Monday, July 11, 2022

Almost Daily Link Blast - Liberals Suck Day #7,999.999.999,001

 Condensing liberal destruction into bite-size pieces for us normal folk.

1.  Biden tells the father of school shooting victim to sit down and shut up at the White House.  Holy shit.

2.  64% of Dems now hate Joe Biden and believe he is a creepy old man with dementia and a fucked up family. Yet they voted for him and ruined our economy, public safety, etc..

3.  Biden is incapable of walking from events.  This goes along with his inability to speak clearly, remember what he said three minutes prior, and not perv out on young women.

4.  25h amendment is now being considered for the crypt keeper.  

5.  Liberal conservation plans are leading to the destruction of Yellowstone Park.  

6.  Schumer has Covid despite having received 4 shots.  

7.  The tolerant leftist mayor of a small town, now known to us as Mayor Pete, says that it is ok to publicly harass a Supreme court justice while he is trying to eat dinner.

8.  Homeless hit the Hamptons.