Saturday, November 17, 2007


As the Blogg gets bigger I have been making it a little easier to navigate. I have added some new features and will be adding some more this weekend.

1. The Index- This will allow you to search through posts by labels that are commonly used. Just remember that this will not cover all labels covered.
2. Video links- I am keeping a link list of videos that I have posted.
3. Top lists- All of my Top lists will be indexed on the side.
4. Sports Information - I have overhauled this to include the top columnists in their sport. Most of these guys can be heard on Soren Petros show. So if you hear someone on the radio and you can not remember who they are I will have them.
5. Photo Gallery- Most of the photos/cartoons that go along with my post will be put in an album for easy indexing and downloading. This is not done yet.

Plus more to come.