Monday, September 08, 2008

THE WIRE - Weekend Review

What a weird weekend.

1. This is indeed a rare crime. It appears that even if you are fortunate enough to have a bank account while living in the East Side your still screwed. I do like how he asked her to take out $500. Did he not know what neighborhood he was in?

2. Never take a sword to a knife fight. Dumb ass.

3. Next time your kid acts up give it the East Side treatment.

4. 2 shot in the East Side Saturday night. Where is Joe Clark with his baseball bat when you need him?

5. Don't jack with women in Lenexa. The cops don't really like that.

6. Dead bodies in KCK are like pennies in the streets of JOCO. I hope that dough boy and Trey got Rickey's football back after finding him.

7. Missouri residents are trying to lure JOCO kids over the internet. When will Missouri clean up its act and just leave us alone?

8. KCK bank robbed... I hope the robbers enjoy the roll of quarters they got out of the vault.

9. KCPD is cooking the stats.......... Imagine how crappy they would be if they were honest.

10. 39th street is dropping bodies, WERD!