Thursday, November 01, 2007


If one of these people show up outside your workplace or neighborhood be sure to hide your wallet. These are Kansas City's blackmail artist and they will shake you down if you do not agree with them.

Here is their new list of complaints after meeting with the marxist Huerta.
Current shakedowns in progress & my solutions and decoding
1. Not enough hispanics on boards & commissions - Become qualified to hold one of these spots
2. Not enough hispanics on city contracts/projects - What is enough?
3. Access to healthcare - Get a job with benefits
4. Access to housing - What the hell does this mean?
5. Access to economic development - Social welfare?
6. Access to education - Public schools are for everyone, unless you are illegal
7. Firing of Semler - Right after you stop taking contributions from La Raza

As you can see most of these items are things that any US Citizen is entitled to, so where is the shake? Simple, they want preferential treatment in obtaining these items and they want ILLEGALs to have access to them as well.