Friday, July 11, 2014


As many of you MIGHT have noticed I am taking the majority of the summer off to avoid burnout before this years elections.  I thought I had posted this all ready but apparently it never made it.  

Let's face it all that we would be talking about is teens on the plaza, murder in kcmo, the decline of N. Joco and what a crappy president obama is.  Nothing changes in KC, just the date. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Over Rated GOAT!

Dear Sir,
You are the Bill Buckner of US Soccer.  Please retire.  You are over rated and have been out classed in every way this World Cup.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Photo of the day

KCMO Liberalism Fail

The liberals TRIED to expand government in the city by making a department to license and and
train people on FEEDING THE HOMELESS.    This idea might go down as one of the stupidest things that I have ever heard of in my life.  Only a liberal would want to make it more difficult for people to give to the poor and needy .Well, i guess when it is liberals that rarely give to charity in either time or money it is ok to try and get some $$ from those that do. 

Let me simplify this for you idiots that feel that you need classes and special permits to take care of the hungry people in your freaking city.

1.  Spot homeless person
2.  Have food
3.  Give food to homeless person.

The End. 

More Benghazi Info leaked

Benghazi Attackers Stolen State Department Phones | The Daily Caller

Does anyone really believe the story that Obama tried to spin about Benghazi anymore?  Does Hillary actually think she stands a chance in hell to win in 2016 without answering real questions about the slaughter that happened on her watch (or lack of)?  

Worst foreign policy in American History. 

Clinton doesn't know when she was for Gay Marriage and why

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Headline of the Day - Flipper Edition

NASA Employee Talks Sex Encounters Dolphin | The Daily Caller


"There was a smell and Flies" - OP Residents

OP police ID homicide victim | Local News - KMBC Home

For those of you that believe that JOCO residents always keep their eyes on minorities in their
neighborhood I present to you the idiots of North OP.  These people were so in tune with their neighborhood that they didn't notice the guy was dead until flies started showing up on his windows. Good job people.

Wait, as I type this I then start to think that the reason that nobody in that neighborhood noticed he was dead was because he was black and they didn't associate with him.  

Either way the people in that neighborhood suck. 

KC Celebrates Hoe Reform

Mothers celebrate fight back from life on streets | Local News - KMBC Home

It is great to think that these women are actually reformed and ready to take their place in society BUT I think that I will listen to the words of Willie D and remember that you got to let a Hoe be a Hoe.

RINO Cantor Sent Packing

Cantor upset in Virginia GOP primary by Tea Party backed challenger | Fox News

The closer one seems to be cooperating with Obama the more at risk they are and Cantor was nothing but a RINO.  The party is better off without him and his lack luster leadership.

21 Things You Need To Know About Kansas City Before You Move There - Movoto Real Estate

The folks over at Movoto Real Estate sent me this list that they put together titled  "21 Things You Need To Know About Kansas City Before You Move There".  I think they did a pretty good job because we all know that Kansas is always better than Missouri.