Saturday, February 16, 2008


1. Once again proving that this blog is read by more criminals than any other blog in the metro, these guys are back on track. Like I said earlier nobody gives a crap if you rob a gas station, just stay away from Quick Trips.

2. "But Mom all the kids are taking them to school now, the other kids will pick on me". The kids in the metro lack originality and most importantly common sense.

3. If you are going to rob a storage place would you target KCK? Seriously, what the hell are you going to get out of a KCK storage facility? That is like shoplifting at the Dollar Store.

4. Phil Kline has a list of the sluttiest women in Kansas. It is no wonder that so many people want that list. From Dogma Jay: We figure an abortion clinic is a good place to meet loose women. Why else would they be there unless they like to ____?
5. Is Lawrence, Ks going for most violent town in Kansas? KU most have a lot of out of state students from Missouri this year.

6. Put down the guns and pick up a umm basketball? Night Hoops is the biggest joke in the world. This program has been going on for over 15 years and in that time Crime has risen in this city. Plus everyone knows that the only time to see good hoops in this city is at Swope Park on Saturdays.