Thursday, August 28, 2008


And I'm not joking. If you monitor the US casualties in Iraq over the last couple months vs. the amount of casualties in the East Side of KCMO(or the metro in general) you will see that we are ahead of the terrorist over there (JOCO being the Green Zone). Rather than doing something about it people are actually defending the East Side as a good place to live and celebrate its diversity. It is this attitude that will continue to see body counts rise as we head into what is traditionally the most dangerous time of the year.

This is what happens when you create a welfare state full of people that can't do crap without government assistance. They become helpless and wait for someone else to fix their problems. Even with the dozens of socialist programs focused on people living in the inner city there is still high unemployment, horrible blight, no sense of self worth, drug abuse, drug dealing, street gangs, high drop out rates, stabbings, shootings, rapes, car jackings, child neglect etc..

It is time for the people that live in these neighborhoods to start standing up for themselves or the below mentioned stories will never end.

1. Meet last nights Daily Double Winners in the East Side.

2. The aim of our Drive-by shooters has improved as of late (proof that practice makes perfect.

3. This is exactly what I am talking about! A prayer service to stop the violence was held last night. STOP PRAYER SERVICES, STOP LIGHTING CANDLES AND TAKE REAL ACTION!! The same night that you had this service THREE PEOPLE WERE KILLED!