Thursday, November 06, 2008


I have been reading a lot of political crap the past two days in which people are attacking the chosen one and it bugs me. Face it folks John McCain lost the election, the reach across the aisle part of our party lost the election. It's time to move on and fix our house before we tear down the neighbors.

If you will notice I never backed McCain, why would I? He didn't stand for anything I believed in and only received my support because 1. He wasn't Obama and 2. He chose Palin. Other than that this guy made me sick and the actions of him and his staff after the election only strengthen my belief. This guy has been the worst thing to hit the Republican party since Watergate.

Fear not, I have a plan.

1. Kick out the moderate bastards that backed McCain. They can join the Donkeys.

2. Forget about the far right. They will vote Republican without us pandering to their extremist views.

3. Read your constitution. Over the next 2-4 years this document will come under attack on a daily basis by those that want to poison our country through our president.

4. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. If the socialist in this country want to fight dirty it is time to level the playing field. We can not push candidates that are afraid to attack their ideals.

5. Stick to the basics. The Republican party use to have a simple message of less government, low taxes, strong defense and low spending. George Bush ruined that as did McCain.

6. Screw Public Financing of campaigns.

7. Start small - It is time to put conservatives in city and state governments before we start worrying about 2012.