Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Almost daily link blast - Leftist Sicko Edition

These folks never fail to represent the Democrats in the best possible way.  Role models, all of them.  

1.  Armed psycho arrested before he got his wish in killing Kavanaugh over abortion leak.  
2. Leftists firebomb a  pro-life pregnancy clinic.  
3.  Just in time for election season, MONKEY POX MASK mandates.  That is right, they are trying to say that now MONKEY POX is airborne.  If you are wearing a mask to prevent this rare nonfatal disease then you are a giant douche.  
4.  Yet another sex crime reported against a man that has more sex crime convictions than he does hit movies.  This man was a bag man for the left and often lectured YOU on how to live your life.
5.  Ever since the FBI became more about politics than enforcing the law, they have failed this country in almost every case that has been brought to them.  Their investigative skills are terrible and their corruption is second to none.  This time, these women are fighting back against their failures to prosecute a sexual offender.