Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I had thought about stopping this segment of the blog due to the parade on prospect. I thought for sure that crime was going to stop but shockingly it hasn't.

1. 3 guns, 3 men, 2 alive, 1 dead on Spruce. (pssst...that is the East side, now look away)

2. Officer injured when man in KCMO tried to run after a traffic stop.

3. The fact that this guy isn't getting the death penalty still pisses me off. If not him then WHO?

4. Thanks to the residents of KCK, violent crime is up in Kansas. Good job fellas, keep up the good work.

5. While MS-13 gang graffiti goes up all over West Olathe they feel its more important to tackle the serious problem of parking. Did you know that the Olathe PD has a gang unit? I told you last year that latino gangs were moving into the area, yet nobody believed me.

6. Why does violence to small animals always occur in KCK? Poor kitty.

7. Teenage girl gets gun pulled on her in KCK. Way to represent da hood.