Thursday, November 27, 2008



1. KCK residents can look forward to paying more for their utilities thanks to the crooks at the EPA.

2. Since JOCO is a safe wholesome community the police officers are free to get hammered on the job.

3. This is the Kansas Citian of the year???????? Give me a break! I am sick of rich people rewarding each other for sitting on boards. Who the hell in this city has heard of this chick before now? This award should go out to all Kansas Citians that work multiple jobs in order to provide for their families. Citizens that while having very little still find the time and resources to help others. Not some chick who happened to shake the right hands at the right parties this year.

4. The only thing worst than the last name is the woman. I now understand why Funkhouser is so tall. He has to grow to make room for his wifes hand that is lodged up his ass. If you have ever shaken the hand of this woman be sure to wash them right away.

5. Couple gets busted for having sex in handicapped stall at football game.

6. Isn't it good to know that we are spending billions of dollars on researching water sources in outer space while millions in Africa can't find a drop to drink on our planet?

7. Old person dies in Indiana. I guess that this is news to someone......

8. Missouri man nearly takes off the head of his daughter with electric saw.

9. G&R give us free Dr. Pepper.

10. People that follow celebrity relationships typically have no lives. There lack of lives force us to skim through the crappy headlines that they consider news in order to find real stories. On that note does anyone give a crap about an old woman and a baseball players relationship?