Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have been getting several emails over the past month asking me about my posting frequency or lack there of.  I guess that some of you missed my post regarding my holiday cutback in posting.   The timing was pretty crappy because at that exact same time a few local bloggers (including myself) starting receiving threatening emails from a reader.  I can assure you that one had nothing to do with the other.  Sometimes it is good to take a step back and rest from current events and politics. 

Last year I decided to make the blog more national than local.  I covered the major stories just like everyone else but I stayed away from the daily BS that plagues this town.  Honestly, Kansas City isn't that interesting.  The city is only relevant twice a year (American Royal and Plaza lights).  So in 2010 I will continue a 60/40 mix but will also be throwing in more local election and normal day to day crap.  

Enjoy the rest of your week and I will be back in 2010.