Monday, September 29, 2008


Our country is in serious trouble both foreignly and domestically and some of you bastards want to hand it over to OBAMA? Nearly a year ago I mentioned on this blog that we could be heading to another World War. In that post I mentioned the economic uncertainty of our country and the military growth of our enemies. As I skim the headlines I can't help but wonder how close we are to the end of our freedoms.

1. Bush & Democrats advance our economy to socialism.

2. Chavez & Putin aim to put nukes in South America (aimed at the United States)

3. Chinese have first space walk.

4. Automakers get bailout? WTF!

5. Government is taking over our economy.

6. Dems find another way to redistribute wealth.

7. Matt Blunt has to fight off Obama's KGB tactics.

8. Seperation of Church and State no longer exist.

9. Personal Carbon monitoring could be coming to the United States. HOLY CRAP BIG BrOTHER!

10. Terrorist on the seas.

With all this going on do we really want to elect a freaking community activist that doesn't even have a track record in that? Good lord people, wake the F*** up!