Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Did Metro overreact to snapchat messaging?

 Now before I start this, let me state that overreacting is better than underreacting when it comes to protecting our kids and that every credible threat should be handled swiftly.....BUT

Does the whole metro need to close down its schools because a former Blue Springs student, that resides in Blue Springs made a message on Snapchat about turning psycho?  

There has to be a middle ground between the cowardly responses in Texas and Florida for active shooter responses to the Metro lockdown over a credible threat.  Doesn't there?  

I remember the weeks after September 11th the constant evacuation of buildings because a purse was left on the ground or a briefcase looked suspicious. In every one of those cases, they were wrong.  Police and intelligence officials always miss the real threats but go overboard for everything.  The color-coding of alerts meant nothing because we were always under some threat, which we were but the constant false alarms made people stop paying attention when they were supposed to.  

Law enforcement could have scooped up this alleged psycho in a matter of minutes after the report and neutralized the threat and prevented widespread panic throughout the school districts in the metro.  Or is this exactly what they wanted?

Do the politicians and educators have an alternative motive for overreacting?  

Look at the political leanings of people in these jobs and you try and tell me that there isn't