Monday, June 27, 2022

How my kids changed my stance on Abortion

I have always stated that I didn't want to discuss abortion with anybody at any
time, regardless of the situation.  We had laws, that the court decided and my personal position wasn't going to change anything, so why argue about it.  The key wording here is "personal position" because I believe that we all have personal freedoms that should not be interfered with by outsiders. The tricky part here is when do you consider something in your body a group of cells vs a baby.  

BUT since having two daughters,

The thought of other people telling my daughters what they can/can't do with their personal healthcare pisses me off.  I trust that they are capable of making these choices on their own and that they do not need men or the government to tell them what to do. They would be the ones that would have to deal with the mental, physical, and life-altering decision that was made, long after the other people claiming to have control over their bodies have gone or lost interest in the specific moment in their lives. Politicians will not be around for feedings at 1am or guilt and depression if they take the other route

I know a lot of my conservative readers will be pissed off and disappointed with this stance, which is why I never discuss it,  Hell, I never even discussed it with my kids, because I honestly believe that it wasn't my "right" to do so.  If I was ever asked, then I would simply say, "I trust you to do what you feel is the right thing", I would offer my opinion but hold no judgments because it isn't my place.  I also never discussed religion with them, does that mean I am against religion? No. And If I was asked, I would tell them my beliefs but not push those on them.  If they had questions, I would go further, but even that would be my opinion as a man that wouldn't have to live with that decision.  

The funny thing is that since I am conservative on government, military, constitution, spending, etc... They and other people probably automatically assume that I would be on the other side of this issue, and other social issues but that couldn't be further from the truth.  

The only thing I do agree with is that this should be a state issue, like most issues in this country, the power belongs to the states,  

Everything is a mess.