Sunday, January 27, 2008


1. With all the shootings that happened at Targets you would think it is about time to change their logo.

2. Tyson is doing its part to depart mexicans. This is good news to us in JOCO looking for cheaper landscaping.

3. When I hear the word apartheid I think of South Africa and the treatment of Nelson Mandella. I don't think of black people in America struggling with their Variable Rate Mortgages.

4. This sicko went around raping old women and the paralyzed over 100 times yet could be freed on bail on Monday.

5. These two learned nothing from Flick and Ralphie. What is the point of airing the movie for 24 hours on Christmas if people are not learning the important life lessons that the movie provides?

6. The son of our governor is an idiot. Not much of a surprise considering the parents. I hope the creators of OZ sue this guy for his lack of originality because all of the ideas that his parents think are his own creative creations are straight out of OZ episodes.

7. The Clintons spend more time defending each other than they do campaigning. When will they wake up a realize that nobody outside of the Trailer Park community cares about them.

8. The worst column in the red star. This guy brings absolutely nothing to the table and is considered a drunk joke amongst his peers. Why does he still have a job?