Sunday, January 20, 2008


1. Ugliest woman in KC tries to take deputy for ride. Seriously, this woman is scary looking.

2. Remember when Indiana Jones went head to head with the sword dudes? Well this guy suffered the same fate with a machete

3. Baldwin City enters murderfest 08 by throwing one up on the scoreboard.

4. This poor guy never even got to eat the chow. How in the hell are these guys suppose to keep the streets safe when they can't even keep a guy in a holding cell alive?

5. PMSBC continues their slip out of any type of relevance regarding the news. And they wonder why they are in last place.

6. Hillary Clinton hands out hot chocolate to black people in efforts to make up for her recent racist ways. On Tuesday will be in South Carolina handing out 2x4's, gasoline and white sheets.

7. How the mighty have fallen. Bill Clinton is now considered a cancer inside his own party.

8. Lipstick gives women bigger breast. I couldn't make up this story if I tried.

9. Another union is about to cave.