Tuesday, September 02, 2008


TOP TEN stories that you must know about in order to start your day.

1. Somebody should of told this Jacksonville Jaguar player that nothing good happens at 2am.

2. This guy MIGHT of over reacted to having his car egged. Keep it gangsta YO!

3. If you get shot to death at 100 years old is it murder or a humane act?

4. Police now say that there is a strong possibility that Caylee is dead. YA THINK!

5. Are suitcase caskets the new trendy item for hip murderers. "Cause of death was not immediately available"... I'm going to take murder for $500 on this one.

6. How can you tell if Amy Winehouse is drugged out?

7. Your internet use is about to be capped if you have TW or Comcast.

8. Worlds of Fun will still suck even after they build this ride.

9. Grass is green, sky is blue, sun is hot... convenience store gets robbed in KCMO.

10. As predicted, Oil prices continue to drop.