Friday, January 09, 2009


EIGHT Stories that most of you morons wouldn't know about if it wasn't for me forcing you to read this crap. Enjoy

1. This story is for you inbreed hick from KCK. You will soon be able to buy squirrel flavored potato chips at a grocery store near you.

2. Solar Storm threatens to end our way of life according to NASA. Surely the Tree hugging leftist will figure out a way to say that solar storms are man made.

3. Hatred for Jewish people keeps spreading through out the world. This time in Rome. I can't believe that people actually support terrorist like Hamas and condem a country trying to defend themselves.

4. Since we have no proof as to skin pigmentation of Jesus shouldn't this be a nonissue?

5. Americans are too stupid to switch to Digital TV. You bastards are unbelievably lazy and stupid. If you can't get this right

6. I want the people that dump dead bodies in our fields and sidewalks to read this story. John Gotti knew how to take care of business.

7. Fox News asks you which NFL playoff team has the best cheerleaders (pssst it has pictures)

8. Those of us that watch THE WIRE on HBO aren't stunned about a Baltimore Mayor getting in big time trouble. I wonder if McNulty solved this one.