Showing posts with label soccer moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soccer moms. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blue Valley's Crooked Women?

OP police investigate missing funds from parent-teacher organization | Local News - KMBC Home 

Having kids attending and a wife that is extremely active with the PTO gives me a little insight into
this whole organization and its true purposes (which rarely benefit the kids and instead benefit the teachers or the school building) and how clumsy that some of the accounting can be.  Luckily, the group at our school are professionals at this and we have never had an issue with cash.

With that said I seriously doubt that anyone is going to have to look beyond the inner circle of this organization to find the criminal.  Blue Valley soccer moms will do anything to keep up with the Jones's, especially if they are experiencing financial difficulties.

I am honestly shocked that this doesn't happen more often.

Monday, March 03, 2008


This has some serious potential, with the right marketing. Who wouldn't pay good money to see cat fighting at Chuck E. Cheese? I think they should set up a ring in the middle of the place and allow soccer moms to duke it out. The winner could get 6 tickets and the loser would have to eat from the salad bar.

1. Matches could take place every Saturday afternoon (after soccer games)
2. Contestants would be put into divisions based on age and weight.
3. The moron dressed up as Chuck E. Cheese would be the referee.
4. There would be 3 rounds with a 2 minute time limit.
5. Biting, pinching, hair pulling and clothes ripping are all allowed and encouraged.
6. Matches would take place in the ball pit.
7. Winners from each location would advance to the championships held at the Sprint Center (Sponsored by Chuck E. Cheese).

Seriously, this could take the place of jello wrestling.