Tuesday, January 22, 2008


and it needs to stop before it spirals further out of control and this city becomes a bigger joke. Let's look at some of the wonderful things going on with the metros anchor tenant (kcmo) and how this effects the area.

1. Coe, McFadden-Weaver and Katheryn Shields all criminals in one way or another. The idiots were kept in power despite shady dealings and controversy. Don't think for a minute that there aren't more of them doing the same thing as I type this.

2. The Mayor - seems completely clueless when it comes to PR. This guy runs through city hall like a freshman on his first day of high school.

3. The School District - 20 something superintendents in 20 something years. The school board is full of people that have a KCMO public school education, how intelligent can they be?

4. Police Department - Jim Corwin is a complete disaster. Anyone can cook stats to make it appear that the crime rate is going down but anyone that reads a newspaper or watches the news or hell even dodges bullets while sitting on their porch know better.

5. Economic Development - I am not talking about Arena's and more retail. When was the last time a major corporation moved its HQ to Kansas City? I get the whole "build it and they will come" theory but someone needs to be out there selling what we are building.

6. Convention Business - When the hell did our convention business depend on liberal special interest groups? La Raza, NAACP, _______ religious group etc. The city needs to steer away from conventions that will be used to blackmail the area to push their agenda.

7. Blight - When in the hell is the city going to start tearing down known drug houses, cleaning up parks and alleys? If you don't clean a cut it will get infected.

8. Unemployment amongst blacks - DID I READ THAT 40% are unemployed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET TO WORK. I don't want to hear that there are no jobs out there because the people that are employing illegals are saying that there ARE NO WORKERS!

9. The media - WHY IS THERE NOT MORE COVERAGE ON THESE ISSUES????????? It is easy to report on a murder, poor test scores, conventions leaving, unemployment etc.. How about you get off your asses and cover the REASONS WHY THIS IS HAPPENING. The people that cover sports in this city make a bigger deal out of Larry Johnson not playing than the people at the star or local TV stations do regarding real issues.

10. Light Rail - Too much time is being spent on this Disney Land ride. People in Kansas city like to drive, always have and always will. Now drop it.

11. A MEMBER OF THE PARKS BOARD QUIT AND IT IS NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blame La Raza, The Mayor and the media for making this an issue.
  • La Raza for exploiting the situation to try and gain some PR in this town. Until Semler came along who actually gave a crap about them? Well enjoy the spotlight because the heat is now going to be coming your way. Where you get your donations from, the citizenship of your members/protesters, where does the money you get go? Is it being used to break the law?.... Have fun.
  • The Mayor for being a PR nightmare. There was no compromise possible yet your dumb ass continued to show up at protest meetings thus adding fuel to the fire.
  • The Media for being lazy in their coverage. Are you afraid of asking minorities tough questions?
Who in their right mind is going to relocate their family or company to this city while all of this is going on? The trickle down effect that this stuff has DOES in fact effect the people living in the burbs and beyond. The problems is that nobody seems to care, because many of these problems have been around for awhile now with no REAL action taken to fix them. We would rather complain about the branding of neighborhoods, parking at the Sprint Center, what type of car the mayor drives etc.... Do you know why? Because we have become apathetic to the whole situation. It has become the norm.