Thursday, February 07, 2008


1. Why the hell does it take so long to get paperwork done?
2. Packing is not nearly as fun as unpacking.
3. Getting rid of stuff you do not want to take is a hassle. 80% of the crap we own needs to go. It is either going to be upgraded or has outlived its purpose.
4. The thing they don't tell you is that you will need an additional 10k to furnish your new home. We need furniture for the kitchen, master bedroom, scrapbook room and another TV. Not to mention the possibility of a pool table & Bar for the basement.
5. Buying in the winter means backyard additions have to be put on hold.
6. I am going to have to learn to speak Blue Valley.
7. Everyone has "a guy" for everything. What makes their guy the right guy?
8. When you are having to tell your real estate agent how to negotiate you ask yourself why is this guy getting a commission.
9. Taxes
10. MOVING - I think we have this covered with a moving company but it still is a pain.
11. The learning of abbreviations. The code that these people speak is only rivaled by txt messaging and Navajo Indians.