Friday, January 11, 2008


1. Stiffest crime ever issued for shoplifting. Isn't that what you call it when you don't pay for something that is for sale?

2. KCMO well in front of KCK so far this year in the murder race. Even friends are getting into the act. Way to take one for the team.

3. Kansas City area will no longer have any KY. Gary Lezak could not be reached for comment

4, DEMOCRAT RACISM FINALLY EXPOSED! Grand Wizard Clinton ducks questions.

5. How in the hell do you go from eating humans to vegetarian?

6. Hillary stealing the NH election through fraud is getting some traction from within her own party. When this gathers more steam just remember who predicted it.

7. In Hillary's eyes if you are a woman you are above the law. If you are poor you should take the money from those that work. GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. And yet another candidate for 2nd place in the Parent of the Year award.