.  People that didn't want this (almost everyone) will refuse to utilize it strictly due to spite and they are wanting it to fail so that this type of idea NEVER happens again.  

All elections have consequences and we are seeing that in the city, county, judges, and school board now more than ever in JOCO.  It seems that there is a major push in the county to create a political class of elites.  Maybe they grew up watching too much West Wing.  Political hipsters! Idiots that want to take what made JOCO great and turn it into some left coast shit hole.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Prairie Village Quitter

Female democrats in JOCO were almost nonexistent until 2016 when Trump got

elected.  Sure there were those that said they were Dems but that was strictly due to their jobs working with the state or county government or they were transplants from a failed blue state.  So is it any surprise to learn that this Prairie Village Dem quit her gig after a year in congress?  Being a female Dem in JOCO now that Trump is gone it is no longer the trendy thing to claim and we will go back to our normal balance of whackos in the county.   

Monday, May 10, 2021

Not all Olathe Residents are Racist BUT


Almost all racial issues that happen in JOCO are carried out by Olathe residents.  So this baseball coach is just the latest example of Olathe being Olathe.  

Monday, April 26, 2021

Overland Park police chief’s not the problem - But there is a HUGE problem

 The calls to remove the OPPD Chief have gotten louder, much louder, but is he
the real issue with the Police Department? How about the city council, mayor, judges, and county commissioners?  Do they get a free pass?  Can you imagine the calls that were made by the elected douches of the county and city once this poor kid was gunned down in his house?  The pressure to make the murder go away and "punish" the officer had to be incredible.  

Cluster fucks like this typically only happen when people are forced to go behind the standards and practices that were created to handle a crisis and resolve it for "good PR".  If the chief were to follow the book, I seriously doubt a killer cop would have received 70k to kill a kid at his house. 

OP is currently undergoing a MAJOR identity crisis due to uncontrolled and poorly planned growth.  The choices and decisions the city has made over the past 10 years are choices typical of greed, power, and lack of knowing one's self.   The problem will not resolve itself until JOCO/OP residents start electing capable people with good character like they used to. 

Friday, April 09, 2021

Judge Neil Foth's Troubles Ignored by KS Supreme Court

 To say that the KS Court system is one big country club full of secrets, coverups and lies is an understatement.  I had this story emailed to me today by some good
people inside the government after reading my previous statements about the man and I of course couldn't believe what I was reading.

1.  There is proof that Judge Neil Foth tampered with a case that was not assigned to him to push actions for an employee of his.

2.  He knows of leaks of private and personal information coming from inside the courthouse to parties outside of the courthouse.  The information leaked is stored on closed systems and is not part of the JOCO Public Court Files that is accessible to the public through their website.

3.  Information leaked contains private information about the mental health cases of people residing inside Overland Park.  This information was then spread throughout several neighborhoods inside the city about this person.  HIPPA is obviously not carefully followed by Judge Foth who despite knowing of such leaks, did nothing to remedy the situation.  I myself was presented with such information and could not believe that this was all simply a few keystrokes away from people that were not directly assigned to the case.  When I brought this up, it was ignored.

4.  Private lawsuit information that was once again kept on a separate system from the public was also leaked out of his office.  At stake was a matter involving several hundreds of thousands and involved up to 9 people.  Their private information was pulled, leaked, and distributed without a single notification to any of the parties involved.  

If you dig further, there is more but those are some of the more serious highlights.  So, how is it that this man not only gets to keep his job without a proper investigation but he gets to keep his role in EDUCATING JUDGES????????  Come on Kansas, you are supposed to be better than this.  Our judicial system is supposed to be better than this.  

Johnson County residents should be able to have their personal information kept secret and not leaked, sold, tampered with.  The courts are supposed to be above that.  We put a lot of trust into not only judges, but paralegals, admins, guards, etc. in our courts do we not?  Do they not get a taxpayer-funded paycheck?

Just know this.  If you have any personal/private information, active/inactive cases inside the JOCO courthouse either private or public, that information is being passed around more than a Kansas Divorce attorney at a Judicial luncheon.  

Friday, April 02, 2021

JOCO lives more valuable than KCMO lives

If ever there was a doubt into the population worth more to the big thinkers in the country then the percentage of people receiving Covid vaccines should clearly illustrate this.  Keep in mind that this is with the fumbling rollout orchestrated by the former Parks & Rec leader that is now in charge of Kansas.  This is also despite the Chiefs opening up Arrowhead for jabs.  

Stay losing KCMO.  

Monday, March 29, 2021

150 people in JOCO are Super Woke

 Now JOCO may have its fair share of issues but having lived there for 40 years I
can safely say that hatred towards AAPI is not one of them.  If it was then there would probably have been a demonstration about an event that happened locally and not half the country away by some lunatic.  In fact, there have only been 2 occasions in my life that JOCO suffered real racial crimes and neither of them was directed towards Asians. 

1.  The shooting at the Jewish Community Center - Was carried out by some redneck psycho from SE Missouri.  He came to the area because he preyed upon our diversity.  You see there isn't one person in JOCO regardless of faith that hasn't attended a Bar Mitzvah.  If they haven't then they probably never got invited to any other events either.

2.  The shooting of folks in Olathe that he thought were Al Queda.  This mental midget was homegrown and might have been the stupidest fuck in the area.  You see, he shot non-Muslims because they were brown and spoke "funny".  Even this jackass was barely a JOCO resident.

In both instances, the community rallied against the hate quickly. End of story. 

BUT JOCO whites in a chatroom decided that something should finally be done in JOCO to raise awareness of a problem that doesn't exist in their community.  HOW VERY BRAVE!  This had far less to do with the AAPI community and more about their own self-worth.

Oh, and a special fuck you to those that hold signs saying "silence is violence".  No, violence is violence.  Your crying wolf and exploitation of tragedies to make you feel better about being white do more harm than good. Those of us who have nearly died due to violence understand what violence is.    

What if John Albers was Black?

 The story of the murder of John Albers is far from over, especially since his mother is now going after the Chief of Police in OP for lies he told.  Outside of
the JOCO area though, nobody cares that a 17-year-old kid was shot 6 times for backing his car out of his family's driveway and the only reason I can understand is that the kid was white and from the burbs.  

This means that there will not be a single protest, no building lit on fire, no trendy spray painting of ACAB on the side of Wendy's, and yes a complete total pass on any legal ramifications for the former officer (who got paid nearly 12K per bullet that hit the kid).  Nooooo, the officer is probably in Arkansas fishing on a brand new bass boat that the city basically gave him.  

Imagine doing your job sooooooooo poorly that you ended the life of someone and your boss saying that they had to let you go but you get 70k. Who wouldn't sign up for a 70k severance package for being really shitty at their job!  AND THIS was considered punishment for KILLING a kid.  

City's have been torn down for suspects being shot despite them being in possession of murder weapons, high as fuck, assaulting cops, etc..  Yet this past summer the woke whites of JOCO marched for a man in Mn. and did nothing for Albers.  

Fuck you, woke jocoians for your racial pandering and neglect of a kid in your own city.