Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wussification of America

Colorado Springs School Bans Tag on Playground, Citing Conflicts
Thursday , August 30, 2007

An elementary school has banned tag on its playground after some children complained they were harassed or chased against their will. "It causes a lot of conflict on the playground," said Cindy Fesgen, assistant principal of the Discovery Canyon Campus school.

Running games are still allowed as long as students don't chase each other, she said. Fesgen said two parents complained to her about the ban but most parents and children didn't object. In 2005, two elementary schools in the nearby Falcon School District did away with tag and similar games in favor of alternatives with less physical contact. School officials said the move encouraged more students to play games and helped reduce playground squabbles.
The wussification of America continues. I can only hope that Tag will be replaced with group hugs and art/crafts. The world of Nerf that these kids are growing up in is surely going to translate into more productive and well adjusted citizens. I think it is wise to keep kids away from all types of conflict. Who wants a kid that has faced and dealt with issues amongst peers? Who wants a kid that is competitive and wants to win? I think it is a much better idea to have a kid that looks for others to solve their problems and if that doesn't work just pass some laws to eliminate it.