Showing posts with label woodlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woodlands. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


1. I almost didn't do a quick hits for today until I read this little White Trash GEM. It is one thing to rob a Waffle House, it is total White Trash to use a bomb threat to rob a Waffle House.

2. The Red Star considers the sale of Star Wars toys breaking news........

3. The Mayors "task force" attempts to paint a turd.

4. People in KCMO should just remove their doors and put all of their valuables in their front yard.

5. Crime was better when it was Organized in this city.

6. Meth & Lice will have to find a new home after their KCK residence closes.

7. Expect a weed shortage in KC.

8. URBAN AGRICULTURE? ARE THEY FREAKING KIDDING! Blood makes a terrible fertilizer.

9. These JOCO kids need their ass's kicked. Get a freaking life.

10. Last week police dogs were getting Kevlar vests, this week the brave men & women that are first on the scene don't get them.