Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The people of Independence have finally rid themselves of the biggest joke in the metro area, the Kansas City, Mo school district. Opponents of this move wanted to turn this into a racial issue, instead of an education issue but failed in the end. It is good to see a group finally stand up to the Board of finger pointers. Have this idiots ever thought that maybe THEY were the problem and not the superintendent (whom they elect)?

How long before kids going to Turner try to join the SMSD?


The behaviors of the below mentioned students are the greatest threat that our public school system faces in todays society. Forget about high drop out rates, school shootings and teachers sleeping with students. HUGGING is the real problem.

Detention for a Hug goodbye.

Best friend has a death in HIS family, DO NOT HUG HIM. LET HIM SUFFER!

What kind of message does it send to the kids when the same school that is handing them boxes of Trojans and giving sex pointers says it is bad to hug. Isn't this backwards?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Larry Johnson is done for the season.


That the biggest homer announcer in the Big 12(Jim Rose) is stepping down. Apparently even Jim couldn't watch this team attempt to play football this year. It is funny how the coach is still there but everyone around him is dropping.

There are also reports circulating that Corn had decided not to grow in the state of Nebraska unless Callahan is fired

ROSIE "THE HUT" is back - Rosie O'Donnell

To quote Charlie Brown, good grief. Do people with a brain actually find this thing funny? She is seriously mentally unstable yet PMSNBC is going to give her a show. THE SAME STATION that fired Don Imus. They better hold "The Hut" to the same standards that they did Imus when they canned him.


I have decided to start my own television network and all I need is aprox $200 million dollars. After scanning the channel listings the other day I noticed a group that has been overlooked in programming, white people. It amazed me the number of ethnic groups that have 5-10 channels designed for their culture, language or skin color, yet none for the average white person. There isn't even a channel for the Irish who happen to be the most persecuted ethnicity to come to the United States besides Africans, and in some places even more so than them.

So after this research I have decided to start WET. White Entertainment Television. This is a sure fire money maker and I am offering you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor. I am sure that Time Warner could make room for the channel between the iislamic fundamentalist channel and the Spanish Cartoon network.

Hillary's Camp in Trouble

It is amazing what one week will do to a campaign. Two weeks ago the dishonorable senator from NY was on top of the world and almost guaranteed the socialist party nomination, this week not so much. If you think this is a one week thing, think again. People are beginning to bring up the "trust" issue with her and she has no defense.

A few things to look for

1. Kathryn Willey has a book coming out in which she blames the Clintons for murdering her husband.
2. She will not give access to documents regarding her time as first lady. Time that she states makes her the most qualified person for the job.
3. Her lack of answers to direct questions and bumbling of an immigration issue in her own state.

4. The Clinton war parties path of destruction the minute anyway questions her. One of them even said that Tim Russert should be shot.
5. Her recent tantrum about being ganged up on by a bunch of men.
6. Her need for Bill to start campaigning in Iowa
7. Nobody wants to become her VP.
8. Campaign Financing issues follow her at every stop.
9. How long before Vince Fosters name comes up?
10. What about Sandy Berger?

These are just a few issues that she is going to have to start facing in the primary (from her party). If she does get the nomination just imagine the field day that the Republican party will have destroying her credibility.

Monday, November 05, 2007


If so the cat can be found in Grandview poaching deer.


This campaign is starting to look more and more like Howard Deans run in 04. It is sad when a group of crybabies call you out for being an even bigger crybaby. I am waiting for the NAACP to come out against Obama for being too black and the Gay & Lesbian community to say that Edwards is too feminine.

Amanda Bynes HOT ?


As many of you know I go to Topeka twice a week for business. It is usually a fairly uninteresting trip and I enjoy the time out of the office, until today. I had my run in with the Phelps Klan at aprox 21st and gage at a stoplight when the noticed my front license plate said United States Marines. 5 of them approached my car and started yelling nice things like "you will die" (duh, we all do), "*ags are going to kill you", "you are a piece of *hit" (from the girl who couldn't of been older than 12). I think I made them more upset because I was laughing my ass off at them during the whole thing and the leader guy started walking around the front of my car. So I opened up my door and stepped out and the leader ran back up to the sidewalk.

When I drove back by after my meeting they had left. I am sure the reason the left was to go catch Ellen's show.


Marc Vincent Sappington. Remember this guy? This is the fine Citizen from KCK ( hard to believe, I know)that heard voices in his head that caused him to murder and then eat his friends. His appeal was shot down this weekend and it looks like Hannibal will be spending the rest of his life behind bars. Why this guy didn't get the chair is beyond me. If not a guy that eats humans then who?


This girl has 8 limbs and is being called the reincarnation of a Hindu God. Apparently she is a conjoined twin except her twin has no head. No word as of yet on her web shooting capabilities.


Being a former Marine it was good to see them pick the Gilyeat family. Not enough is done in this country for wounded soldiers and what is done is a joke. One of the saddest things about this country is that people on welfare and illegal aliens get better health care than our troops. The VA should be shut down and replaced.

If they wanted to do this Marine a favor they would blow up the house and move him to another part of the metro. This guy deserves peace and quiet and not the sound of gunshots in the middle of the night, he just left that.


1. They scored more points on Nebraska than anyone else on history. They could of easily put 100 on the "black shirts" but Mangino pulled the starters at the end. I all ready have my call list made up and plan on having some fun with my Cornhusker friends and clients.
2. KU is ranked #4 in both mens hoops and football.
3. Even if KU loses its next two they still have a chance to win the Big 12 north with a victory against MU at Arrowhead at the end of the season.
4. If you are a casual fan looking for a ticket to the KU vs MU game you are out of luck. The cheapest ticket I have been able to find is $250.